Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 243 Female Venerable, I am Mother

Chapter 243 Female Venerable, I am Mother Ten

Are these side lords also qualified to enter the palace?

However, I have indeed heard that some wives will bring their favorite husbands to the banquet, such as the kind of women who are so seductive...

His Highness is so sensible, he is not that kind of person!

Yun Fei smiled lightly and said: "Let's all go, I don't know if I will return to the capital in this life, I will take you to meet the Queen Mother and say goodbye to her."

"Your Highness, don't be sad! We brothers will always be with you." Gong Liusu held her free left hand and looked at her seriously.

"I'm fine.!"

Although the five men have different personalities, they treat Yunfei the same!

People's hearts are made of flesh, and they pay attention to the kindness the wife master treats them.

Also because of Yunfei's attitude, Gong Liusu suppressed the discomfort in his heart and began to try to deal with the younger brothers.

When the five people got acquainted with each other, they found that although their backgrounds were not high, their personalities were not bad.

Unlike his mother's backyard, where the men fought each other and tried their best to reduce the number of people in the backyard.

However, while they were hurting, the mother was accepting!No matter how fast they died, they couldn't keep up with the speed at which the mother carried people through the door.

Unlike the backyard of their palace...

Regarding whether His Highness will go or not, they are in the courtyard without fighting or grabbing.

It may also be because there is no need to fight...!
His Highness is unshakable, according to the order of entry, one day goes to one courtyard, what is there to grab!

Gong Liusu was very lucky, because he only had a bit of arrogance left, so he didn't listen to the dowry father-in-law, and used tricks to call his wife back to the main courtyard from the other courtyard.

His Highness clearly said that she doesn't like fighting in the backyard, and she doesn't favor anyone, and what she should have must be five shares!

There is no preference and uniqueness.


New Year's Eve, palace banquet.

The ministers were all whispering, discussing Yunfei's move to bring all five husbands.

"Prince Jing is too sentimental. On such an important day as today, you shouldn't bring those side lords who are not on the stage."

"Unbearable to reuse..."

"I'm afraid the queen will get angry again later."

"The empress is here! The lord Feng is here." Following the maid's thick and thin voice, all the officials knelt down.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!

Feng Jun is a thousand years old, a thousand years old! "

"Excuse me, all lovers, let's get back together!" The empress's majestic phoenix eyes glanced at the kneeling crowd, and said calmly.

"Everyone has worked hard this year, I hope that in the coming year, our Southern Tang Kingdom will become stronger and stronger, and the people can live and work in peace and contentment!"

Almost every year, after finishing talking about the scene, gigolos danced on the stage one after another...

Yun Fei was sitting on the side of the princess, but his eyes were always focused on her five husbands.

Seeing someone embarrassing them, they were all blocked by Gong Liusu, so they were relieved to eat and drink.

"Hehe, what is the Seventh Emperor's sister doing all the time looking at the family members? Are you afraid that everyone will eat up your five charming husbands?" The second emperor sarcastically said.

"Second Sister Huang is right, my five husbands are too weak to take care of themselves, and my sister is really worried."

"Oh, so stupid."

The other imperial daughters, even the younger twelve imperial daughters, looked down upon Yunfei's appearance of being manipulated by men.

Even treating her as a competitor felt an insult to his own brain.

This also made the whole palace banquet end, no one had time to target her!What a waste of opportunity.

They set their targets on opponents of the same strength.


To expose each other's shortcomings, in order to embarrass the opponent, push the opponent's Wang Jun to perform on stage...

There are also those princes of aristocratic families who want to climb the queen's bed.

It made Yunfei feel sleepy...

Yawning, I feel that I and my husbands are so pitiful!

Blowing the cold wind, listening to the intrigue, watching the young men in cool clothes scratching their heads and making poses.

Finally, when the palace banquet was over, their family was called to the front hall of the palace by the queen.

The queen's hand tapped lightly on the chair, and her phoenix eyes were fixed on her kneeling daughter.

"I'll ask you again, are you willing to execute these crooked men and stay in the capital?"

"Emperor Mother, the son-in-law is already a wife. As their wife-lord, the son-in-law should protect them for the rest of their lives..."

Seeing that this daughter was still reticent, the empress gave up completely.

Instead, he asked angrily: "Today is a palace banquet, are you bringing these unworthy things into the palace to make me lose face in front of civil and military officials?"

Those captivating eyes made Gong Liusu and the others dare not even breathe!
"Son of the palace, it's a pity to be assigned to you!"

Yun Fei knelt down, bowed his head and replied respectfully: "On the fifth day of the lunar new year, the ministers took them back to the fiefdom... thinking that they are the husbands of the ministers, let the emperor see them.

Today, Erchen brought his family members into the palace to say goodbye to his mother.

I hope mother... take care of yourself in the future, take care of your phoenix body, the baby is far away, and I pray for you. "

The title of mother made the queen shake for a while...

Knowing the reason, her rock-hard heart couldn't help being touched a little.

This daughter is the most honest and well-behaved, she looks the most like her, but her personality runs counter to her.

Has the kindness and tenderness that she dislikes the most!

Why didn't she see it when she was a child?After all, there are too many Lin'er, and they are ignored.

Thinking of this, the empress closed her eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Go down...the day you leave, you don't have to enter the palace again."

"My son obeys."


On the second day of junior high school, accompany Gong Liusu back to Gong's house, and then pack up her bags.

On the third day of junior high school, I went to Lan's house in the morning and Ye's house in the afternoon.

He went to Mu's house in the morning on the fourth day of the lunar new year, and accompanied Bai Ruyue back to Chunyi Building in the evening.

fifth day...

Outside the north gate, a long team was slowly marching into the distance.

At the gate of the city, people from all walks of life saw them off, watching them go away complicatedly until they could no longer see them.

This farewell may be a lifetime...

In this world where men are inferior to dogs, who knows who will die tomorrow.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness has gone far."

On the road outside the city, there was a group of low-key people waiting in a hidden place beside the road.

The queen in the carriage didn't know what kind of mentality she had, she secretly hid here to bid farewell to her daughter...

Speaking of love, she was the first imperial daughter exiled by him. He said that he didn't have her in his heart, and he was angry that she couldn't support the wall with mud.

Oh, ridiculous kindness and affection!Maybe outside, she can live for two more years.

"Go back to the palace."

"I obey! Let's go, go back to the palace!"

Da da da~~ The horses were whipping, and ran slowly towards the city gate.

It formed two diametrically opposite directions from the long line in the distance.

Only a sigh remained: "Hey, that's all! Shadow, send her two more guards, a gold medal to avoid death..."

After the treetops by the roadside shook slightly for a few times, they became calm again.

(End of this chapter)

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