Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 254 Female Venerable, I am Mother 21

Chapter 254 Female Venerable, I am Mother 21
After breaking through five levels and killing six generals, the first person to break through ten levels was born before dark!
The bastard who came from a wealthy businessman in the city fell through everyone's eyes...

Yunfei smiled and announced, "Congratulations, Mr. Zheng, who stands out from many competitors! I will report to the government office next year and arrange a position for you.

Those who haven't cleared the level don't need to be discouraged. There are still two winners for the remaining [-] questions. I hope everyone will continue to work hard tomorrow!

It's all gone, the round stage in the city has hired a theater troupe, from the 29th to the first day of the new year, the whole city will have a carnival for three days, and all workshops will be closed for vacation!
Wages are not allowed to be deducted. If you want to rush the deadline, you should pay the workers double wages!The boss who committed crimes against the wind, everyone is welcome to report to the government office. "

At the same time, this decree has been issued to the following counties and small towns a few days ago, and theater troupes have been invited from all over the place, and it has been lively for three days.


After they dispersed, Yunfei returned home with his family and had dinner together lively.

Festive paper-cuts were pasted inside and outside the mansion, and the old lanterns were replaced with new red ones, creating a strong New Year atmosphere.

The five children got together and didn't know what to say.

The second treasure and the third treasure, one is too simple, the other is weak, they are both the objects of the elder brother and younger brothers' humility.

Seeing them happy, Yunfei felt a burst of satisfaction and said, "It's good to have no daughter in the house, so we can be impartial."

The main reason is that Gong Liusu and the others all cared about their daughter and ignored their son.

"But...wife master, without a daughter, who will support the sons in the future? After we get married, what if we are bullied by the wife's family? We will always grow old." Gong Liusu frowned, somewhat disapproving.

Bai Ruyue was also worried, "Why don't we have more children? If Your Highness grows old with us! We don't have a princess in our house to take over Jingcheng.

When Jingcheng falls into the hands of others, the men will probably have to live a hard life again. "

"I'm responsible for these things! Don't worry, it's the end of the year, and everyone can be happy."

Yun Fei raised his wine glass and said: "In the new year, our family, let's have a better time. I wish my husbands beauty and good health, and I wish my children a happy growth! This king is done, husbands can do whatever they want. "

"I wish your Highness great success."

"I wish Your Highness whatever you want..."


At night, Yunfei stayed in the Qinyuan.

In the newly built Prince Jing Mansion, the Qinyuan was specially designed to look like a wooden house, but it is more spacious and luxurious than ordinary wooden houses.

The red plum blossoms in the yard are blooming with enthusiasm, and the people in the room~ are also enthusiastic.

In the west wing, Tang Yujing, who was only six years old, was standing in front of the window in a white sable fur cape, admiring the hazy white moon in the sky.

"Cough cough..."

"Third Young Master, it's late at night, you should rest." The boy who was waiting next to him reminded carefully.

"Zhuang Zhuang, I want to play in the snow."

Zhuang Zhuang hurriedly knelt down and persuaded in fear: "Young master, you can't play in the snow with your bones. If you catch a cold, you will be sad again."


The delicate boy in front of the window could only sigh regretfully, close the window and go back to the house.

During the night, coughing sounded one after another, accompanied by a low-grade fever, Yunfei and Bai Ruyue watched over him all night.

Tang Yujing, whose face was flushed on the bed, felt uncomfortable and guilty...


On the second day, everyone came to visit him in the piano courtyard.

Tang Hongdou secretly brought him candy, and asked him to sweeten his mouth when he drank the medicine.

Tang Lanxi brought him gloves sewn by herself, with little white foxes embroidered on them, and a picture of white foxes playing in the snow.

Tang Lingzhi brought him rock sugar pear cream boiled by his father, fearing that his runny nose would dirty the third brother's medicine, so he covered his nose with a silk scarf.

Looks funny and funny...

Tang Yujing, who was lying on the bed, smiled. The corners of his pale lips were slightly raised, and his picturesque eyebrows and eyes were like snow lotuses blooming on the snow mountain.

"Fourth brother, what are you doing with your nose covered? Loosen it quickly, so you can't breathe out." Tang Hongdou stepped forward to help his brother pull off the silk scarf.

Being avoided by Tang Lingzhi, he said in a baby voice, "Big brother, I can exhale, don't worry about it, third brother is sick, so he can't dirty his medicine.

Ganoderma lucidum has a runny nose, and I can't let my third brother get angry. I just have a look, give me some medicine, and leave.

Third brother, you need to get better soon!When you are well, I will come to give you red plums again. Mother said that we will set off fireworks this year!
You have to recover before you can let it go~"

"Okay... the third brother will recover soon, thank you fourth brother."

The belated Tang Honghu also came, he didn't know what he was holding in his arms, it was bulging!He ran in with his whole body wrapped up like a ball.

Joyfully running to Tang Yujing's bed, he took out the things in his arms and said, "Three pots, Bai Fu~~ Please catch me!"

"Oh my god! It's a white fox cub, where did you come from, fifth brother?"

The chubby Tang Honghu shook his head, baring his teeth in a silly laugh...

Seeing that the young brother couldn't tell where he came from, Tang Hongdou was going to find his mother with the little white milk fox in his arms.

But Tang Honghu refused, "I don't give it brewing, but I give it three pots...he doesn't want to be a forest! He wants to be coaxed..."

Tang Yujing, who was on the bed, spat at herself in her heart at this moment, even a young brother who was only three years old could remember a sentence he said casually.

With such a family, what right does he have to feel sorry for himself!
Half a month ago, they went hunting in the back mountains with their mothers and fathers.

Taking a quick glance at the vigorous figure in the snow, he just sighed casually, "The white fox in the mountains is so free and easy..."

He envied the unrestrained play, envied the unscrupulous running.

It's just a casual sentence in daily life. Today, he received the gloves from his second brother to play with the snow fox... and the snow fox cubs from his younger brother...

Frail, he is always remembered by his family members.


In the end, the snow fox cub stayed in Qinyuan as he wished, and was Tang Yujing's companion.

After Yunfei got to know it, he confirmed that it was an orphan snow fox cub, so he didn't send it back to the mountain.

Now the mountain is full of ice and snow, and there are mother foxes who can feed the little things and survive, but the mother foxes are gone, and if they are sent back, they will die of starvation or be eaten by wild animals.

With this little thing, Tang Yujing's mood gradually opened up.

He still loves to read books, he reads all kinds of books, the Four Books and Five Classics, strategies of war, historical and unofficial histories, and doesn’t pick anything...


"All these horses and chariots are going to Jingcheng?"

"Return... Patriarch, yes, there have been a lot of people coming and going to Jingcheng in recent years."

The old woman twirled her jade wrench with her thumb and asked lazily, "Oh? Is there anything in Jingcheng that is worth traveling half the country to buy?"

Speaking of this, the old nanny who was waiting on her eyebrows beamed, "That's a lot! For example, those novelty clothes in the palace, dyed fabrics.

And that Luozidai, eyebrow pencil, 36-color eye gloss, 24-color lipstick...

Portable sweet potato vermicelli, dried sweet potato, sweet corn...

These are things that cannot be bought anywhere else!Isn't it the only way to come to Jingcheng to buy goods from far away? "

 Chapter 2, half an hour late
(End of this chapter)

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