Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 255 Female Venerable, I am Mother 22

Chapter 255 Female Venerable, I am Mother 22

"Oh, it looks like it..."

The 56-year-old queen smiled faintly, then pointed to the distance and asked, "What is the queue over there for?"

"This... I don't know, I don't know, my servant will ask."

After a while, the old mother came back, "I have inquired about it, and I heard that it is a passage for merchants! Their goods are too heavy and hurt the road, so they have to pay tolls."

"Oh? Then how much is the toll?"

"Pay according to the amount of the goods. A full load of goods is five cents, and there is no charge for less than one load of goods."

"What about us ordinary passers-by?"

"No charge!"

"Heh!" The queen laughed, her daughter!As always, kindness, but this kindness still has a limit.

"Let's go, let's go to Jingcheng, which is called Xiaonantang Kingdom, and see what it is that makes it so famous as the Southern Tang Dynasty."



It was April, the season of peach blossoms, and the pink flowers on both sides of the asphalt avenue were crowded and blooming.

When the wind blows, small pink petals fall to the ground and stick to the soles of pedestrians' shoes or the hooves of cows and horses.

What is surprising is that besides the women in a hurry, there are also men without veils on the road...

The way they looked at the women was frank and casual!No shyness, no fear.

"I heard that Miss Seven planted fruit trees by the side of the road. During the blooming season, you can enjoy the flowers, and the fruit season can quench the thirst of passers-by! Just don't be greedy, each person is limited to three fruits, and you have to save some for more people to taste...

However, the people in Jingcheng now, after the rise of various workshops and the flow of businessmen, every household is basically living a very prosperous life.

Not greedy for these fruits, each person only picks one, and tastes the sweetness. "

Before coming here, Mammy had already inquired about the general information in Jingcheng, but some details were unclear.

At the end of the clean and tidy asphalt avenue is the towering city wall!

The elite soldiers at the gate, wearing fine armor and with swords on their waists, solemnly inspected every citizen who entered the city.

Soon it will be their turn...

"It's a little unfamiliar! Take a look at the household registration? Where did you come from? What do you do?"

The nanny handed over the private account of His Majesty's Weibo private visit, and replied in a good voice: "I came from the capital, and I heard that Jingcheng is in great shape, so I came here to have a visit."

After the inspecting officers and soldiers confirmed that they were correct, they returned the household registration to her and explained, "Recently, there have been many spies from other countries trying to infiltrate Jingcheng, so we will inevitably conduct stricter investigations recently.

Please bear with me!Let's go to town! "

The queen lifted the curtain of the car and asked with a smile, "What is this spy doing in Jingcheng? Could it be that he wants to attack Jingcheng?"

"That's impossible. With the strength of our troops in Jingcheng, you can rest assured that they don't dare to attack!

It is because they can't attack our Jingcheng that they try their best to think of some insidious tricks, trying to sneak into the city and steal all kinds of strange prescriptions from our Jingcheng. "

The two sides just gossiped a few words, and hurried through, so as not to delay the people who entered the city later.


It was almost evening.

All major streets and residential areas in the city have been illuminated...

After entering the city gate, the noisy street is brightly lit, more lively than the daytime in the capital.

The scent wafting in the wind made the stomachs of the group growl.

"Go and see what is so fragrant, give me...cough, bring me some back."


The accompanying nuns went to two, after all, the crowd was crowded, and I was afraid that one person would be too slow to find and make the master wait for a long time.

The queen, who was waiting in the carriage, was fascinated by the scene outside the car window that she had never seen in her life.

The people are rich, and they don't close their doors at night...

The relaxed smiles on people's faces are ordinary...but rare.

Even so, she still doesn't agree with that kind daughter, she just lives in a corner!
If it were to manage this huge country, that ridiculous tenderness would have been eaten by the wolves below him...

In these years, seven of her seventeen imperial daughters died in the struggle, and now only six are left in the capital and four are in the fiefdom.

All the daughters are thinking about her death...

Only these seven daughters don't care about everything, and send letters and gifts to care for each other on New Year's Day, but they have never set foot in the capital for 15 years.

Counting, the eldest son of the seventh daughter is about 17 years old this year, right?There was no mention of his marriage in the letter, I don't know which lady he married to...

As her daughter fights like a gu, she has been looking forward to those trifling letters over the years.

The seventeenth emperor's daughter is not bad either. Her youngest daughter is well-behaved, sensible and clingy, but she is the daughter of Dongxia Kingdom and the prince, so she is destined not to reach a high position.

In the past two years, her spirit has become worse and worse, and the soup and medicine for nourishing her body have continued, but it is still gradually becoming dilapidated.

She used to not care about things after death...

But now there are scruples, if after she dies, no matter which daughter takes over, her benevolent seventh daughter and the young seventeenth daughter will all die.

This piece of prosperity in the corner of the Southern Tang Kingdom!It made her want to keep it.


Suddenly, she saw a familiar face in the crowd.

That face looks like her when she was young, but her body is thinner.

The difference is that she is full of edges and corners, and that woman is full of tenderness...

Beside the woman was a man in a yellow robe, who was charming and lively feeding her a bunch of half-eaten candied haws.

The man's eyebrows and eyes are also somewhat familiar, he must be one of the men who knelt in the imperial study back then!

"Oh, feeding in the street, frivolous, shameless!" The queen was so angry that she lowered the curtain.

After thinking for a while, she opened it again, but she wanted to see how unseemly she, the princess, left the capital! !
In the end, she saw her noble princess again, squatting down in the street and picking up the man on her back, and the two walked through the long night street together...

snort!Wife's thing!Unbearable mud! ! !

At this time, the nanny who went shopping has already returned with a big bag of barbecue skewers, "Master, this is the snack with a strong aroma. The servant has already bought it for you."

Another nun also came back with a bamboo tube full of Mala Tang skewers.

"I'm full of gas, don't eat!" The queen said angrily in the carriage.

The two mothers don't know why, just for a while, who would dare to anger their Majesty?

"But, I heard that this is the stall in Miss Seven's Mansion! People in Jingcheng will buy food every night when they go out to play."


"Send it here! Let me see how poor our Seventh Miss is, and we still have to compete with vendors for business."

The old mammy hooked her lips and offered the food.

Your Majesty... She was stubborn when she was a child, and became moody and angry when she became a queen. In recent years, her behavior has become more and more like her temper when she was a child...

(End of this chapter)

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