Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 284 Immortals and Demons Cannot Stand 2 Standing 2

Chapter 284
As the game went on, She Yinyin began to struggle.

Although she can leapfrog the ranks to kill, those who have already completed Qi refining, besides having a higher level of cultivation than her, also have good combat experience.

Fortunately, when it comes to heads-up, her parents are the best in fighting!
In the past three years, she has not been a flower in the greenhouse.

Although everyone said that Daddy was a person who sent out war posts when he disagreed with each other, it was actually not the case.

His battles are more labor-saving, in exchange for victory at the smallest cost!

And mother, what taught her is to work hard, every experience, she is on the verge of life and death, stimulating her potential again and again.

Both loved her, and the only regret was that they couldn't be together.


"It's not bad to be able to get to the present with the seventh level of Qi training. If it wasn't for the serious injury in yesterday's competition, it shouldn't be a problem for niece Wan to win the first place." Elder Qing said with some regret.

"But the second is not bad. After growing up, I am afraid that it will be difficult to rival at the same level."

Seeing that the two of them on the stage had started to exchange purely ordinary martial arts skills, the elder of the Spirit Sword Sect guessed.

The powerful people here are silent. To be honest, they themselves don't know much about ordinary martial arts.

This will come in handy!
On the field, She Yinyin was pressing down on Li Xinrou and punching, with a strong wind of internal force, she didn't hold back at all!

Now that Rou'er humiliated his daughter so much, how could she have the face to face him...

After pondering for a moment, the leader of the Three Gods Sect, the leader analyzed: "It should be that at the moment of the ceremony, Wan Yinyin made a few useless fake moves, and because of this, Li Xinrou seized the opportunity and hit the old wound hard."

On the other hand, the elders of the Spirit Sword Sect were relatively calm, and said in their hearts, making you feel that our sect disciples are useless in practicing mortal sword moves, so you should slap your face.

Can't give up... Even survived the inability to cultivate, what is this!
The opponent was still showing off his power, and the disciples of Tianyuanzong in the audience, they remembered the female disciple of Xuanxinzong in their hearts.

Under the veil, cold cherry lips said: "The winner has already been decided, why don't we call it a stop."

On the high platform, her father couldn't see his expression clearly, but she knew that her father must love her dearly!

She could only leave alone disheartened, without even the courage to meet.

Back then when they met in Bibo City, she originally wanted to find an opportunity to express her intention to invite him to be a Taoist couple, but she didn't expect to get separated after entering.

"Yes, Junior Sister Wan, come down!"

"So, niece Yinyin, you have left yourself behind from the very beginning!"

"So if Wan Yinyin can't defeat Li Xinrou within a quarter of an hour, she will still lose."

There is nothing to argue about.

"Haha, it's true that the outcome is not decided. I'm liking Yinyin's niece more and more. Qianhe, are you really not going to let Yinyin come to our Beast Sect to play?"

Later, he went to Tianyuanzong, but learned that he had a beloved daughter, and his wife didn't know who it was.

She Yinyin knew that she lost because of her unhealed injuries, but this was also part of her strength.

The girl who was fighting her on the stage was a disciple of Xuanxinzong, and she was stepping on She Yinyin's back with a cheerful expression at the moment, making her unable to stand up.

Yunfei just smiled and didn't answer, looking at She Yinyin, who was struggling to resist her injuries, she was distressed but helpless.

However, the proud girl of the sky is out of luck. Yesterday, she ran into Fu Jun of the Spirit Sword Sect. She was the closed disciple of the master of the Spirit Sword Sect, with a natural sword body!

"Is this the forbidden spirit formation?"

The elder of the Three Gods Sect nodded, "That's right, it's a small spirit-forbidden formation. The layout is simple, and the opening is relatively slow. It can only be forbidden for a quarter of an hour."

From her point of view, She Yinyin's victory was only due to more small tricks, and Fu Jun is a sword idiot, who doesn't even have any talismans or seals on him.

As if to get back all the humiliation just now!

There are very few places where spirits are forbidden, but it is not impossible. The original body has encountered secret places where spirits are forbidden, so Yunfei has always asked She Yinyin to practice internal skills and secular skills.

You can't let the child, you can't take a breath!
"Junior Sister Wan just give up if you can't do it, the second one is also very good!"

She Yinyin gritted her teeth and began to think hard. It doesn't matter if she has no advantage in physical strength, she still has brains, and she can also turn things around with her wisdom!

And Niangqin, the ordinary woman in the crowd, looked at the competition stage expressionlessly, and she could be sure with just one glance that it was her.

Anyway, for those cultivating immortals, it is not difficult to understand those exercises.

What's more...

Li Xinrou didn't have the strength to deal with it at all. No wonder this woman just wanted to destroy the vestment she was wearing by hurting the enemy by one thousand and hurting herself by three thousand!

"What formation is this? When was it laid?"

That proud, mocking face was too ugly.

Zhenjun Baiyu took a sneak look at Zhenjun Qianhe who had a calm face but his hands were already clenched into fists.

He was too stubborn to lose, and firmly believed that he could break everything with a single sword, so he was narrowly defeated by this woman.

Because he understands She Wuwu's character, he knows to leave strictness to her and gentleness to himself.

This time, I invited myself to lead the team to participate in the Zongmen Grand Competition, and it was also because I had some kind of secret intention.


Especially in the face of an opponent like Tianjiao, anyone with a discerning eye knows that Wan Yinyin is protected by Tianyuanzong, so he will definitely grow up.

Who can cultivate immortals to fall in love with that kind of three-legged cat's kung fu!

Even Bai Yu on the stage started to frown. Rou'er was spoiled after all, but she didn't know that she had to keep a thread in everything.

If he surpasses her in the future, it is inevitable that he will seek revenge from her because he remembers the humiliation of today!
There is no need for the future, and now with the cultivation base of the seventh-level peak, he can defeat Qi Refining Dzogchen!
If she hadn't been exhausted by her injuries, Rou'er would definitely not be an opponent.

In fact, if she had drawn She Yinyin as her opponent yesterday, she might really lose.

"From the current point of view, she has gained an advantage. It seems that Li Xinrou hasn't learned the ordinary martial arts in depth, right?"

The disciples who were watching were very distressed. The delicate and pretty little girl is now like a bloody person.

Her grandfather was also a powerful Nascent Soul, so she didn't worry about being retaliated afterwards.

Yunfei rejected her kindness, "When it comes to juniors, let them solve it themselves! If they really give up, Yinyin will admit defeat.

Sure enough, women know how to embarrass women better.

What's more, Wan did not agree with True Monarch Bai Yu's statement that the victory and defeat had already been decided! "

"Tsk, genius girl? Not too bad! It's all a false name that was blown out."

"If you don't say that Master Qianhe can teach girls, how many times will you have to go through this experienced combat experience to realize it."

She even detonated the spiritual weapon in her hand, she thought her opponent was at the end of the road!
Naturally, it is to take advantage of the victory to pursue and step on the opponent who has lost his weapon.

It turned out to be for now!
Both bodies are in the stage of Qi training, but She Yinyin's bones are extremely hard, coupled with the blessing of internal strength, she can't cope with the fancy moves at all.


[I'm a little tired, I'm going to be lazy today, there's only one update!Has everyone recovered after the year?Why do I feel like I'm still sleepwalking? 】

(End of this chapter)

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