Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 285 Immortals and Demons Cannot Stand 2 Standing 21

Chapter 285: Immortals and Demons Are Incompatible 21
The result is self-evident, within a quarter of an hour, She Yinyin kicked Li Xinrou off the stage.

Although scarred, he smiled brightly.

Li Xinrou, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, was gnashing her teeth with hatred!

The first one in the Qi training group came out, and the following competitions, there will be the first three in the foundation building period and the team competition.

Those who have cultivated above the Golden Core stage will no longer participate in the Zongmen Grand Competition. Their war is to compete for opportunities.

There are still three days before the team competition, so they can play here for a few days.

On the first day, She Yinyin had to stay and recuperate, so she didn't go out.

Yunfei gave her a lot of things, and She Wuwu also sent her the holy medicine for healing, to ensure that this injury will not damage her foundation, so she can rest assured.


The place where the Zongmen Dabi was held was in the largest city in the world of cultivating immortals, and the nearby mountains were also mysterious and vast.

Along the way, female cultivators came forward to ask where they bought the cassock. After all, this color is unique in the entire cultivation world.

The world has only seen the three gods of the blue sky auction, and they will be dispatched when they are escorting important goods.

There are many good-looking female cultivators who lack spiritual stones and want this job.

"No, it's a pity, I'm so shy, I can only come in and have a look."

And the female disciples in the sect are envious of the junior sister who has a father who is a senior craftsman.

It's like eye drops are pouring out...

That's right, the Blue Sky Auctions are all engaged in the business of the three races of humans, demons and monsters. In their eyes, there are only customers and no hostile forces.

Except for the Blue Sky Auction Fields all over the mainland, although it is open in every city, no force dares to make trouble!
It's just because the auction held every three months, the things that appear on it are all indispensable and hard to get for cultivators.

This was specially done by Yunfei according to his physique, it took a lot of effort!For this reason, he has already thoroughly understood the refining memory of the original body.

"You two choose slowly, and if you like it, ask for the price, and I will pay."

At the beginning, a beautiful woman came to host, which is also standard for all auction houses.

"Three thousand!"

She Yinyin's injury is no longer a serious problem, but in the near future, she cannot use her spiritual power and can only be an ordinary person.

He reached out and grabbed the album, trying in vain to pick out the azure umbrella...

That is Zhou Tianshi, which was born with thunder. It is a material for refining weapons, a rare ore that Lei Lingen likes very much.

There are countless god-turning stages who became famous in the sect, and those who are hidden, don't know how many there are!

Appearance and practicality must be the same.

However, this is only a rumor.

Everyone started to discuss, "This first item is a high-level spiritual weapon. I'm afraid there are many treasures in today's auction?"

Mo Wang was not interested in any auction items, until he moved when an oiled paper umbrella appeared...

The 11-year-old Mo Wang is still in a daze. He has not cultivated, but there is a force in his body. Whenever he goes berserk, the destructive power is extremely strong!

It doesn't matter if you don't get a response, She Yinyin is used to it, the little brother only reacts when she, daddy, and Senior Brother Qi are hurt.

Maybe this is the feeling of being taken care of by a rich woman...

Today, as the elder of Tianyuanzong, Yunfei received an invitation letter from Lantian Auction.

"This is our first lot today. It is a long sword, a high-grade spiritual weapon, and the reserve price is 100 yuan for low-grade spirit stones."

For example, in the competition that day, seeing her injured, Mo Wang was already about to take off her bracelet, but luckily Senior Brother Qi knocked her unconscious and took her away.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Yun Fei looked over with some doubts, why did he cry so well?
Walking over to take a look, it turned out that on that round grandma's little face, tears kept falling down at this moment.

So at this moment, on his wrist, he was wearing a green jade bracelet wrapped with gold thread.

"Little brother doesn't know what's wrong, he keeps looking at this umbrella and crying!"

The child raised his head, his dark eyes reflected his gentleness at the moment, and the tears stopped as if they were cut by scissors.

Even casual cultivators who are not rich would like to ask, if they can't buy high-level robes, they can buy low-level ones!

The black pupils were staring at the umbrella closely, with no expression on their faces.

Panlong City, it is said that under the Panlong Mountains, there is a sleeping dragon!

Asking prices began to rise one after another.

Nobody knows who their boss is, it's just a guess.

This frightened her, "Daddy, little brother is crying!"

Yunfei tentatively said, "Don't cry, can Master buy it for you?"

Green is imprisoned, which can seal his power, blue is borrowed half, to deal with enemies who can counterattack but cannot be killed, and red is completely unlocked!

"Little brother, do you like this?" She Yinyin asked pointing to a piece of ore.

The main reason was that she was afraid that he would be too poor to provide She Yinyin with a material life, so She Wuwu even gave him a small Lingshi mine!

"Five thousand."

Yunfei basically doesn't accept orders for refining high-level spiritual weapons now, unless the relationship is unusual, or the other party's materials are what he wants.

The three of Yunfei were flipping through the introduction of today's auction in the private room on the second floor.

The beauty came up with a smile on her face, and after saying her opening remarks, she introduced today's lot.

This is already a practice. Whenever there is any major event, they will hold an auction in due course. After all, they are businessmen!
Just in time, he was going to take She Yinyin and Mo Wang to have fun together. As for She Wuxin, she should have an invitation too.

They will have a copy of this in their private room, and they will know in advance what items will be auctioned today.

As for spirit stones, the original owner's small treasury is still very rich, he doesn't have much shortage...

And there is no lobby, so they don't know.

The order of Panlong City has always been controlled by ten sects, and each sect manages one place. If there are any decisions, they will vote.

When the three of them came to the Blue Sky Auction, they happened to meet She Wuwu who had disguised herself. However, there were many people behind her, so the two tacitly acted as if they didn't know each other.


Mo Wang's eyes were on the album, but he seemed to see nothing.

She Yinyin carefully began to choose, and when she saw something interesting, she shared it with Mo Wang next to her.

I told Mo Wang and She Yinyin that if they are facing an enemy who deserves death and has no worries, they should turn the bracelet and it will turn red.

The nine-year-old girl still likes the improved cassock made by Yunfei very much.

The Klein blue gradient dress outlines some small white flowers, and when walking on the skirt, there are lavender stars.

She Yinyin hurriedly stopped him from causing damage, but seeing the person who had been expressionless for more than three years, she suddenly burst into tears.

"One thousand low-grade spirit stones!"

You can tell it's special just by looking at the name.

Wipe the handkerchief, and even the traces of crying are gone.

A very strange child, but Yunfei felt his deep trust and dependence on him.


[Chapter 2 is knocking crazily, so it will be later. 】

(End of this chapter)

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