Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 298 Immortals and Demons Cannot Stand 2 Standing 34

The sky over the sea today is gloomy and covered with dark clouds, as if mourning for the coming war.

Yunfei and others who have reached the bottom of the abyss are fighting a battle.

Those big monsters are naturally worried about such a big event, and they have already sent many monsters to wait.

There are land monsters on the shore, and water monsters guarding the entrances and exits in the sea.

The hydra said in animal language: "I am afraid that the alien race has received the news and is looking for it. All races quickly ordered the clansmen to stick to it."

"Don't worry, I guarantee that not a single fly can get in."

In the sky above the sea, many monsters with big wings are hovering, covering the sky and the sun, which is very spectacular.

"Kyuubi, how long will it take?"

Chirp ~ "After an hour, gather strength to open the passage, and then start the formation."

"Okay, you don't have to worry about those miscellaneous things. With us here, no one can come in."

"It's been a thousand years, we've been waiting for a thousand years for one day! Aww~~~"

Now they have to die under the plot of a group of beasts, how can they be reconciled.

"it is good!"

The big monsters guarding the ancient mirror will naturally not let them leave.

After they opened the gap on three sides, they started to land on the island!

"All the monsters obey the order, and try their best to prevent the group of alien races from approaching the magic circle. Large-scale hunting is not allowed. It is useful to save their lives."

And the magic circle in front of them has already circled the nine monsters, waiting for the time to come.

Seeing this, Yunfei roared loudly: "Sixteen Nascent Souls, come forward with me! Wuxin, protect them and leave."

"Whatever, let's hang out for ten years, and go home when the passage mirror appears. Anyway, there are no treasures here."

Their only advantage is that the opponent needs to complete the magic circle before they can enter the passage, but they don't need it here, as long as they walk through the mirror, they will be home.

After their siblings left, the human monsters who had been ambushing for a long time rushed forward from different directions, catching the remaining little monsters by surprise.

"Hiss~~" The nine snake heads were all uttering letters, attacking like their spirit boats.

And don't forget a huge sword in his hand, which is also majestic and majestic.

"Who is fighting here? Why does it sound like a lot of races?"

At this moment, she was posing for the spirit boat, trying to forcefully rush through the mirror.

She Wuwu had already found out that the passage this time was opened on the sea of ​​the Cultivation Continent.

A monk said indifferently: "Maybe it's because people from that continent were fighting among themselves! After all, they came from three races, and they often fight each other when they meet."

The big monsters in the secret realm who have already prepared, naturally won't let them take advantage of this loophole.

There is also the tail of the nine-tailed fox, which is also trying to grab the spirit boat and smash it to pieces.


An hour has come.

Therefore, although the three tribes of humans, monsters and demons in the Cultivation Continent are a little tired, they are not difficult.

A gigantic tiger monster with spikes all over its body raised its head to the sky with a loud roar.

Although the others are somewhat inferior, they are also diligently killing monsters.

The opponent only has an advantage in numbers, and those monsters with some strength have been killed by Yun Fei and other people with high cultivation bases.

The blood of the three clans is boiling with a few words, yes!They are all selected talents, if they are not talented, it is impossible to have the opportunity to come in.

The remaining Nascent Soul elders from other sects also brought their juniors into the spirit boat.

In terms of number and cultivation, the aborigines' monsters are far higher than the people in the comprehension continent. If you really agree with that sentence, a strong dragon can't beat a local snake.


The hammer in Yunfei's hand dropped, crushing a little monster to death, and at the same time turning the corpse into ice.

As everyone knows, they have never been able to leave this world in this life.

They worked hard to open the passage, but it was not for the convenience of this group of aliens.

The fighting power of the two races of monsters is not bad at all, with their huge bodies, mighty appearance, and howls roaring up to the sky!

The Nine-Tailed Fox and other ancient monsters are in different directions, preparing to open the passage.

In the secret territory, most of them are small monsters with low-level cultivation, and there are very few powerful big monsters, and all of them are already preparing for the magic circle.

Seventeen of them rushed towards the nine directions of the magic circle.

While She Yinyin was waving her fan, tornadoes appeared one after another, rolling up and throwing out those low-level monsters.

She Yinyin and Mo Wang were on the Demon Race's side at the moment, while shooting down the flying spirit beasts, they were worried about Yun Fei who was left behind to stall for time.

"Haha, it should be, but the guardian spirit beast in this secret realm, I don't know where it went, it shouldn't be dead, right?"


"Go and stop that group of people, don't kill too many, or the number won't match."

In mid-air above the island, as the spiritual power of all the big monsters condensed, a simple and huge black mirror appeared out of thin air.

And when those monsters who left hopelessly came back, they found that they didn't even have any living herbs and medicines, so they would naturally vent their anger on them.

The battle above and below is at a stalemate, and no one can do anything to each other for a while, but according to the situation, the aborigines have a great advantage.

"In my opinion, they must have been attracted by some treasure."

Although the aura in the secret realm is abundant, who wants to be the canary in the cage.

Finally, they landed on the island an hour ago.

Blood splattered all over, and everyone became bloody.

She Wuwu, who was in mid-air, was holding a huge black chain with a light blue magic flame attached to it. The monster she killed had a smell of barbecue.

"The secret realms that open every 300 years may not necessarily consume themselves to death."

Elder Yuan shouted: "Whether you can leave this ghost place depends on this battle, everyone!
Today, you and I, regardless of human beings or monsters, we are all strong Tianjiao from the same continent, we must not die in this unknown place! "

The little demons guarding other directions found that the beasts here were no match for them, and after thinking about it, they all supported this side.

"Well, this trip is not a loss. The secret realm is full of aura, which is better than practicing in the outside world for ten years."


Every person who sits in the town is also guarded by two big demons.

At this moment, a decent monk who was still wandering around in the distance was a little puzzled when he heard the sound of the battle coming from a long distance.

Because the formation is already in motion, when the formation in front of them is completely subverted, it will be the formation!

Yunfei's heart sank, it seemed that there was little hope of stopping this group of big monsters, on their side, only he and She Wuwu were Huashen, but the other party had many Huashen monsters.

If it wasn't for intentional refraining from massacre, they would definitely not kill just this few people.

He didn't intend to go back alive today, but at least he wanted to send She Yinyin and the others out.

Yun Fei stopped at the opponent's battle of transforming gods and monsters, passed them, flew into the air, and charged towards the Nine-Tailed Fox with a hammer in his hand.

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