At this time, She Wuxin, who was tired of dealing with the hydra and another bird that turned into a god and monster, received a voice transmission from Yunfei.

"You won't be able to leave after the formation is completed. We have a large number of people. The moment the formation is completed, when all the big monsters relax, you rush out."

"how about you?"

Yunfei gritted his teeth and said: "I blew myself up to open the way for you!"

The same sound transmission was passed to the ears of other races.

It's not that he's great, but since he decided to sacrifice, he naturally wants to maximize his benefits!

If this group of big monsters passed by, the internal fighting among the three clans would be a trivial matter, and the invaders still needed their joint efforts to resist.

After all, they have many old monsters and big monsters, and the old gods are still there at the moment, so they didn't make a move.

It was naive to rely on them to stop the magic circle at first.

True Monarch Lan Qing said with tears in his eyes: "Daoist Qianhe!"


A finch monster also said: "We all owe Fox Shiba a favor, and we really should avenge him."


It's just that the usefulness of their self-destruction is minimal, because the opportunity has already been missed.


From then on, he no longer has a master...

The Demon Race and the Monster Race also agreed that there are so many human races, and it is not necessary to kill two dolls.

Then it was announced that She Yinyin was the young master of the demon clan, and Don't forget to be the son-in-law of the demon clan.

The ancestor of the Hydra clan crawled first, "Let's go then, eat some people to fill your stomach first, I haven't eaten a monk's spirit body for a long time."

Yunfei: ... "Don't talk like She Wuwu, you don't have the temperament of a female boss."

She Yinyin was worse than him. After 30 years, she followed him into the transformation of gods, and her fighting style of double transformation of spirits and demons made her famous throughout the comprehension continent.

Yunfei saw the group of invading big monsters slaughtering the three clans, and they broke up separately.

After they came out, feeling the breath of freedom, they all raised their heads to the sky and howled freely, releasing their long-suppressed cultivation.

The three clans signed a peace agreement, and within a thousand years, no more wars will be waged.

"Haha, even though it's a small world, I'm satisfied, it's only one step away from the Ascension to Immortal Realm."

It took a hundred years to completely eradicate the group of invaders.

The remaining spirit boats that failed to pass through the ancient mirror have also lost hope of getting out.

The aborigines quickly reacted and roared into the sky.

But the invading big monsters attacked indiscriminately, killing people and killing monsters, the gate of the demon clan was also torn open, and they went in to snatch treasures and kill demons!
The ancestors of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance felt that this would not work, so they made an appointment with various sects to discuss.

Mo Wang, who hugged her, was also blurred by tears.

"Go to occupy a treasure land with abundant aura first? Then go to search for some treasures?"

Known as the double-faced witch.

"I'm going to hunt down that group of aliens. After all, their people killed the geniuses of my Nine-Tailed Fox Clan."

Behind them are those big monsters from ancient times!

After Yun Fei made his decision, he didn't hesitate at all. Originally, he had already dragged the battle with the Nine-Tailed Fox to the Hydra.

As soon as they gritted their teeth, they also started to explode themselves.

It is the great monster that has lived in the secret realm for the longest time, and it is also the ancestor of the nine-tailed fox that displayed its supernatural powers.

The content is as follows: Establish the Cultivation Continent Law Enforcement Hall, which is jointly managed by the three tribes of humans, monsters, and demons. It is established in Mocheng and set up as a common city for the three tribes.

The sky splits down a series of transformed lightning calamities.

She Yinyin, whose face was full of tears, collapsed in despair in Mo Wang's arms.

It seems that there are only 2000 people who have not been able to leave, plus the group of monks who use battle spirits.

Sure enough, at the moment when the formation was formed, all the big monsters felt the chaos of the shackles on their bodies!
They looked up to the sky and howled and cheered, and bursts of joyful voices spread to every part of the secret realm.

Now I can finally eat enough.

100 years have passed, Mo Wang's talent is stronger than his original body, and he has entered the stage of transformation.

Also, relax for a moment.

After the foreign enemies were dealt with, the various tribes began to fight among themselves again, but there was no war between humans, monsters and demons for a thousand years.

After returning to the Continent of Comprehension, She Wuwu brought She Yinyin and the others back to the Demon Race.

The ape king actually didn't want to massacre. As the saying goes, a strong dragon doesn't overwhelm a snake. It just wanted to find a place to stay and wait for the opportunity to ascend.

For this battle, the Demon King, Qin Patriarch of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, and the Demon King jointly discussed and formulated a plan.

"Okay, whoever lets this system love you."

After all, this time, they not only lost high combat power, but also lost many talented juniors, none of which could not survive for hundreds of years, so they chose the Millennium Contract.

Yunfei, who returned to the system space, was relieved to see that only 2725 Great Demon Queens passed through, and the Gujing passage refused them to go out.

Tears flew out from the corner of She Wuwu's eyes, but she output all her magic power, and rushed straight into the ancient mirror from the sky covered by the self-explosion at an extremely fast speed.

In order to leave a large number of places, they resisted not eating people.


They began to contact the other two races, explained their intentions, and proposed to sign the Heavenly Dao contract.

The three clans are at odds with each other, and they work in separate camps.

So I can only keep up, I only hope that after revenge, I can practice with peace of mind.

The disciples of Tianyuanzong also had sad faces, but they didn't dare to stop for a moment.

"Daddy, Daddy!!!"

"Don't be sad for me. If you can all go out, then you will accept my favor. If my daughter and eldest disciple are in trouble in the future, help them and pay back today's karma!"

Then, they found out that Yi Yi was not their opponent at all.

They don't care about the three clans fighting each other for resources on weekdays, but if any clan massacres on a large scale, it will be sanctioned by the other two clans.

The remaining Nascent Soul cultivators, Lord Jianhua Shendao, blew themselves up, and now they also have no hope of getting out.

"I can finally utter words, and I can take on a human body."

Humans, monsters, and monsters were killed and injured countless times, and even the Nascent Soul was damaged a lot, and there were also Huashen, and the entire continent was turned upside down.

And to launch a large-scale war, without them, the oath of heaven can make them exterminate the clan.

It was a vicissitudes of life voice. After showing its figure, it was a huge fox, as tall as a mountain peak, with nine tails moving with the wind behind it.

Zhenjun Lanqing and others immediately used the sound transmission talisman to notify the suzerain to come and meet them.

The Cultivation Continent is facing such a catastrophe, and the group of god-transforming masters who hid in the deep mountains and old forests and comprehended the secrets of heaven also came out of the mountain one after another.

At this moment, an explosion at the stage of transforming gods completely blew their heads apart without any preparation, and the monsters near the ancient mirror were more or less injured.

The demon king was seriously injured in this fight against the enemy, and his cultivation base plummeted. She accidentally killed the other brothers and sisters and completely rose to power.

After the contract was signed, they united and launched the monster hunting plan.

Finally decided to let go of prejudice and join hands!

However, it is also a fact that it owes the Nine-Tails Clan, if this karma is not repaid, Feisheng Thunder Tribulation can chop it into ashes.

"All the monsters obey the order, don't worry about the group of mice rushing out, block the rest of the aliens, the big monsters will follow me into the ancient mirror!"

"System, let me see the follow-up before settlement."

One side angel, one side devil.


Digression: This plane will end after tomorrow's extra episode. To be honest, I feel very dissatisfied.

One is that I am not very good at this genre, and the other is that I am too busy during the Chinese New Year and have no time to conceive.

In short, after waiting, when I am fully prepared, I will try this type again! (︿)

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