Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 331 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 31

Chapter 331 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 31
Half a month after the live broadcast.

The broken iron house has been expanded into a big iron house...

At this moment, the room is filled with a seductive aroma, mixed with the sound of hungry gurgling, and the sound of swallowing saliva.

Jenny was talking with Xia Qingzhu, but she couldn't help sneaking glances at the side where the kitchen utensils were placed from time to time.

Iris and Tucker were also not much better. They seemed to be waiting calmly, but in fact they secretly glanced at Yunfei every three seconds.

It's so fragrant, how can it be so fragrant...

Today is Xia Qingzhu's birthday, so Yunfei took pains to cook a lot of dishes, and invited the three of Tu Ke to have dinner.

Their relationship is very good now, because Yunfei each gave a potion mixed with one-third of the marrow washing pill.

This is no less than a life-saving grace. In the hearts of the three of Tucker, they didn't intend to get anything in return.

As a result, there was a surprise now, and they felt that they owed Yunfei and his son.

He did his best to teach Xia Qingzhu.

Although they are not top talents, they are still enough to teach the current Xia Qingzhu.


Yunfei was squeezing the cream vigorously, and he had already found a substitute for flour.

As for baking, it's not a problem at all for someone with a son who's an electrical whiz.

Although he doesn't have many complicated styles, it's okay to simply make lace and draw some patterns.

The top of the cake has been painted, it is a pair of cartoon father and son, the boy is holding a little robot in his hand.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and a friendly voice asked, "Excuse me, is anyone home?"

Several people in the room looked at each other, a little surprised.

Iris asked with his eyes: Who is it?
Both Yunfei and his son shook their heads at the same time, expressing their ignorance.

Several people stood up cautiously. You must know that they don't have many friends on Garbage Star, and it is even more impossible to bring people here.

Many items in this iron house are coveted.

Tucker held a weapon, stood behind the door, and signaled to Yunfei.

Yunfei nodded, expressing his quick understanding, "There are people, who are you?"

After a moment of silence outside, the man's voice sounded again, "Mr. Xia Yong, hello, we are from the First Federation Corps, can we talk?"

finally come………

After throwing out his value, Yunfei has been waiting for someone to find him.

He didn't believe it, and no one was in a hurry to save his life.

He had received many private messages before, whether it was the empire or the Federation, they all expressed great sincerity, but he didn't reply to any of them.

Naturally, there is a choice in mind, after all, the Xia family has been from the Federation for generations.

"Then what proof do you have?"

The person outside the door responded immediately: "Yes, in addition to the documents, our major general has also come in person, so I beg you to meet me."

After Yunfei winked at the people in the house, he prepared to open the door.

Jenny and Iris protected Xia Qingzhu from left to right.

The sound of the iron door was not very pleasant, and it was pushed open with a slam.

Standing outside the door was a red-haired boy in uniform with a bright smile and exquisite appearance.

"Mr. Xia Yong, hello, I am the assistant of Major General Ye, you can call me Joey."

After the two sides shook hands friendly, the people behind Joey also stepped forward.

The leader is Ye Shunlong.

On the face that couldn't bear a smile, there was haggardness and exhaustion that couldn't be hidden.

"We finally meet, Blue Sky anchor."

Yunfei also smiled back and said, "It's our first meeting, Major General Ye."

The two began to talk politely, Ye Shunlong didn't mention why he didn't reply to his private message, and Yunfei didn't mention it either.

The first impression was not bad. After Yunfei was satisfied, he led him into the house.

Fortunately, because Tucker and the others often come, he has a long and large dining table.

Although it is not possible to let everyone sit down at this moment, at least the main characters are still allowed, and a few guards are also arranged to guard the door.


As soon as they entered the room, everyone was attracted by the scent that rushed to their faces.

Ye Shunlong swallowed covertly and asked, "Is Mr. Xia cooking? Are we disturbing you for dinner?"

"Don't bother me, today is my son's birthday, so the officers are also having a light meal with me.

The environment is a bit rough, please don't dislike it. "

How could the few people who followed dare to dislike it, and quickly stated, "I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it."

"Yeah, we have tried sleeping in mud ditch when we were away from home. Mr. Xia's house is already very good."

"It's our blessing to be able to eat the meals cooked by Mr. Xia."

Ye Shunlong was quite satisfied with the words of his subordinates, and said a little embarrassedly: "Then we won't bother you, please trouble Mr. Xia."

"No trouble, there are plenty of dishes prepared today, just a few more pairs of bowls and chopsticks."

Then he said apologetically, "Because the dishes are not ready yet, I have to trouble you for a while. I will ask my son and some friends to greet you."

"It's okay, Mr. Xia, go get busy."

Yunfei nodded and walked away, put the candles on the cake, put it aside, and served the warm food on the table.

Sweet and sour pork, pork ribs with salt and pepper, omelette with chopped green onion, boiled fish...a table full of twelve dishes, one soup, one dessert, the main dish is a large plate of noodles, all of which are very large.

It's not that there will be guests in anticipation, but it's just enough to make them just full.

These ingredients were all prepared by Yunfei in the past half a month, and most of them were substitutes.

For example, the flour that can be used to make pasta was actually found in a beauty salon.

However, it is not flour, but an edible beauty product, but after experimenting, it was found that it can be made into noodles.

Who doesn’t love noodles that are both filling and beautiful~~
The people at the dinner table were still polite just now, but since the dishes were served, no one wanted to talk anymore.

Afraid to speak, saliva will flow down...

Finally, Yunfei brought the cake and said with a smile, "Sorry for keeping everyone waiting, shall we cut the cake first and then start dinner?"

"It's okay, it's okay."

"Guest as you wish."

Yunfei put eight candles on the cake, but actually only the upper part is flammable, and the lower ones are thin iron sticks.

After lighting the homemade candles, he turned off the lighting in the house.

The moment the room became dark, several subordinates beside Ye Shunlong immediately stood up tensely, holding energy guns in their hands.

"Ahem." Ye Shunlong hurriedly coughed to signal them to relax, and then explained to the others: "Sorry, they have some professional habits."

Yunfei expressed understanding, "It's okay, it's normal, it's my fault that I didn't say it in advance."

In the room, there was only the faint candlelight on the dining table and the cake, but it could clearly reflect everyone's faces.

The warm pattern on the cake is particularly eye-catching at the moment.

"Qingzhu, happy eighth birthday, please make a wish."

Xia Qingzhu was a little embarrassed, but she still closed her eyes. Dad said that when making a wish, you must recite it devoutly in your heart, and you can't say it, or it won't work~~

 Review again, a bit strange, am I too dark (˙ー˙)
  The audit was crazy, it was noon the next day, and there was no result

(End of this chapter)

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