Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 332 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 32

Chapter 332 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 32

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

Yunfei patted the time and sang the birthday song by himself. Others are infected, so it doesn't matter if they can't sing, they can help clap their hands.

In the end, he walked to the improved water cup and knocked it on the table. Yunfei smiled and said: "Qingzhu helped me make this, and I haven't used it once. Taking advantage of today's special, I'm going to make a fool of myself for everyone."

This Ye Shunlong and the others are familiar with each other. They got into the tune right after they came here, so they are so happy.

The tune of the percussion is the happy birthday song.

Xia Qingzhu modified a device similar to a sound system, which can filter noise while amplifying the sound.

With the crisp ding-dong sound, everyone's originally tense mental strength subconsciously relaxed.

With a series of tones, the spiritual power in the spiritual sea is clearly joyful.

My head is relaxed, my mental strength is happy, and the shackles that were originally restrained have begun to loosen.

After the song was over, everyone was still unsatisfied.

After Xia Qingzhu blew out the candles, the lighting in the house was turned on again.

Iris handed over his gift box first, and then wished Xia Qingzhu a happy birthday.

Then Jenny, Tucker...

Ye Shunlong and others, as if waking up from a dream, began to pick up their own nanospaces, sending things that the little boy might like.

"Sorry, I didn't know when I came here, and there is no gift box. Happy birthday, little brother."

Xia Qingzhu thanked each of them politely, and the happiness in his heart was indescribable.


There is no doubt that the meal was overwhelming, even the vegetable juice was almost poured into a bowl and drank as soup.

Yunfei was very thankful that he left a bowl of noodles for each of those at the door, otherwise he would really just be able to smell it.

"Is everyone full?"

"I'm full."

"Thank you Mr. Xia for your hospitality."

"This is the most delicious meal I've ever eaten, bar none." Ye Shunlong licked his lips eagerly, because he didn't know how to use chopsticks well, and it was a pity that he didn't have the advantage over those three in grabbing food.

I don't know when the next meal will be...

After eating, the mess on the table was cleaned up by the nanny robot, and Yunfei brought drinks, pouring a glass for everyone.

The next thing is to talk about business.

He drank water calmly, waiting for Ye Shunlong to speak first.

Ye Shunlong was also very up-to-date, and immediately brought up the matter, "Mr. Xia Yong, there is something wrong with your father's case, you should be clear about it.

Before we came, we had sent the main personnel of the Seventh Regiment to the federal court. The charges against you and your family members are invalid, and your citizenship status will be restored according to the law.

He also named his father a first-class soldier, buried him in the Federal Cemetery, and made compensation for this wrong. "

Father Xia was wronged, Yunfei had already guessed it, there was nothing to say, the deceased was dead, at least his innocence was restored.

The current result is already very good, and it will not help to continue to pursue it.

Ye Shunlong continued to talk about compensation, "All the assets confiscated before will be returned to you and your two siblings intact.

Then the federation will compensate you for a 150-square-meter suite in the high-end residential area of ​​the main star, 3000 million star coins, and four places to study in the federal military academies, and get the citizenship of the main star of the federation. "

This compensation is already so generous because of the Ye family father and son.

If Yunfei wasn't a valuable talent, Father Xia would probably be charged as a traitor and buried forever.

"As for your younger siblings, our First Legion has sent soldiers to escort them back to the main planet."

Yunfei knew about the fact that the original owner's siblings were still alive. He had spent 100 million star coins to hire someone to protect them for a month after he received the second large amount of income.

According to his calculations, someone should be able to find him in a month.

Yunfei nodded in thanks, "Thank you, sir, for clearing our family of grievances."

"It should be. Your father was wronged in the first place. We federal soldiers shouldn't die so unclearly."

What he said, even Ye Shunlong, who was as thick-skinned as Ye Shunlong, felt that he was in a panic, but there was nothing he could do. If he didn't ask, the therapist would fly away.

"Mr. Ye came here this time, and there is one more thing to prove Mr. Xia's idea, that is, he wants to hire you as the chief recuperator of our First Federation Corps.

You can mention the treatment as you like, but although you are the recuperator of the First Federation Corps externally, internally, you may be required to take care of the soldiers of the 2-3-4 regiment.

You don't need to take special care of them, just let them sit in on it, or charge for diagnosis and treatment, it all depends on your own wishes. "

The reason why it needs to be marked as the recuperator of the First Federation Corps is that people from other Jun regiments will shamelessly occupy their recuperator.

But it's different for the exclusive Federal First Corps, so his father has the right to block other people's requests for the healer.

He didn't want to be taken advantage of by his rivals, and also wanted to protect Yunfei.

The intention, Yunfei naturally understands, so many time travels, he is not for nothing.

So he started to make his request, "Now draw a contract?"

Joey immediately stood up and saluted respectfully: "Mr. Xia, just mention it, and his subordinates will be responsible for recording the whole process."

"Okay, first of all I need absolute freedom, I will not stay with you on the border planet, you can set up a sanatorium on the main planet according to my requirements, and send people who need my treatment in the future.

For ordinary treatment, just give me an annual salary of tens of millions. For those complicated ones, I will provide you with a list according to your needs, and you need to be reimbursed.

Those who can't be saved can't rely on me, after all, I'm just an ordinary person, and I can't achieve a 100% success rate of treatment.

Then if the patient doesn't cooperate, I don't care about it. If I don't like it, I won't take action. It's useless for you to speak.

Generally, if others don't mess with me, I won't hate someone for no reason.

Nothing else matters. If the officer is sincere, why don't you help me handle the cases of these three friends together? "

Yunfei didn't let him be busy, "I heard that the chief's father's body has reached the limit of time, this condition should be used as the reward for the first special patient.

Of course, you can also wait for the treatment effect to come out before paying the reward. "

"Ye can trust Mr. Xia. To tell you the truth, I have sent someone to investigate the case of the three of you just now."

Yunfei was a little surprised, although this person is quite young, he looks very immature, he is very meticulous in his work.

As expected of being the son of that legendary figure, this ability to handle affairs is so comforting.

In order to keep people in the first group, Ye Shunlong naturally did everything.

After chatting just now, after hearing Xia Qingzhu's trust and respect for those three people from Xia Qingzhu's tone, he immediately asked his subordinates to investigate.

I just wanted to buy a good one.

If just being a senior recuperator is not enough to please him, then adding the identity of an ancient skill inheritor is enough.

The few animal skins he bought had unexpected effects.

That peace talisman also saved his father's life.

There is no rush to repay now, they will have a long time to come.

(End of this chapter)

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