Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 334 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 34

Yun Fei comforted: "It will be fine, our life has just gotten better, how can Uncle and Aunt be willing to leave us!"


Although Xia Qingzhu was still young, she knew a lot.

Especially reality and humanity.

How could it be possible for a child wandering around on Garbage Star to be naive.

He knows that life and death are out of control, but this is what his father said, so he will believe it.

yes!They just came out of the quagmire, how could uncle and aunt be willing to leave their father and son.

After rushing to the hospital, Yunfei took the elevator directly to the emergency room on the top floor.

The names of the Ye family father and son are enough to gather several respected medical practitioners to rush over to help with first aid at this point in time.

Regardless of whether he was rescued or not, this was another favor. Yunfei felt that he would not worry about debts.

"Mr. Xia." Joey stood up and saluted.

"Joy, I wonder how my family is doing now?"

Joey frowned and sighed: "Doctor Lin means that it's probably not very good... I have already used the best medical cabin, and now I can only wait for the results."

Most interstellar physicians are not as sophisticated as the medical cabin, so the medical cabin is used more often.

The doctor is mainly responsible for dispensing the liquid medicine, then putting it into the medical cabin, and then letting the patient lie down...

Surgery requires a doctor to perform the operation himself, but after the operation, he still lies in the medical cabin.

So in the emergency room at this moment, three doctors and four nurses were frowning and observing the situation in the medical cabin.

A man and a woman lying inside were emaciated, with festered skin all over their bodies, and various scars on their faces and bodies.

Especially the girl, with several scars on her face, plus festering and pus, she looks like she has lost her human form.

The leader, Lin Xi, frowned and said, "No, they are too polluted, unless the whole body's blood and internal organs are replaced... otherwise..."

The others were silent because Lindsay was right.

Their bodies can no longer absorb the medicinal liquid on their own, which means that their entire bodies are corrupted.

Only by replacing the blood and internal organs can it be possible to absorb the medicinal liquid, but even if the medicinal liquid is absorbed, it is not 100% effective.

After this conclusion was drawn, the two were undoubtedly sentenced to death.

The success rate of transfusion surgery is not high, let alone organ replacement.

There is also the need to match the organs. Although there are artificial organs nowadays, as long as the money is in place, they can be replaced, but they also need to be matched.

In the current situation, I can't even hold my life. How can I wait for the matching and support the operation...

"Hey, let the family members know, let's see each other for the last time while they are still conscious."

"Okay." One of the nurses responded.


The few people waiting outside immediately got up and approached.

"Which one is a family member?"

Yunfei responded quickly: "I am their eldest brother."

Then the nurse told him about the situation, and finally said earnestly: "They can't leave the medical cabin, so hurry up and go in and meet."

"Uncle... Aunt..." Xia Qingzhu burst into tears after hearing this, choked up and wanted to rush in.

He was stopped by a nurse and was allowed to enter after changing into an isolation suit.

Ye Shunlong and Joey tactfully did not go in to disturb, and waited at the door for the doctors who had withdrawn, and then solemnly thanked them.

He still understands the ways of the world. If it weren't for his video call this time, it is estimated that these few people would not be invited to work overtime.

And for their profession, being friendly with professional doctors is equivalent to saving a lot of lives.


After Yunfei and Xia Qingzhu went in, they were shocked to see the miserable conditions of the two people in the medical cabin.

Especially Xia Qingzhu, who was crying so hard that she couldn't breathe, "Auntie..."

His timid aunt!

To be tortured into this appearance, what exactly did they go through.

"Auntie, uncle, wake up, I am Qingzhu, my father and I are here to pick you up..."

Hearing Qingzhu's name, the two moved their fingers, and tears rolled down the corners of Xia Qin's eyes.

She wanted to open her eyes to see, but couldn't...

green bamboo...

green bamboo...

She wanted to call him, but couldn't.

After watching the situation of the two of them with a frown, Yunfei began to scratch his own space.

Fortunately, in the past half a month, he has star coins on him and bought a lot of things.

It is impossible to exchange blood and organs.

Looking up at the camera, Yunfei dialed Ye Shunlong's communication and asked him to find someone to help transfer the siblings to a private ward.

This request was easy to handle, and someone came in to help immediately.

Although the doctors thought it was a fool, but since Ye Shunlong asked, they could only follow through.

After everyone is out.

Yunfei took out the array of spirit stones at the bottom of the press box, and then took out a huge wooden barrel, poured the diluted spirit water into it.

Then the two brothers and sisters in the medical cabin were carried into the wooden barrel respectively.

That child-like weight made his heart a little depressed.

Then he scraped some marrow washing pills into the water, and then used his own spiritual power to guide the spiritual energy into their bodies.

After wandering through their heart veins with aura, they still have to bring it out.

To be honest, this operation is quite difficult for him now.

If it is him in the plane of cultivating immortals, it is just a wave of hands.

Now he... has to be squeezed dry several times.

Because he is only at the third level of refining Qi now...

It takes several times to operate one, let alone two.

So now he can only use spiritual energy to nourish their heart veins, hang their lives and then slowly treat them.


Xia Qingzhu outside the door sat in a low mood and said nothing, while Joey accompanied him.

Ye Shunlong left first because he had something to do in the nursing home.

This wait is just one night...

Yunfei in the room looked very bad at the moment, he slumped on the bed and dialed Joey's communication.

"Joy, please take us home, and help my younger brother and sister to be discharged from the hospital. Don't let anyone touch them. No one will believe it, and the doctor... can't do it."

After he finished speaking, he passed out, and Joey who was outside the door quickly opened the door and came in.

Go to the bed and shout, "Mr. Xia, Mr. Xia!"

Xia Qingzhu didn't expect that his uncle and aunt were still not well, and his father also collapsed, throwing himself on the bedside and crying heartbreakingly, "Dad!"

This is probably the saddest time he has cried since he was born...

Joey called someone while comforting him, "Qingzhu, don't worry, Mr. Xia should be tired, his breathing is very stable, there is no big problem.

Uncle Joey will send someone to take you home right away. "

After a period of chaos, the three of them were successfully sent back to Mingyuan community.

The doctors of the Federal Hospital did not care about the release of the two brothers and sisters, although they were a little shocked by their vitality.

But that's all...

It's just a dying struggle, and it's normal for the family to want to take the patient home.

Yunfei was in a coma for three days.

Even the brothers and sisters of the Xia family have woken up, but he hasn't woken up yet.

For Xia Qingzhu, these three days were suffering and despair.

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