Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 335 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 35

The second child of the Xia family, Xia Wu, woke up first.

He first looked around blankly...

I felt that I was soaked in a medical cabin, and then I saw the sign of home.

There are two types of medical cabins. The ones used by hospitals are different from those used by households. The cabins used for medical purposes are not for sale.

So he's not in the hospital right now...

Was it the group of mercenaries who saved him?

Sister...Qinqin! !

What about Qinqin?Was she rescued?
Xia Wu had used the home medical cabin before, so he knew where the button to open it was.

After opening the hatch, he got up wet all over his body, and his body was very uncomfortable, but he had to get up...

Qinqin... Sister, he wants to find her...

Walking out of the bathroom, Xia Wu was stunned for a moment when he saw the luxurious decoration and clean floor outside.

He wanted to go out, but felt that it was impolite to trample other people's houses, and the anxiety in his heart urged him to make a quick decision.

In the end, he stepped his leg over the threshold, and the liquid medicine dripped down his body and smudged on the translucent gray floor.

The younger sister is more important... After he finds his younger sister, he can wipe the floor a hundred times, and he can also replace it with a part-time job to pay off the debt.

When Xia Wu plucked up his courage and was about to leave the room, the door opened from the outside.

Green bamboo with haggard eyes, like a wandering ghost, stood outside the door.

Seeing him awake, he shouted aggrievedly: "Uncle!"

"Big nephew!!" Xia Wu was also very excited.

Although the child in front of him has grown up a lot, he can still recognize that this is the green bamboo of their family.

"Eldest nephew, where's your father? Where's your aunt? I thought we'd never see each other again in this life."

Due to being too emotional, Xia Wu finally failed to hold on and fell to the ground.

There was a silly smile on the terrifying face, and tears kept streaming from his eyes, which made Xia Qingzhu very sad.

His uncle has always been big-hearted. Grandma said that when he was a child, he was whipped hard by his grandpa for being naughty, but he was still giggling. They thought the child had a brain problem, so they took him to see a doctor.

This was the third time he saw his uncle cry, once when his grandpa died and once when his grandma died.

Xia Qingzhu stepped forward to help him, and asked him to use his strength, "Uncle, you are not well yet, you have to take it to the medical cabin.

My dad is fine, and so is my aunt, don't worry. "

"That's good, that's good, where are they? I want to take a look."

"No, uncle, you can't leave the medical cabin, lie down first, and you can see it after a few days when you recover."

Xia Wu couldn't help but worry, he was struggling to get up now, and his breathing was even more difficult.

I had no choice but to go back to the medical cabin and lie down.


On the morning of the fourth day, Yunfei finally woke up.

He fell into a coma because his body was too weak. When he was lying down, his body would store spiritual energy. Only when he reached a certain standard could he wake up with the help of spiritual energy in his body.

Xia Qingzhu knew it as soon as he woke up, and he stayed in the room to guard him.

Seeing Yunfei open his eyes, he hurried over with a glass of warm water, "Dad, do you want some water?"


After lying down for three days, my throat was indeed a bit dry and hoarse.

After drinking the water, Yunfei asked, "How long have I been lying down?"

Thinking of the worries and fears of the past few days, Xia Qingzhu couldn't help but choked up again, "Three days, you've been lying down for three days!"

"Don't cry, Dad is fine, just a little short, and you can get better if you make up for it."

The doctor said the same thing, it was purely a physical deficit, as if he had collapsed from starvation for several months.

Or the kind that dries up in an instant...

Thinking of this, Qingzhu hurried to the kitchen and carefully brought over a bowl of egg soup.

"You eat this first, I won't do anything else."

"My son made it? That must be delicious."

Yunfei cheerfully opened his mouth to accept the feeding, the taste was a bit bland, but it was just right for the patient.

While eating, he asked, "How are your uncle and aunt doing?"

"Their condition is not very good. I didn't dare to let them leave the medical cabin and kept them there."

Xia Qingzhu took a sip to cool it down and fed it, looking good.

"In the past three days, Uncle Ye and Uncle Joey have come to see you, and brought a doctor to check you up. They didn't move Uncle and Auntie, and told you not to move."

"Well, wait for Dad to recover some strength before going to see them."


In the evening, Ye Shunlong came to visit Yunfei again. In the past two days, his father's condition had deteriorated again, so he was unavoidably anxious, but he didn't dare to urge him.

He can only run twice a day, hoping that his therapist can recover as soon as possible.

Yunfei gave him ten spells of each kind, and a tube of clean juice for him to deal with first.

Wait for him to recover a bit, and then come to the clinic for treatment.

The location of the nursing home can only be chosen later.

After sending Xia Qingzhu away, he quickly set up a small spirit gathering array, and then sat cross-legged in meditation.

These small formations that are not difficult are basically used by those who cultivated in the previous plane.

Unless the talent is really bad...

Just like some kitchen killers.

Most people are able to cook some simple home-cooked meals after a long period of time, but the kitchen killer is different.

Obviously the steps are the same, but they can't make the same thing.

Running the exercises without sleep all night, combined with the array, only gave Yunfei some strength.

The void in the body is still there.

Interstellar spiritual energy is really too rare...


He went to see Xia Wu and Xia Qin first.

Xia Wu seemed to be still a little energetic, Yunfei opened the hatch and poured the juice of the net fruit into his mouth.

His younger brother was quite obedient, and he drank the food without asking anything.

After pouring the medicinal liquid mixed with Xisui Pill into the medical cabin, he said a few words of comfort before going to his sister's room.

Compared with Xia Wu, Xia Qin's situation at the moment is terrible, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is dying.

Her physique is a bit weak.

It was also pure fruit juice, Yunfei didn't dare to put the powder of Xisui Pill, just replaced the liquid medicine, and then put in the diluted spirit water.

Xia Qin didn't wake up the whole time, Yun Fei didn't leave, even the dinner was brought in by Xia Qingzhu.

While absorbing the spiritual energy, he used his spiritual power to help Xia Qin nourish his body.

I didn't go back to my room to meditate until late at night.

It took him a whole week to bring the siblings back from the brink of death.

However, the two of them will not die for the time being. If they want to recover their bodies, they have to slowly accumulate.

Life is on the right track, and Yunfei is ready to start his work.

Today he made an appointment with Ye Shunlong to choose a place in a nursing home.

Early in the morning, Xia Qingzhu came into the room and called him, "Father, it's time to wash up, don't keep people waiting."

"I'll sleep for another 5 minutes..."

Low-level cultivators who have spent a night drawing symbols also need to sleep...

"No, get up quickly! The toothpaste is squeezed out for you, and there are clothes to wear today.

For your first day at work, wear that light blue blazer for a softer look.

Breakfast is also ready, you hurry up to wash up and eat breakfast, Uncle Joey should come to pick you up. "

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