Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 347 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 47

Chapter 347 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 47
While discussing with Yunfei how to treat Eve, Xia Qingzhu coaxed her to be happy every day.

Push her to the backyard in a wheelchair, look at the garden, the vegetable garden, and bask in the sun.

There were people who responded, but suddenly there was no sound. He looked down, and sure enough, the girl had fallen asleep.

Vigorous age, but like a dying patient.

"Eve, do you remember? The three of us met in that corner. Simon said that he will be back from vacation next month."

You must be fine.

Yunfei also couldn't prevent her condition from deteriorating. He didn't systematically learn medical skills, and only used elixir and some superficial pharmacological combinations.

It's okay if she is sick or poisoned, even if she is born weak.

But like this, a person who is born with a lack of a gene, no matter how capable he is, he can't make it out of nothing!
She can only use pills to prolong her life, which is a way to treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

And their current research direction is to let the body find a balance point.


However, despite their efforts to save her life, both father and son failed to keep her.

Eve didn't wake up after only 35 more years, and she was still in her prime in StarCraft.

But even those 35 years are shocking enough.

After all, this is not a mental collapse, but a genetic congenital defect, a life that cannot be reversed except for changing the body.

There are many kinds of genetic diseases of interstellar people, some are not fatal, and some are fatal.

Like this kind of fatal, no one has ever been able to treat it, it can only stimulate vitality and put the patient in a state of returning to light.

It is conceivable how many people came to the door of Xia's father and son after that.

Fatal flaws can live for more than [-] years, so isn't it possible for their non-fatal ones to be cured?
For this possibility, how many people spend a lot of money seeking a place for medical treatment?

Even if it can't be cured, it's okay to let them die later!
However, Yunfei refused and declared that the case cannot be replicated.

All research materials have been published on the star network, and those who need it can check it out by themselves.

After all, it is impossible to accompany a patient for more than thirty years.

If that person hadn't been Eve, she would never have received Xia Qingzhu's follow-up treatment for more than [-] years.


At the funeral, her mother sent two family members away one after another, crying heartbreakingly, and fainted several times.

Xia Qingzhu in a black suit, with a white flower on her chest, stood silently in front of her tombstone.

Beside him is Simon, whose blond hair is still brilliant, but his face is much firmer.

"Qingzhu, go back."

After all the worshipers left, only the two of them were left in front of the tombstone.

Xia Qingzhu said lightly: "You go back first, I want to stay by myself for a while."

"it is good."

After everyone had left, he squatted down and arranged the bouquet in front of the tombstone.

Among the many black and white photos in the cemetery, her color photos are particularly eye-catching.

"Qingqing, actually I like pretty girls, but I haven't seen myself as a girl for so many years, can you take the best photo for me?"


It's just that he didn't expect that this photo would actually become her posthumous photo.

For more than 30 years, she has been a patient, and he has been her exclusive therapist, and the two have been by their side.

After a long time, even the spiritual thread resonated with the other party.

At the beginning, they were just close friends, and I don't know when it started, and there was an ambiguity between the two.

With just one look, you can read the other person's mind.

She never said she loved him in her life, and neither did he.

Xia Qingzhu understood that she wanted to eliminate this defective gene in this generation, so that no one would suffer in the future.

He respected her choice, so he stayed as a bosom friend in this life.

the wind picked up...

The girl in the photo smiled warmly, and Xia Qingzhu's thoughts seemed to return to those years of campus time.

As if she was invincible, she manipulated the mecha, stood up again and again, and was thrown down again and again.

The early onset of the genetic disease must have something to do with her years of overdrawn mental strength training.

But it was her favorite career...

After Xia Qingzhu stroked the photo lightly, she turned and left.

The wind blew away his last murmur that was too soft to be heard...


Ever since Eve's funeral was over, Yunfei has been paying attention to Xia Qingzhu's mood.

The appearance of carefully peeking at it dilutes the depression in Xia Qingzhu's heart.

For example, at this moment, he was going out early today to attend a defense meeting, so he got up to make lunch before dawn.

Suddenly noticed that half of the head was protruding from the wall...

It almost scared him out of his body. If he hadn't experienced it many times, he really couldn't stand the stimulation.

"Come out, I see you."

Yun Fei came out embarrassingly, obviously there were many fine lines on his face, but his expression at this moment was as cramped as a child who was caught.

"You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what do you do when you get up? You are getting old, you should pay attention to your work and rest."

"???!" Yunfei's expression was shock mixed with heartache, "Son, you actually said that Dad is old? It's too much! I want to sever the father-son relationship with you for three days!!

I can't coax him for a day. I don't know if age is a taboo for uncles like us?

I am in my prime!Do adults understand? "

Xia Qingzhu remained unmoved, and continued to chop the meat in his hands, still with two knives...

"Exactly, I didn't make your breakfast, and I was afraid that you would make trouble. Since we have severed the relationship, then I won't prepare any more. Go to sleep, wake up and go buy some dry food by yourself."

What does it mean to shoot yourself in the foot?This is.

Yunfei was aggrieved and walked back to the room step by step, waiting for his son to stop him.

It turned out that he really ignored him!

But after returning to the room, the expression on his face returned to his calm and breezy appearance, and he lay leisurely on the bed.

He also complained to the system: "My son is getting older, and he is becoming less and less cute. I'm afraid he won't think about it in the middle of the night! That's why I endured sleepiness and got up to care.

Alas, it's hard to be a good person..."

The system was speechless, endured and endured, seeing that someone had leisurely started shaking his feet, he couldn't hold back and asked: [Is what you just said to someone half a dime related to caring? 】

"Of course it has something to do with it! If he can't think about it and suddenly sees his old father who can't take care of himself, he will definitely stop thinking about it.

After all, he still has to take care of me! "

[Hehe, you can squeeze the task, and when you fail the score, I will throw you to open up wasteland, seal your space, skills. 】

Hmph, I won't even give you a hoe, so you can experience the dangers in the world.

Yunfei: ...the system can't afford it.

After complaining, the system escaped, and it couldn't see that the host was more leisurely than it.

I can't tell who is working...

(End of this chapter)

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