Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 348 The Father and Son Picking Up Trash in the Interstellar End

Chapter 348 The Father and Son Picking Up Trash in the Interstellar End

After waking up the next day, seeing the dumplings on the warming table, Yunfei smiled and sat down to eat.

The hard-spoken and soft-hearted son knew that he couldn't let his old father ignore him.

The father and son just quarreled like this, and every time they quarreled in Yunfei, Xia Qingzhu ignored it on the surface and lived his whole life in a state of secret compromise.

Xia Qin and Wu Zhe got together and became the queen of the Federation, giving birth to a son and a daughter.

Cowardly, she fell under Wu Zhe's tough attacks again and again.

She enjoys his dominance and possession, and he is satisfied with her dependence and submissiveness. The two have a deep love and never have any differences.

Even if Xia Qin didn't say anything, Wu Zhe could understand her emotions, because the ring would change its temperature according to her mood.

Sometimes he doesn't even understand that this ring is from the ancestors of the Wu family, or from the destined person...

It should belong to the Wu family, after all it helped him catch up with his wife.

Grandma was right.

If he hadn't cared about the blood relationship, Wu Zhe would have made them disappear in the Federation long ago.

When the people who love me and the people I love are gone, I can't seem to find the meaning of living.

The future successor of the Federation, but his eldest nephew, can he not be loyal and try his best to protect him!
Later, he rescued a natural girl on a small planet, and the two formed a family.

Because no one loves, no one remembers, so it's all so hard, and it's meaningless to live or not.

I have an incompetent father, but I have never held a grudge against him.

And he survived until the fifth to seventh marshals retired and successfully took over.

On the star network headlines, his figure appeared.

After everyone left, just like the year Eve died, he was the only one left in the huge and deserted cemetery.

#Mr. Xia, Mr. Xiao Xiao is going well all the way. #
#The father of a sanatorium went to bed at the end of his life, and his son suspected suicide. #
#Why did Mr. Xia Xiao die in front of her tomb?Who is this girl? #
According to reports, early this morning, the robot in charge of cleaning the cemetery discovered Mr. Xia Qingzhu's body.

In the cemetery to the left of Eve's tombstone, the family willingly moved the grave after receiving benefits from Wu Zhe.

I know, she is persuading me not to love her anymore, I should find a girl with good genes, get married and have children.

Also know his past.

Xia Qingzhu——When I finish my mission, I will come after you, you... walk slowly.

There is a calm look in the eyes, no sadness, no pain.

The two of them, from the mutual support on the garbage star to the joint efforts of the main star, have already forged a deep friendship.


In such a huge family, none of them can stand up.

The reporters quickly dug out the girl's identity, and the rising star fell due to a mission.

Xia Yong's body naturally also has a genetic disease.

My wish is very small, as long as he lives.

After all, people are born to parents, how could I not have a mother?Biologically it doesn't make sense.

Most of them are fighters who have just graduated, and the journey of life has just begun and ended.

And Iris left after a few years in the nursing home.

As for Lao Xia's family, they were already so down and down that they couldn't even compare with ordinary rich people. After offending Wu Zhe, they were suppressed even more.

After saying this, he also got up and left.

They are stupid, I should learn to tolerate.

The soldiers who were infected and died in large numbers have always been a pain in the hearts of the people of the Federation.

Attachment [-].

The pink-haired girl smiled brightly, and a boy holding a camera was reflected in her purple eyes.

She will not live long, she doesn't want to fall in love, she said that her genes don't need to be passed on.

Later, I had a beloved girl.

Loving him has become my obsession and mission, like a part of my body, which I cannot give up.

walk slowly, ok?

My grandma said that my father was very bitter. He was in poor health, discriminated against and ridiculed by others. We should love him.

Physical defects, irreparable.

On that day, she was wearing a pink tutu dress, as dreamy and beautiful as a princess of a kingdom.

Xia Qingzhu respected them as teachers all her life, even though she didn't learn much from them.

After she died, half of my heart left with her.

Marriage is two people who love each other, not the reproduction of genetic matching. We are human beings, not animals.

The panic at that moment made me understand that I still mind those boring remarks.

Ye Shunlong succeeded Ye Lingzhan's first to fourth armies.


The pink dresses on the two of them looked like a newlyweds.

Instead of being with strangers and risking being rejected, it is better for them to be together and familiarize themselves with each other's past.

But I only smiled lightly.

A mech establishment competition made him famous, and both the Federation and the Empire knew about this genius.

It has to be said that the original body does have some genes from the second generation ancestors.

So I have a mother and a father.

The girl smiled, and the young man leaned to the right with his eyes closed.

They are all dudes who gnaw on their ancestors.

So after an insider revealed the past of the two, people offered their blessings one after another.

They are all excellent people, it's just that fate tricks them.

But even if Wu Zhe let them go, they still had a hard time.

At Yunfei's funeral, Xia Qingzhu, wearing a black suit, stood upright.

There are desserts and dishes.

She gave birth to a son of a natural person, with black hair and black eyes, delicate and frail, but his eyes are full of spirituality.

Of course, this also has something to do with him being the queen's brother.

He just needs to wait for me where I am, when I grow up, when I slowly become a tall and straight green bamboo, and when I take him away from this stinking garbage star...

Take out the things in the space button one by one and arrange them.

But I understand what grandma means, if no one loves daddy, he will die...

Naturally weak people are indeed the group with the most stable genes.

Being able to live for so many years has already benefited from the nourishment of aura.

Holding the ring box in his hand, holding a bouquet of flowers, he leaned peacefully on the tombstone.

On the day the child was born, Yunfei gave him the secret history of ancient times that he had written for many years as a gift.

The main reason is that Yunfei wanted to live, otherwise he would have died decades ago.

Others bully him, and if we don't love him, he won't feel the meaning of living in this world.

Let him take the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the ancient culture...

The two failed to express their feelings during their lifetime, but they were finally able to stay next to each other after death.

The other half of my heart follows my old father, and I don't worry about my old child's father.

The aura of Xingji is too weak, he has never broken through the foundation building in his life, to be precise, his cultivation has stopped at the seventh level of Qi refining, and there is no further progress.

At the age of 112, Yunfei felt the limit of this body organ.

So I have to love my father forever, so that he will not die, and I can have a father.

It's like lying in the arms of a beloved girl.

Later, he became a well-known mech designer in the Federation.

I'm young and don't know much about it.

It can only be seen from the reflection that the boy is wearing a white robe of a medical institution.


To sum it up in one sentence, genius attracts jealousy.

Tucker became the guard warrior of the Nova Sanatorium, and Jenny studied the profession of a sanatorium, and has been working as a sanatorium in the sanatorium.

Every year on that day, people mourn for it.

Three days later.

He didn't know how long he had been standing, his body was a little stiff before he moved.

And Xia Qingzhu was also wearing a pink suit and white trousers, leaning against her tombstone and fell asleep.


Others said that I was a wild child without a mother. I was angry, but not too angry.


They were all his favorite things in the past, and he placed the bouquet around his tombstone.

With the support of the Ye family father and son, Xia Wu climbed all the way by relying on military achievements.

From soldier, to lieutenant general, to general, to marshal...

"It's beautiful, I'll give you all the delicious food, let's go."

After the wind blows, the white bouquet in front of the tombstone is swept away...

 One hundred thousand words, compressed my output...

  Alas, I want to fill in the details of several settings, and I want to write about several favorite supporting roles!But this is not a long story.

  Sweet Zai Zai's campus life has been cut off, and my heart aches.

(End of this chapter)

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