Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 349 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 1

[Extracting the task emotion and the experience of the healer...]

[Mission settlement...

Mission objective: Xia Qingzhu's happiness level is 90%
Mission Completion Grade: Excellent.

Settlement points: 90.

Cumulative points: 220.

Mall: opened.

Task Reward: Intermediate Fist and Embroidered Legs.

Package: bionic companion robot, [-] square meters of space (two lands have been fused.).

Skills: Huaquan embroidered legs intermediate level, Yin Yang eye level level, spell spell level level level, eaves and wall walking level level level, level weapon refining technique level level.

Two hundred points, just enough for another basic tasteless skill.

He had no choice, and everyone in the academy had no choice.

The monthly evaluation determines how many coins you can receive in a month.

Tan Xixi's ability is to turn into various animals. In the days that followed, she turned into an animal every day.

It collects people with various special talents from all over the country. It is more like a prison than an academy.

But even if life is so poor, it is still happy.

When he woke up, he seemed to be in good shape.

At the beginning, he worked hard to become a top student and get a home-return certificate, but later, he gradually became more and more indifferent.

The parallel space Mercury is located in the research institute of country Z.

Feeling the movement in her stomach, her first reaction was not to go to the hospital of the college to kill it, but to think about how to give birth!

The bribery system is really useful, this time the transmission, Yunfei would like to call it, the spring breeze is blowing~~

The power absorbed by the main system is obtained from the feedback of the task object and the consumption of the host.

In a panic, he dealt with the traces and ran away...

He started to sleep in class, and gathered a group of thorns after class to make trouble everywhere.

"Really, buckle it."

Yunfei lay down contentedly, closed his eyes to accept the plot.

Because the state cannot let them go out to disturb the society of ordinary people.

After all, if there is no pursuit, how can there be motivation?

What was bloody afterwards was that Tan Xixi woke up first and saw that she had a relationship with the school bully.


For this reason, Yunfei also took the initiative and said generously: "Tongzi, I think you like reading novels, I will give you [-] points to buy novels."

Murong Xi was only five years old when he entered the college, and he has not been home to see his family for 15 years now.

And elementary medical skills are sold for [-] points...

It looked like an ordinary ward, and it was safe for the time being, and then I checked my body. It was good at hands and feet, and it didn't look like it had been abused for a long time.

As long as people who enter here, they will never think about going out again before graduation.

Inside, Tan Xixi was resting after drinking too much. It was her full birthday that day, and it was the first time she was so happy.


Ten points are just enough for the energy it sends, snacks and novels, all of which are saved by it.

Unfortunately, their car was in the middle.

His family had no way to stop it, and had no right to say no, they could only watch helplessly as the child was taken away.

They seldom bully their classmates and only fight against teachers.

This is also the reason why their rewards are a bit shabby, after all, to save costs...

Then, after forcibly leaving a card for Murongxi's family, they took him away in a coma.

They will assist the host to do tasks, and finally draw a small amount of fees to maintain the cost.

As long as people who have exposed their physique, whether they like it or not, they will be taken to the academy on this isolated island to receive education, and their families will get a sum of money.

On the day he got the card, he was very happy, but something happened on the way to get the cake.

His family also wrote a letter in the first few days, then in the next few months, and now... only once a year.

Similarly, such people are also needed to help in secret, so they can only be controlled and under unified supervision.

It was written in a letter that his mother gave birth to another pair of twin brothers when he was ten years old.


So he activated his ability, and the guardian angel in the card appeared out of thin air, spreading his wings to protect their car.

It's all about rebuilding the home!
However, the hosts are not at a disadvantage. They are systems that only bind people with strong desires to do tasks.

At that moment, the five-year-old him had only one thought!Protect your family.

【real? 】Electronic sound with surprise in shock.

As for wanting to go home and see your family, yes!But you must get the award for the top student.

Murong Xi who came to the academy showed amazing talent!
His destructive power is extremely strong, a deck of cards contains many abilities.

As for twenty points, it only has a commission of ten points for a task, which is equivalent to paying two salary advances.

Here is like a city, there are many things to eat, drink and have fun.

His original name was Murong Xi, he was [-] this year, and he was a student of this academy.

When he was ten years old, he began to go out to do missions with his mentors, and his hands were covered with blood.

Until, she finally got a message.

At the party two years ago, Murong Xi lost control of his energy and stumbled into a ktv private room.

Its host is promising, and they will have a good relationship in the workplace.


But there is no computer or mobile phone, and no contact with the outside world is allowed. You can write a letter every three months.

Rabbits, kangaroos, cats... All kinds of things take turns. When asked, they just practice their abilities and hit the year-end rankings.

The target of this task has already been born, a daughter, but she is not on this island.

So the systems that they come out to do tasks are all willing.

There is turmoil in their system world, and energy is needed to repair it. If it is not repaired, the system world will be destroyed.

This is a name for the outside world, but it is actually a school of supernatural powers.

A series of car accidents.

[Thank you host! ! 】

No matter what the ability is, even if it is to make oneself shine, it can only be used as a light bulb, and it cannot leave this academy.

No one knew what she was thinking.

After all, she was a girl who had never been in contact with the outside world. She didn't realize her difference until more than five months ago.

The first thing to look at is the surrounding environment.

The college's resources are all in favor of him. Even though he is a bad student, the teachers still like him, and even condone him because of guilt.

She decided to save it first, buy one herself, or wait for the system to reward one.

Every day, he must perform a trick of escaping from the academy, and was intercepted by the teachers and brought back for punishment.

It has to be said that once a timid person becomes crazy, many things can be accomplished.

Everything is so beautiful......

Murong Xi's ability is a deck of cards, a deck of cards that he begged his father to buy for him on his fifth birthday.

People from the Special Energy Bureau arrived at the scene quickly, and ordered those who witnessed it not to spread it, and the captured pictures must also be deleted.

The currency used here is also determined by grades.

But Yunfei didn't buy it. After going to the last plane, she fully understood the importance of medical skills.

The college needs a student to do missions in country H, and the mission content is quite suitable for her.

A person who has always resisted missions, for the first time tried his best to snatch the opportunity to do missions.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to become a poisonous snake, and frightened the original candidate so much that he fell and sprained his feet.

There is only one update, which needs to be pondered.

Dear friends, Happy Goddess' Day.

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