Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 364 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 16

Chapter 364 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 16
"Brother Ze is right. Compared with punishment, we are more displeased with these grandchildren."

"Others dare not beat you because you are guests, but we are not afraid!"

Yun Fei's face was also very cold, and Shi Ren crushed the hand under his foot with his foot, causing the man to groan in pain.

"Ah! Let go, the instructor save me." The black Booker was really scared at the moment.

His hands seemed to be crushed.

"Student, please let go of the students in our academy!" The tutor of country Y ordered in a strong tone.

Yunfei didn't move, and a female classmate next to her was so angry that her eyes were red, she pointed at Booker and complained: "Mr. Jin, he touched me just now, Brother Xi saw it and hit him."

All eyes looked at Booker, but he didn't feel that he was wrong at all.

"This female classmate is very beautiful, I just want to make friends with her...Ah!!"

The strength on the back of his hand increased, and he couldn't help but cry out in pain.

The supernatural being who came with him next to him wanted to stop him when he saw this, but was stopped by Gu Yuze and others.

Country Y's instructors don't think there is any problem with this. The women on their side often encounter this kind of situation.

That is to say, Congress Z made a big fuss because of this kind of thing, obviously looking for excuses to embarrass them.

So he said: "If you want to challenge our academy, you can directly send a battle post. We country Y doesn't like your country Z's twists and turns."

I heard that people in country Z like this kind of circle-style way of doing things the most, and they always find a reason before trying to embarrass others.

With these words, even the students of Class A who don't usually look at Class D directly, couldn't help frowning.

"Heh, let's challenge."

Su Meng next to her has already written the battle post with great insight.

Yunfei let go of his foot, and stuffed the battle card into Booker's hand on the ground, "Our college has a professional competition platform, do you dare to come?"

"Booker, don't be afraid of him, just go."

"That's right, they just took advantage of our unpreparedness to sneak attack, and we will make them look good later!"

"Such an interesting thing, how can our class A be missing? It just so happens that I also want to send the battle post in my hand to the students in country M." The monitor of class a said.

Seeing that Class A has joined, Class B and Class C have already had enough of these arrogant guys, and joined one after another.

The middle and lower divisions clenched their fists beside them, looking excited.

They had long wanted to teach this group of people a lesson, but they were still young, so they would definitely not be able to beat them, and they were afraid of being punished by the academy, so they could only endure it.

After the two parties agreed, they went to the competition platform together.


The martial arts arena of the college is made of special materials, which is very resistant to fabrication.

And after entering, an energy shield will be activated to ensure that the audience outside will not be affected.

The squad leader of class d, Gongsun Yi, also came. After all, he is the squad leader. Although he found it very troublesome, he couldn't help showing up.

Because Class D provoked it first, Class D will face Country Y first.

There is no particular order, as long as one party sends people to the ring first, then the other party sends people to fight.

Gu Yuze stood up first and said, "It was Xi who did it first, let me do it this time."

Facing him was a dark-skinned, curly-haired boy who seemed to be around 20 years old.

Probably did a strategy, knowing that Gu Yuze has a fire ability, so they sent a water ability to fight.

It is true that water can defeat fire, but the premise is that water is stronger than fire!

Otherwise, nothing is of any use.

Sure enough, as a man who is qualified to wear earrings, Gu Yuze is not as silly and sweet as he appears on the surface.

When fighting, he still knows how to use tactics, but the opponent has a brute force, although he won, he still suffered a bit.

Next came a boy from the class, usually very low-key, no one noticed.

But everyone in the class knew that he and that girl were a couple.

He was not there just now, if he was, there would be no need for Yunfei to come forward.

The boy pointed at Booker and said, "Aren't you going to chase her? Then beat me first."

Booker, who originally thought he would be beaten up by that man, laughed, "Haha, since you invited me, then I will."

If you couldn't beat that one just now, you can't beat this one too, right?He looks thin and weak, so he shouldn't be a powerful character.

Booker came to the stage with confidence.

He is an earth-type ability user, while the boy is a dark-type ability summoner.

With a wave of hands, three ancient zombies and a family appeared on the competition stage.

Foreigners don't know what zombies are, but they just think that these three summoned pets are ugly, and they laughed a lot, but they don't take it seriously.

Booker didn't know what was wrong until he was bitten in the neck by the little zombie and his body fell into a cold moment.

"Guide... Teacher, save me, there is... poison."

In just a few seconds, his wound turned black and his lips turned purple.

The tutor from country Y was so startled that he hurriedly shouted to the vice principal: "You people from country Z don't care? He's killing people! Hurry up and save people."

"Don't worry, sir, our classmate is a good shot, at most he can be abolished, and he won't be killed in public." Su Meng smiled and comforted him.

But this consolation is not convincing at all...

After Booker was carried down, he was immediately sent to the hospital for medical treatment.

The next battle is still going on, although there are winners and losers, but the majority of class d wins.

Although the culture class of class d is checked, the combat effectiveness is not bad, it's just that they don't obey the discipline.

Among the people who came from country Y this time, there was also a black girl who stood with her hands folded in the face of an old god from the beginning to the end.

I heard that she is the strongest among the people who came this time, and she should be preparing for the finale.

Yunfei is also the finale.

After the two sides played, he also knew the girl's ability, which was invisibility!

Stealth plus assassination.

"Angel!" Yunfei used a guardian angel card, and a huge angel appeared, with his eyes closed, black hair and a pair of white wings.

Spread the wings, forming a cocoon to surround Yunfei.

No one but him can walk under the wings of angels without permission.

This directly limits the actionable area of ​​black girls.

If she is close enough, there will be openings, and her invisibility will not be completely hidden.

Like breath, like smell!
Sure enough, she didn't get close to Yunfei once, and she seemed very passive. There was also a black mist snake wandering around, looking for her trace.

The supernatural effect was suppressed by more than half.

The person next to Mr. Long whispered: "Sir, this Murong Xi is indeed an all-around talent. After returning, should we fight for it?"

"No, I like willing surrender."


Yunfei didn't know what was going on on stage, he only knew that the battle was over!

Ends with the black girl chained by his death.

(End of this chapter)

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