Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 365 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 17

Chapter 365 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 17
In the end, Mu, a student from class d, raised his head and accepted the apology from the students from country Y.

As for the culprit, Booker, who was still lying in the school doctor's office, it wasn't that easy to get an antidote.

The battles of other classes also vented their anger, and the forbearance of the past few days has been aggrieved to death.

Due to their tradition of treating guests with courtesy, even if they were provoked and ridiculed, they did not dare to do anything.

If it were students from the academy, they would have already started fighting.

The night before the end of the garden party, Mr. Long asked Yunfei to meet again, still discussing the issue of personal bodyguards.

Yunfei didn't refuse or agree, he just said to think about it carefully.

He had a rare insomnia that night, thinking about the future all night.


The next day was a farewell party.

However, none of the classmates were willing to give face to the group of aliens, but there were sporadic people who gave gifts to Mr. Long and his party.

He must have been wooed, or he wanted to find a good owner first.

After graduation, the students' choice is nothing more than to stay in school, the high-level bodyguards or follow the cat-faced man, or live on the island.

The people who do business on the island are the students whose abilities are not very useful at the beginning.

After the garden party ended, the Ability Academy returned to calm.

Yunfei will go to class every day and study hard. The experience will be taken away, but the memory will not, so what he learns is his own.

It's always good to know more.

This change made the people in class d often suspect that he had gone wrong.

But I didn't doubt anything, they were the favored children of heaven, and they could learn everything quickly, but they just didn't want to learn.

Tan Xixi used to want to learn it, but she found that her abilities were not included in the assessment of top students at all, so she also failed.

The two still avoided suspicion, fearing that they would implicate each other in future accidents, and the people from the academy would go to the Tan family's parents.

It seems that there is no intersection, but they are actually observing each other secretly.

Li Rui in the class suddenly launched a fierce pursuit of him again without knowing what happened.

Bring him breakfast every day, share the table for meals, help with cooking, bring water and small gifts, and order extra food for him...

Yunfei stopped her again, frowned and said: "Student Li Rui, I have someone I like, and you really bother me like this."

He has no advantages, but he won't let the child's mother misunderstand.

It doesn't matter if they have feelings or not, at least he won't make the woman feel insecure.

Whether Tan Xixi likes him or not does not affect his cleanliness in his emotional life, and has nothing to do with gender.

However, facing Yunfei's cold face, Li Rui was not afraid at all, anyway, it was not the first time.

She has been pursuing Murong Xi since the middle class, and she has really blocked a lot of love for him over the years.

Some time ago, she calmed down a bit, and it was also because of Murong Xi's energy runaway that she almost killed her by mistake, probably because she was frightened.

Seeing how stable Yunfei is recently, I guess he has grown courageous again.

"What if I say, I already have someone I like?"

Li Rui didn't believe it, "You lied to me, there are no other girls around you usually."

She doesn't believe it, it can't be that she fell in love with ordinary people while doing the task, right?Then don't be afraid, she doesn't need to make a move, the academy will have to beat the mandarin duck with a stick.

In short, no matter what Yunfei said, Li Rui never gave up.

She is not afraid of a cold face, it doesn't matter if the gift is thrown into the trash can, even if it is a bad word, she will not be angry.

He just lowered his head and bit his lip, forbear...

The degree of persistence made Yunfei couldn't help being touched.

It's not moving, it's not liking... It's hate that iron can't make steel!
It's not like Murong Xi is the only man in this world, why do you love him so much that you don't have any self-esteem? He looks like a female supporting role in a novel.

So he could only take an indifferent and ignorant attitude and let her retreat in spite of the difficulties.

After all, you can't kill someone because of this.


As for Tan Xixi, she has been in the same class as the two of them for so many years, and she is used to Li Rui's madness.

Every time I become bored and turn into a small animal, spread it on the desk and sleep soundly.

If Murong Xi liked Li Rui, he would have accepted it long ago. Would he still use her to pursue him for so many years?So she didn't panic at all.

In the blink of an eye, it has been a year since Yunfei came to this world.

His life seems to be on the same trajectory as the original body, but it is slightly different.

For example, at this moment, the original body has added an earring to suppress the strength because of the increase in strength.

And because Yunfei didn't try to escape from the campus violently, he was not forced to have an extra ear piercing.

For another example, at this time, the original body was already in a semi-captive state.

But Yunfei didn't, he could even strive to get the award for the top student, just wait for the ranking list of this exam to come out.

"Boom..." Instructor Jin held back his anger and tapped on Tan Xixi's desktop.

"Wake up."

Tan Xixi, who turned into a caterpillar and wrapped in cocoon silk, came out of the hole in confusion.

"Return to human form." It could be seen that Supervisor Jin was on the verge of breaking out.

Tan Xixi changed back obediently, wearing a school uniform, and sitting obediently with her head down.

Teacher Jin took a deep breath, what a good girl, why is she even more stubborn than boys?
Murong Xi will be enlightened one day!
"Tell me, what did you do last night, didn't you sleep well?"

Tan Xixi shook her head, she didn't dare to say...

Last night I turned into a firefly and went out for a stroll, but fell asleep on the flowers and came back early in the morning.

So didn't sleep well.

"Listen to the class carefully. You see that Murong Xi has corrected himself now, so you should work hard." Teacher Jin still couldn't say anything cruel to the well-behaved girl.

"I know the teacher."

Mistake No.1, that is, never change.

The other students in the class all sniggered. They always thought that Tan Xixi was an underdeveloped supernatural being.

Because she looks so stupid, smart people know that other people's classes can sleep and play, but the class teacher can't.

But she is different, she sleeps when she wants to sleep...is it stupid or something...

And it usually looks the same, as if everything is done slowly.

I don't know if I have changed too much tortoise and have been assimilated by the tortoise.

After Yunfei took a few glances, he withdrew his gaze.

Just these few glances caught Li Rui's attention, and she also looked at Tan Xixi, but she didn't pay attention all the time, as if this girl was quite delicate.

It shouldn't be her. She has been in the same class for so many years, and she never feels that this little turtle has any sense of existence.


Finally, the day when the results were announced.

Yunfei stood nervously on the LCD screen and waited to watch.

one Year!It's been a whole year, and he hasn't been able to climb to the top three in his age. This broken academy is too cumbersome.

On the outside, a perfect score of 750 points.

Here... in one hour, how many problems can be solved.

Every month in the monthly exam, the names of the top three in age often change. Everyone has the same strength. It is very difficult to sit firmly on the first place.

It is conceivable that even if he wants to be the third with the lowest threshold, it will be very difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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