Chapter 399
Yunfei came out of the enthusiasm of sales, but he still needs to take a taxi, because there is no existing car here, so he needs to be transferred.

Now that he has money, he doesn't like to spend too much, and he doesn't want to be too low-key.

So I bought a Maybach with a similar price, which is not too extravagant.

After all, with his current daily income rate, 600 million and the remaining cars are not expensive.

The car hasn't arrived yet, so he doesn't have to pay the full amount now, only the deposit.

For the rest of the money, Yunfei felt that he needed to save it for a few days before starting a company or doing something else.

Otherwise, when the energy of the small 6 system is enough, wouldn't it be just living on its laurels.

Now that the small system is still there, at least it can give him the bottom line.

But he didn't know what to do, so he could only go home and surf the Internet to see the world. That line of work was more suitable for getting rich.

When passing by the mall, I went in and bought two new mobile phones and a new computer.

On the way home after dinner, he received a reminder from Yang Jinbao to start the broadcast, so he picked up his phone and clicked in.

Seeing him appear, everyone in the studio started to erupt.

Yang Jinbao was also very excited, stood up and bowed exaggeratedly, "Welcome Brother Hongtu Baye!"

This screen name...

Yunfei always wants to change, but always forgets, thinking about the next time, but next time he will still forget.

Forget it, anyway, he is now a middle-aged uncle, which is also suitable.


"What do you want to watch today? Running and lifting a barbell? Jinbao can do it~~"

The handsome one was chopped off: "...Jin Bao, the elder brother is a man, so there's no need to act coquettishly..."

Adolescent crush: "I think it's fine, it's cute."

However, when typing this line of words in a serious manner, Zhang Shu himself almost vomited, heh, if it wasn't for Xueru who was watching this sissy live broadcast.

He clicked on the number of people online, opened the profile picture of a girl with two braids, and stared at it obsessively.

The girl's homepage obviously had nothing but some basic information, but he couldn't get enough of it.

Hiding on the high bed in the dormitory, the door curtain was closed, and the iron bed seemed to shake a little after a while.

Yun Fei, who had just stepped into the house, was almost frightened by the big blinking eyes and fell down.

Hongtu Baye: "Don't you have class in the afternoon?"

Yang Jinbao's eyes lit up, and he was thinking about how to tell about his devotion and how much he valued him without showing any traces!

Unexpectedly, when the drowsiness came, the pillow came.

"There are classes, but it's important not to come to chat with my brother. I was so angry when I heard about my brother's record today.

What kind of anchor on the other side dares to yell at my elder brother, if I don't happen to be there, I will definitely help elder brother scold those shameless opposites to death. "

Cutting classes?Yun Fei frowned fiercely.

Originally, he was going to learn a craft and pass a layer of gold by the way, but he was actually absent from class.

He didn't even bother to say that studies are the most important thing, and I believe Yang Jinbao wouldn't listen to it either.

Hongtu Baye: "I have a son who doesn't like to study, so I am very disgusted with those children who like to cut classes.

If you have attended class and listened carefully, but you really can’t learn it, it’s understandable.

But those who obviously have the opportunity to study but don't cherish it, I feel very distressed. After all, in our era, in order to go to school, we walked for more than an hour with an oil lamp before dawn. "

He couldn't finish posting once, so he posted a second time, "I thought the anchor was a motivated kid, so I wanted to give it a shot, but I didn't expect it to be wrong. Alas, let's just say goodbye."

Seeing that the local tyrant was about to give up listening, Yang Jinbao became anxious, and quickly stopped him: "Brother Ba Ye, don't go, haha ​​I was just joking with you, this will be lunch break.

I just want to take the time to start a live broadcast to chat with everyone. I will definitely have a class later.

You are so right, this learning opportunity is so rare for us children of low background, how can I not cherish it.

It’s not that I’m blowing, usually the lights in the dormitory building are turned off, so I have to sit in the corridor and read by the corridor light. "

This is the time in his life that Yang Jinbao most freely confessed that his family was poor.

From childhood to adulthood, although their family was poor, he felt ashamed in front of his classmates, so he always pretended that his family was well-to-do.

His family is also strong, and the clothes and supplies he buys are always the best within his ability.

It's not too expensive, but it's 100 yuan for a base and upwards. Yang Jinbao has never worn clothes that cost less than 100 yuan when he grows so big.

So many students couldn't imagine how poor their family was. Coupled with his appearance, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the only son of a person from the city.

The reason why he confessed that his family is poor now is also to win this local tyrant.

As long as they can win his sympathy, throw him a few million at will, and their family can turn around.

So handsome that someone cut him off: "..."

Deep in the shade: "..."

In terms of thick skin, it has to be Yang Jinbao, who doesn't know that he is the student the teachers hate the most?

If it wasn't for the exam that he couldn't help with the roll call, he might not be able to attend the exam in person.

Others are scruples about not tearing down their roommates, but Zhang Shu has no scruples at all, anyway, he is a straight man.

Adolescent crush: "Haha, Jin Bao, don't you blush when you say this? I remember you were reading a novel in the corridor!"

"Let me think about it, the title of that novel seems to be: Young Master, Master calls you to go home and inherit trillions of fortunes."

Seeing that Yang Jinbao's expression became flustered in the live broadcast room, he smiled in satisfaction.

"Oh, I forgot that you are still on the live broadcast. I'm sorry, Jinbao. Don't worry, everyone. I was just joking with him. Jinbao really worked hard."

Yang Jinbao smiled reluctantly, "Hehe, brother Shu really likes to joke, brother Baye, don't take it to heart, we are used to hurting each other."

Yunfei couldn't help but tsk-tsk twice, the taste of this tea is much better than the vegetable chicken from Xinshou Village like Yang Jinbao.

The son wants to teach, but he can't be bullied too hard.

So he charged 1000 yuan out of his own pocket and bought a huge starlight Ferris wheel.

Hongtu Baye: "I believe, you young man is the same as the girl I support during the day, you look like a hard-working child."

"I heard that you major in computer science, right? You also need to learn English. I need your help with a little work here. Do you think you are free next week?
Help me translate an article, the uncle doesn’t know anyone, so I’ll just trouble you, and I’ll get paid. "

Do you still need to think about such a good thing?Of course I agreed immediately!

Although his own English score is not good, it's okay, he can ask others.

So Yang Jinbao agreed, "Uncle Baye, if you have something to do, you can just speak up, talking about money hurts your feelings, you don't need to pay!

I can't thank you enough for your occasional support, boy. "

He was very good at calculating, and the remuneration was extremely generous, and if it was doubled several times, it would only be a few thousand yuan, but it was different with gifts.

This local tyrant, that is the owner of the million-dollar brush.

Hongtu Baye: "Add a v, let's talk in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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