Chapter 400
After arriving at Yang Jinbao's v-letter, Yunfei quit and was about to add it, but unexpectedly saw that the netizen who had a crush on him called Puberty privately messaged him.

Isn't this person killing his son and his enemy?

So he clicked in and took a look.

Adolescent crush: "Hi Uncle. I'm Yang Jinbao's roommate. I didn't want to disturb him, but I really can't bear him cheating on Uncle.

Yang Jinbao's grades are very poor, he spent money to study in school, he is lying to you, he doesn't like studying at all..."

The entire thousand-word long article was using the most appropriate language, saying all kinds of bad things about the roommate, trampling Yang Jinbao's character in the mud.

Yunfei seems to understand why Yang Jinbao has such a sweet mouth and is so good at coaxing people, but the live broadcast has not improved.

Those who gave him a gift once never came for a second time.

Some scolded him and blackmailed him, and even because they were too angry, they went directly to help an anchor, and then played PK with Yang Jinbao.

Use the hands of another anchor to punish him.

It turned out that someone was doing this kind of action in private...

Take a look at what is written in this short essay, Yang Jinbao likes to eat soft rice, and is being taken care of by three rich women at the same time.

What else, Yang Jinbao is pure in appearance, scumbag in the inside, and often harasses female classmates.

In short, as disgusting as it is, write as disgusting as it is.

If Yunfei didn't know that even if Yang Jinbao really had the heart, he didn't have the brains, maybe he would have believed it.

This article is not necessarily true, but its content is disgusting enough, no wonder those tourists who were coaxed by Yang Jinbao didn’t even bother to communicate with him and just left.

After all, it's just a matter of looking for fun on the Internet. Looking for flowers in the garden, one of them accidentally got bird droppings on it. If you don't love it very much, who will bother to clean it up?
Only to choose another clean one.


After the conspicuous king number left the live broadcast room, Yang Jinbao also got off, and then looked eagerly at the friend application interface.

Zhang Shu couldn't see that the sissy was so happy, so he pretended to be worried and said, "Jin Bao, this person looks like a greasy uncle.

I heard that rich people like boys who look like you very much, you have to be careful, don't be deceived. "

"What? You mean... no way!" Yang Jinbao widened his eyes.

He has heard of it, but he has only seen it in novels, and he has never seen it in reality.

Huh~ Thinking of this, he gripped his little quilt tightly with aversion to the cold, probably not, if he really asked him to go to some dubious places, then he would refuse!

Women are his last bottom line.

It's okay to be old, older girls hurt people.

But men, no, I can't accept it.

At this moment, he finally received a friend application from a rich man.

ding dong~

"Except Wu Shan is not a cloud to apply to add you as a friend." The profile picture is pitch black.

Yang Jinbao thought to himself, this looks pretty good, it's quite individual, it's a bit more foreign than Hongtu Baye, who looks like a divine carving.

Direct shock passes.

Then send a cute emoticon package, and add a sentence, "Brother Baye!"

Yunfei replied in seconds, "Jinbao is also good, don't you go to class after a lunch break?"

Jin Yuanbao: "No need, I slept soundly last night, and I don't feel very sleepy today."

In fact, he was actually sleepy, and originally planned to skip class and catch up on sleep after the live broadcast.

Thinking of the five hundred yuan just entered into the account, he sighed again, Brother Baye is the noble person in his life!
Yunfei asked again, "Which city do you go to school?"

Hearing this question, Yang Jinbao's heart skipped a beat, his mind was filled with the words, boys should protect themselves when they are outside!
But he still answered honestly: "Where is Brother Baye from in Guangzhou?"

Except Wushan is not Yun: "It's also in Guangzhou, that's a coincidence, it's like this, I have a cooperation with overseas.

Recently, I wanted to invite someone from the Eagle Country to have a meal, but I don’t know where to find a junior to help translate. Is Jinbao free next Sunday at [-]:[-] noon?

How about the remuneration at five hundred a day? "

Jin Yuanbao: "Uncle Baye, may I tell you after thinking about it?"



After closing the phone, Yang Jinbao lay on the bed in some confusion.

In addition to worrying that his English is not very good, he also felt that something was wrong.

This Hongtu Baye is so rich, how could he not be able to find a translator, and still need to find him as an anchor?

Could it be that he wanted to squeeze his waist?

However, Guangzhou City is a first-tier city after all, so it's not easy for the other party to attack him at his age.

Could it be that he was really greedy for his beauty?
Can't figure it out!

But five hundred a day...his mother picked chili peppers for only 80 yuan a day, and 500 yuan was enough for him to eat for half a month.

Anyway, there are still ten days before Sunday, let's not think about it, he has to catch up on his English knowledge recently.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to move this golden mountain right in front of him.

Yunfei also knew that his reasons were lame, but he was not worried that Yang Jinbao would not agree.

With his IQ and his money-loving character, if he doesn't agree, it must be that he didn't give enough.

[Ding Dong: Now release a side mission, ask the host to buy a game studio. 】

Expand the phone number and studio information of the person in charge of that studio.

There is still funds, 3000 million has been entered into the account.

"Xu Xu, 28 years old, 1.79 in height, graduated from Shenzhen University majoring in computer science, and founded a studio with a few classmates in 2020, and jointly developed..."

Yunfei unconsciously read the information aloud. Due to insufficient funds, the studio is currently facing closure.

Recently they are running around looking for people to invest.

Forget it, I don’t understand, let’s collect money to do things.

This time there is a golden finger in the plane, Yunfei said, if you can use your brain, you can use your brain, and if you want to spend money, you can call Xiao Lu.

According to the phone number above, Yunfei called.

"Hi, hello." The man on the other side of the phone could be heard to be very tired, but responded vigorously.

"Hello, is Mr. Xu Xuxu?"

"Yes, I am, may I ask you?"

"I heard that your studio is soliciting sponsorship. I'm also interested in games. Why don't you make an appointment to meet?"

"Okay!" Xu Xu's breath became short of breath, and he quickly calmed down again, "Is tomorrow noon okay?"

"Okay, where do we meet?"

"Sir, you can book it. You can go wherever is convenient for you."

"At twelve o'clock at noon, Red Maple Hotel, I'll make an appointment first. When you come, just say you have an appointment with Mr. Chen Hongye."

"Thank you!" Although the person on the other side of the phone couldn't see it, Xu Xu stood up straight and thanked him solemnly.

"Thank you sir for giving our studio a chance."

In the past half month, he and his friends have received a lot of stares and cold faces.

The original five-point interest, but once I heard the name of their studio, I had never heard of it, and the interest dropped by three points.

When I heard that they were developing a real ancient style game, they lost even more interest.

So every opportunity to meet each other is the hope they couldn't ask for!

(End of this chapter)

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