Chapter 402
After signing the contract, Yunfei left under Xu Xu's gratitude.

Looking at the back of Uncle Chen leaving, Xu Xu couldn't help being grateful to God, to the eighteen generations of his ancestors, who gave him such good luck to meet Uncle Chen.

He no longer has any worries about the issue of firewood, rice, oil and salt, and he is going to give it a go with everyone!

He must create the first domestic martial arts game in the true sense to repay Uncle Chen for his kindness.


A week later.

At the gate of Guangzhou Vocational College, a black Maybach was parked, as if waiting for someone.

Yunfei sat in the back row, and the driver sat in front, who was the all-round butler rewarded by the rich system.

I am currently helping him start a business, and today I will be a temporary guest driver.

Anyway, he appeared in the image of a big boss, how can he match his identity if he is not worthy of a driver.

It's not that he can't afford to hire a real driver, after all, money is really just a number to him now, he just simply doesn't like dealing with outsiders.

The daily tasks are increasing by millions every day. In addition to the Shark app, the Spike app and Dou Le app are all starting to dabble.

Until today, his daily tasks have risen to 1200 million, that is to say, he earned 2400 million today.

With this speed of accumulating wealth, Yunfei feels that it is enough for him to live ten lifetimes.

After waiting for 10 minutes, the figure finally appeared at the door.

Yang Jinbao appeared in the bustling crowd wearing a set of sportswear worth about [-] yuan.

Broken black hair, black glasses, bangs on the forehead, a very delicate smile, and very white teeth.

No matter how you look at it, he is the kind of well-behaved student, and also the little milk dog boyfriend that girls like.

He was escorted out of the school by three boys, probably his roommates.

"Jin Bao, is that Uncle Chen here? Give him a call."

"Okay." After Yang Jinbao took out his mobile phone and dialed Yunfei, he asked with a smile, "Uncle Chen, have you arrived yet?"

His attitude is familiar, his tone is very sweet, it can be heard that he already has a lot of trust in Yunfei.

This week, in addition to being in the live broadcast room, they will also use V letter to chat privately.

Although Yang Jinbao went there for the money, it has to be said that Uncle Chen is really a very easy-going elder.

Yang Jinbao never thought his teaching was long-winded, but listened to it very seriously.

Because he felt that Uncle Chen was from the upper class, so listening to Uncle Chen was the only way for him to understand the upper class.

No matter what Yunfei said, he believed it and followed it. After all, not everyone can accept the advice of a local tyrant.

Are those roommates who haven't seen him very sour?
However, the roommates are still very loyal, knowing that today he is going to have a face-to-face meeting with Uncle Chen, so they come to check on him so that he will not be in danger.

"Here we are, in the car in front of you."

Yunfei signaled the butler to turn on the headlights.

"Fuck, Maybach... Maybach?" Li Zishun's tongue was tied in shock.

It's not that he has never seen a luxury car, but that he has never seen this kind of luxury car in reality.

Another roommate was also shocked. He bumped Yang Jinbao's shoulder and joked, "Okay, this time, you really have a noble man, and you will have to pull your brother out in the future."

Zhang Shu's face was ugly...

If Yang Jinbao didn't have an appointment today, Xueru was ready to confess his love. Fortunately, he told her that Yang Jinbao had an appointment today.

However, he cautiously did not say that he was dating a man, but instead implied that Yang Jinbao dated a woman in her 30s.

He is a fan of Yang Jinbao's live broadcast room, a local tyrant on the platform.

Although he didn't say anything, it seemed like he said everything.

In short, Xueru's face was quite ugly at the time.

Yang Jinbao was also very surprised, but he also thought it was normal. With the amount of gift given by Uncle Chen, it is very low-key to drive this kind of car, okay?

What made him feel unwilling and regretful was that although his relationship with Uncle Chen was getting better and better, Uncle Chen had never tipped him more than [-] yuan.

He also asked cryptically.

Uncle Chen said that he was afraid that the sudden huge fortune would affect his mentality of working hard...

Woohoo, he wished he could kneel down and beg for influence. He had money, so who would work hard to make progress!
But it can't, the character set he set up by himself has to be rounded when he kneels, even though he didn't set up an inspirational set before, for no reason he was set up as an inspirational set.

Tears of regret had flooded his mind.

"I'm in the car, you guys go back, thank you for your concern." Yang Jinbao waved his hands cheerfully to say goodbye to his roommates.

Then he opened the left car door and greeted Yunfei obediently, "Hello, Uncle Chen, I'm Yang Jinbao."

"Well, get in the car." Yunfei smiled softly.

He is also wearing casual clothes. He is a very ordinary middle-aged man, but his temperament is gentle and elegant.

Seeing that he was a very easy-going uncle, Yang Jinbao relaxed his nervous mood.

After getting in the car, Yunfei began to care about his daily life, "Are you busy with studies recently?"

"Fortunately, it's not very busy."

Yang Jinbao, who smiled lightly, wept silently in his heart, no... very busy, busy with making up lessons and studying.

Because he was afraid that people would set up landslides... Let Uncle Chen know that he is actually a person who does not do his job properly and relies on his face for his living.

So he has been working really hard recently, obediently attending classes when there are classes, and asking Liu Xinyi to help him with tutoring when there are no classes.

In order to thank him, he also bought a lot of things for her for the tip he got from Yunfei recently, after all, he didn't bother her for so long, and he didn't think he was bothering her.

"That's good. Uncle has invested in a game studio. When you are going to practice, you can come to Uncle to try."

"Really? Thanks Uncle!"

Yun Fei had a gentle smile on his face, and he couldn't tell at all that he was already thinking about how to let Yang Jinbao see the dangers of the workplace in the future.

"You're welcome. For a hard-working child like you, uncle just can't see him and wants to help."

Embarrassed Yang Jinbao, "Uncle Chen is really a good man."

Woohoo, God is such a hard-working child, he just wants to lie flat!
Come on, I heard from Uncle Chen that he is like his son, as long as he cares about him and recognizes him as a godfather, he will definitely be able to lie flat for the rest of his life!
Isn't it just hard work!Yang Jinbao, you can do it, work hard for a few years, and be happy for decades.

After moaning in his heart, he immediately calmed down, continued to chat with Yunfei, and even mentioned some professional knowledge on his own initiative.

It can be heard that they came prepared.

Yunfei just introduced to him: "The driver is my housekeeper, you can call him Brother Lu, he is an all-around talent.

If there is something you don't understand, you can ask him, you can add a v. "

"it is good."

Seeing that the two became friends, Yun Fei was satisfied. In the future, someone would encourage Yang Jinbao, and he would be able to randomly check homework anytime and anywhere.

It's not about cultivating Yang Jinbao to become more talented, at least he must be able to make money and not starve himself to death.

Greed for money, in the final analysis, is due to lack of money and insecurity.

When he has the confidence to make money even if he has nothing, there will be no lower limit for money.

(End of this chapter)

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