Chapter 403
When he arrived at the largest hotel in the city, Yang Jinbao was a little timid and uncomfortable.

The most prosperous place he has been to is the commercial center. He never dared to set foot in a place full of money like this.

He was afraid of being looked down upon by others, so he was very nervous now, afraid that he would offend this rich man from heaven after showing his cowardice.

It's true to talk less and do less.

Yang Jinbao obediently followed behind Yunfei. Although the clothes were not expensive, he somehow felt that they matched him well.

No one was wearing suits, but everyday casual clothes.

The front desk took them to the reserved box, where there was already a friend from Eagle Kingdom waiting.

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

"Mr. Joaquin, hello." Yunfei stepped forward and gave him a friendly hug.

In order for a certain silly boy to communicate in a foreign language fluently, he can be said to have taken great pains.

I specially hired a native of the Eagle Country to play a guest role. Of course, the salary is counted, and it’s really only [-] + a big meal.

Next, it's their home court.

Yunfei was in charge of ordering, and asked them to order, both of them ordered two.

One is that he is playing the role of a rich man, so he should not show his timidity.

One is that he represents Uncle Chen's face, so he can't be cowardly!
Mr. Joaquin talked and laughed happily and talked about some business matters, which were all manuscripts given by the housekeeper who had memorized them in advance.

And Yang Jinbao was in charge of the translation. Although some places were bumpy, at least the meaning was the same.

In fact, it was just to train him. Yunfei and Mr. Hua Jin are both proficient in Chinese and English.

In short, after the meal, except for Yunfei who was relaxed, the clothes of the other two were soaked through.

After eating, both of them subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Mr. Joaquin: I finally finished playing with the illegitimate son of a rich man.

Yang Jinbao: Huh, mom, I did it!
Sure enough, in order to get rich, his lower limit can be broken...

He can even do the work of a cultural person like translating.


After sending him to school safely, Yunfei gave Yang Jinbao the new mobile phone he bought more.

He smiled and said, "I've always heard that you want to change your mobile phone, so you might as well make the decision and use this as a reward, don't you mind?"

"No, I don't mind." Mind what?Mind if it's too expensive?
Yang Jinbao expressed his thanks with unconcealable excitement, "Thank you Uncle Chen, I really like it."

"It's fine if you like it, go back to the dormitory and rest, I'll watch you enter the door before leaving."

"Okay." Yang Jinbao returned to school obediently carrying his mobile phone bag, almost jumping up with light steps.

As everyone knows, this scene was photographed by someone passing by.

He happily returned to the dormitory, and brought snacks to share with everyone. The big meal just now, and several untouched dishes, were also packed back.

Of course he was embarrassed to pack it up, Yunfei asked the waiter to pack it up for him to take away.

They are all dishes that are usually unaffordable, and one dish costs thousands of yuan. He thought that it would be fine to bring it back for everyone to have a supper.

After all, he felt that his roommates were pretty good, so he sent him to the school gate specially today.

They don't know that other people just want to know whether the local tyrant named Hongtu Baye is really rich or just pretending.

Do you have any special hobbies? If not, does that mean that they can replace Yang Jinbao to hug the thigh?

In terms of appearance and knowledge, they are no worse than Yang Jinbao, and their family conditions are much better than Yang Jinbao.

Li Zishun saw the bag in Yang Jinbao's hand sharply, and asked, "Jinbao, have you bought a new mobile phone?"

"I didn't buy it, Uncle Chen gave it to me."

"Fuck, this new foldable model needs 1 w, right?"

"Well, I went today to eat a fast meal of 10,000+, then chatted for a while, gave me my mobile phone and came back.

It's not difficult to translate, it's all very ordinary conversations, but if I didn't have a make-up class, I really wouldn't know it.

The housekeeper next to Uncle Chen is actually omnipotent, proficient in various languages ​​and minor languages, I feel that he just wants to promote me. "

Finally someone listened, and Yang Jinbao excitedly told what he saw and heard today.


"Yes, 18. I looked at Uncle Chen. The main reason is to open a bottle of wine that is a bit expensive, and it tastes good."

Thinking of the taste of the wine, he still has some aftertaste, which is different from the taste of the hundreds of dollars that his classmates ordered out.

Hearing this, Zhang Shu's eyes darkened, 18 yuan, this is probably the only amount their family can save in a year, maybe not yet, after all, it costs a lot.

It turned out that it was just a meal for others. How could this Yang Jinbao be so lucky?
Another roommate, Lu Yun's eyes flickered at the moment, and asked tentatively: "Did he do anything to you? I heard that rich people have weird hobbies."

"No, you're overthinking. Uncle Chen is a very easy-going elder. He has a gentle personality, speaks politely and is very easy to get along with.

And what I talked about most was about my studies. He invested in a studio and said that I could go for an internship. "

After listening to Yang Jinbao's narration, Lu Yun lowered his head and smiled, a dark light flashed in his eyes, "Then did he say why he is so kind to you?"

Yang Jinbao was also unprepared, guessing: "It should be because I belong to an inspirational student from a poor family who struggles?
Uncle Chen admires people who are still moving forward despite adversity, and it may also be because I am like his son. "

"Haha, Yang Jinbao, you are his illegitimate child, right?" Li Zishun laughed and teased.

"How is it possible, my mother is an out-and-out rural woman, how could she know someone like Uncle Chen!"

Think about it, everyone, even if you know each other, it's impossible to like it, right?
On the shark platform, the anchors who wanted to parachute to serve Uncle Chen all lined up.

It's just that no one has figured out why this local tyrant supports the anchor.

The four of them ate and drank, except Yang Jinbao who was really happy, the others were chatting with each other.

Suddenly heard a mobile phone notification tone.

They were very familiar with this voice, it was a reminder after someone they cared about went online, and they knew without thinking that it was Yang Jinbao who paid special attention to that Uncle Chen.

The emperor's noble title has the authority to be invisible, and also has the authority to set the account to private.

I heard that many people followed him, but he deleted them all, leaving only Yang Jinbao himself.

I have to say, it's really embarrassing.

Li Zishun leaned over to look at his phone, "Your Uncle Chen is online? Where are you going to play today? Let's go check it out!"


Sure enough, I found Yunfei's account following the footsteps of the people I followed.

At the moment, he is in a live broadcast room of eating and broadcasting. The anchor is a fat girl who is eating in a fast and not ugly way.

A big pot of spicy crayfish.

The viewers feel inexplicably that the chrysanthemum is tight, and after eating this pot of food, it is estimated that they will bleed...

(End of this chapter)

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