Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 512 The government sent me three wives 3

In mid-March, the work on the mountain has basically been done.

Yunfei not only hired strong male laborers to do hard work, but also hired women from the village to do weeding and tree root digging.

He invited everyone from the whole village over, even the children.

After the trees were felled, they were piled up in one place, and he was not going to sell them, and the scattered branches could not be wasted, they were collected as firewood.

Big stones are used to build walls, and small stones are used to pave the way.

After all kinds of seedlings were planted, Yunfei asked someone to repair the road to the town.

This time, not only people from Baijia Village were invited, but also strong laborers from the neighboring village.

Still ask a few women to be responsible for delivering water and take care of food by themselves.

By the time everything is done, it's already May.

Zhao Baozhu and Zhang Dujuan, who were the first to conceive, are already eight months pregnant and are not far from giving birth.

The imperial examination will be in February next year, and it will be the county examination, just go to the county seat, there is no need to rush for now, but you need to study, even if you have the memory of the original body and his understanding, you may not be able to pass.


Hearing the sound of horseshoes, Uncle Quan, who was guarding the gate, knew that his master had returned, so he rushed to the gate to greet him.

Sure enough, a moment later, a big black horse appeared with a simple carriage.

"Master, you're back? Let the servants take you back to the stables. You go to the mansion first."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Yunfei nodded, got off his horse with his support, and strode into the mansion.

Uncle Quan outside the door slowly led the carriage back to the house, and then closed the door.

The master of their family is just sympathetic to the servants, even if what they do is their job, he can always see the hard work in it.

If it weren't for the master, his family would have been separated. Thanks to the kindness of the master, he bought them all back.

When Yunfei returns home, he usually takes care of himself before going to see his family.

After all, he hangs out on the mountain every day. Not to mention dirty, it is not impossible to carry one or two invisible bugs.

Usually at this point, you can see them in Du Qingliu's yard.

Because the money is not too sufficient, he didn't buy a big house, just a yard with three entrances.

Du Qingliu lived with Bai Guihua, and then Zhao Baozhu lived with Zhang Dujuan.

When there is nothing to do, they gather in Du Qingliu's yard, chatting together, walking around and so on.

As soon as Yunfei walked in, he saw three pregnant women walking in circles.

Afraid that it will be difficult to give birth at that time, so they are all resting, eating and exercising recently, especially Zhao Baozhu, who is very greedy.

Beside her were Xiao Ye Zi, Aunt Quan, and her two daughters, Forsythia and Licorice.

The three little girls were in charge of running errands for the three pregnant women in the family, and Aunt Quan was bought by Yunfei because she had been a stable woman for many years.

As for Bai Osmanthus, another woman was arranged, also bought, who once served the wife of a wealthy family personally.

Putting her next to Bai Osmanthus is to make her teach this pure and kind sister to be smarter.

Among other things, at the very least, if you are bullied, you need to know how to rescue soldiers and stop losses in time.

In short, with this Nanny Tan by her side, she shouldn't suffer a disadvantage when she gets married.

As for Bai Guihua's husband-in-law, Yunfei did meet quite a few good young people, all of whom were from the town or near Baijia Village.

But after contact, it didn't suit him.

The boy is not bad, but the family environment is complicated.

Some money, it's not good to be floating at first.

Scholars are also not good, and there will be no shortage of beautiful family members around this kind.

In this era when a poor man who can't even see a mouse can get a beautiful wife for free, he feels that everything is risky.

In the end, it was decided to buy a door-to-door son-in-law, and then bought the small courtyard next to it for the couple to live in.

At that time, they can make a contract to deal with him, and if they dare to treat Bai Osmanthus badly, they will sue him in court.

He has already inquired about the candidates.

In Shan'ao Village, a village far away from the town, there is a family who gave birth to six sons in a blink of an eye.

Then the first two older sons married their wives again and had children.

Now the youngest sons below all want to sell.

What Yunfei fell in love with was their third son, Mu Sheng, who came to Baijia Village to find work.

He is quite honest, with a gentle personality, and the most important thing is to be grateful, and he happens to be the one who gives grace.

He had tested Mu Sheng's intentions before, and asked him, if someone bought him to be his son-in-law, and then his younger brothers would not have to be sold, would he be willing?

The answer is yes.

So he has to hurry up on this matter recently. In June, the government will check the household registration, and in July it is time to come to pick up the person.


Seeing him coming back, Du Qingliu walked over holding his stomach, with a soft light on his face as if he was about to become a mother.

Shouting with a smile: "Husband, you are back."

From the very beginning, among the three of them, only the husband she kept calling was the only one, and the others were mixed with each other.

Maybe it's because her mother has never been able to call her father a husband in her whole life.

"Sanggong came back a little early today?" Zhang Dujuan looked at the sun and said.

"Isn't it too early? Xianggong nests in the mountains every day, and he has sunburned a lot." Zhao Baozhu touched his face with distressed eyes.

Yunfei: I suspect that you are taking advantage, but there is no proof.

"There's nothing going on on the mountain recently, just let a few uncles watch over it. It's basically done. I'll go back and have a look occasionally."

After all, nothing he plants can be harvested in the short term.

After the autumn harvest, short-term crops may be planted, and the fields must be contracted at that time.

But he is not without income now.

The workshops in the village have already opened, and the villagers who were worried about losing their jobs were relieved.

But this time the workshop recruited a large number of female workers.

Male workers are also recruited, but very few.

They are responsible for purchasing some medicinal herbs, or they can organize to pick them in the mountains.

The female workers are then responsible for washing, drying and grinding.

The matching level was completed by Yunfei with a few servants.

He has already reached a cooperative relationship with a pharmacy in the state capital to provide a medicine for treating wind and cold there.

That is cold medicine.

The price is low, but the efficacy is surprisingly good, and it is convenient.

You can eat it dry or drink it with water.

You must know that the cold medicine at this time will take many days of decoction to be cured.

Sometimes it may be delayed intermittently for half a month or a month.

Especially for children, if they get wind-cold, if they cannot be cured in time, they will cause fever, and fever will be even more troublesome.

Therefore, this portable and effective cold medicine was sold out as soon as it was released.

The price is not expensive, and every household buys a bottle for preparation.

Now it has reached the point where the supply exceeds the demand. After all, there are other prefectures, county towns, and further away, there are other countries outside the state capital.

Can't sell enough, really can't sell enough!

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