Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 513 The government sent me three wives 3

Originally, Yunfei wanted to release a portable antipyretic when the sales of cold medicine started to decrease, but it turned out...

The biggest problem is the lack of manpower! !
So their family is now making money. Every month, the astragalus pharmacy in the state capital will come to take away a batch of medicines, and then settle the money.

As for why he chose this pharmacy, it was because of the news that Yunfei bought it in Jianghu for money.

The owner behind the Astragalus medicine shop has relations with the imperial military camp.

It should be said that this pharmacy is actually the property of General Chaozhong Yang's family.

Opening a pharmacy is most likely to facilitate the transportation of medicines and the like to the border.

After all, if they rely solely on the imperial court, they may be very passive one day.

And when Yunfei came to the door, he gave up the profit and asked for protection.

This kind of cheap cold medicine, people with too high a status would not give it a thought, he thinks those shrimp soldiers are too annoying!
So I handed it over to the Astragalus Pharmacy. He was only in charge of dispensing the medicine, and researched the prescription by the way.

That's right, he also drew a big pie for that side. As long as he lives happily, it's not impossible to figure out a few more prescriptions, right?

Anyway, the person on the other side was very confident, and he patted his chest to assure that in their Pingshan County, no one would disturb his life.


Knowing that he is free recently, everyone is very happy.

Pregnant women's emotions are changeable, even if they don't say it, they hope that their husband can accompany them more.

Several people were sitting in the yard talking and laughing.

At this time Yunfei mentioned Bai Osmanthus's marriage and said: "I've already taken a fancy to it, and I bought the yard next door too, now it's up to you to think about it."

The three of Du Qingliu didn't say a word, they shared the same bed, of course they knew who this person was,

After all, they also discussed this topic with Yunfei.

Bai osmanthus also knows.

In order to make her displeased at that time, he took her back to the village and had a few glances at Mu Sheng in a hidden place.

So now is the time to choose.

"You also know that brothers and sisters-in-law will not force you. If you don't want to, you can say it. Let's find it again. There is still time."

Bai Osmanthus recalled that person's face...

I can't remember, but he seemed to be quite friendly.

Brother should be right.

Thinking of this, she nodded, "Brother thinks it's good, it must be good, I'll listen to my brother."

"Even if you don't like it then you won't regret it?"

Bai Osmanthus shook her head, "I don't regret it, if you don't like it, then let him find a concubine, I live alone, as long as he gives me the status of the head lady, other things don't matter.

When the time comes, I won't be at a disadvantage if Madam Tan is the housekeeper. "

She knew that she was neither smart nor capable, just an ordinary peasant girl.

If it wasn't for her promising brother, she wouldn't be able to choose at all.

So she doesn't expect that kind of lingering love.

As long as it allows her to live a stable life.

During this time, she also learned a lot from Nanny Tan.

Wen Yan Yunfei only said: "Okay, since you are willing, then brother will go talk to him tomorrow."


On the second day, he returned to Baijia Village early in the morning.

Although the work of paving and planting has been done, the work of building the workshop is not finished.

This month, the shopkeeper of the Astragalus medicine shop had discussed with him that they bought herbs from other places and transported them here for processing, just asking for more quantities.

So a workshop has to be built.

The money was so tiring, Yunfei planned to sell the prescription after earning enough, and then he only sold herbal medicine.

By then, won't you be able to receive cash while lying at home?You don't have to worry about other people peeping at the prescription.

When he arrived at Baijia Village, he first took his servants to inspect the two hills.

Then they found Mu Sheng and brought him back to the old house to talk.

He didn't go around in circles, and said directly: "Last time I asked you if you would be willing to be a door-to-door son-in-law if you were given money, didn't you mean you were willing?"

"Yes, the villain is willing."

"Well, I'll pay 100 taels to buy you as my door-to-door son-in-law, are you willing?"

Mu Sheng was shocked, "Are you marrying osmanthus... sweet-scented osmanthus?"

"Huh? You know my girl?"

"The villain is lucky. I met...in the back mountain. She went to collect firewood, and I followed the villagers to work."

"Well, it's her, would you like it? Let's say it first, it's the door-to-door son-in-law, and you have to sign a contract when the time comes." Yun Fei said solemnly.

"You should also know that I'm just such a girl, and now that she's old, I don't feel at ease where she will marry, so I made such a bad move.

So you have to be prepared, it's not easy to be a door-to-door son-in-law. If you complain in the future, then I'm not sure what I will do. "

Mu Sheng's ears were slightly red, but he replied firmly, "Master Bai, don't worry, the villain understands how difficult it is for a son-in-law to visit, and is willing to sell it to the Bai family."

"Okay, go back and tell your parents. If nothing happens tomorrow, bring your parents here. We will go to the government to make a contract, and then we will prepare for the wedding."

Because in addition to some treaties, this contract also requires a divorce letter.

100 taels is the price to buy out his involvement with the family.

If it is sold as a slave, in fact, a few taels of silver are enough to buy it out.

But what Yunfei wanted to buy by the way was Bai Guihua's future happiness.

He must break up with his relatives, he can contact his former family, but don't want his relatives to harass Bai Osmanthus fragrans.

If there are many people, there will be many right and wrong. If the Mu family occupies the name of relatives, it is uncertain what will happen in the future.

So it's best to stop.

But people, unless they are far away, how can they turn a blind eye to their blood relatives when they are close?

With these 100 taels, it is enough for the Mu family to live a better life, so that Mu Sheng will not worry about their lack of food and clothing.

Later, if the Mu family came to seek marriage, Bai Osmanthus would also be able to refuse stubbornly.

In order not to delay things early the next morning, Yunfei didn't go back to the town tonight, but lived in the old house.

Seeing him at home, Yuanshen's second and third aunts became active.

The two came to invite him to dinner at the second uncle's house together, and they were very considerate.

"Boy Yongming, Second Aunt knows that your house hasn't been fired for a long time, and your daughters-in-law haven't brought them back, so I appointed no one to cook tonight.

So ah, I have prepared food with your third aunt early, and I am waiting to invite you to deal with the two. "

"That's right, you kid, why are you being polite to your aunts? Didn't your second aunt and I always cook meals at home? It's not like you haven't eaten before. Go, go, your uncles are waiting for you too." .”

Both of them persuaded with great enthusiasm, but Yunfei didn't really want to go.

"Yes, yes, your second uncle and third uncle have been thinking about thanking you for asking them to work and allowing them to earn some money."

No wonder, Second Aunt Bai curled her lips in secret, they are all a family, and they didn't arrange a job in charge.

Just watching my uncle move the big rock, sweating profusely, isn't this a white-eyed wolf?

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