Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 514 The government sent me three wives 3

When he arrived at his second uncle's house, Yunfei realized that there were a few new faces.

The cousins ​​and cousins ​​of the second uncle's family have a bad relationship with him, because they are jealous that he is the only one in the family who can study.

So seeing him coming at this moment, they didn't even look sideways.

Only two aunts are still enthusiastic.

"Yongming, come on, sit down quickly, the food will be ready soon."

The work in the kitchen is the daughters-in-law of the two uncles.

After a while of pleasantries, they revealed their purpose.

"In the past, the home was only for you to study. At that time, the second uncle felt sorry for your second brother. Now that life is better, he wants to send your third brother to school. After all, the second brother is old and was delayed."

Yun Fei said calmly, "It's good to read well."

At this time, they said that the fifth younger brother of the third uncle's family also wanted to send it, but the two of them didn't have much money, so I'm afraid they couldn't afford it.

Speaking of which, both families used to support him to study, and now that he is well-off, he should also support his younger brothers to go to school...

As for the purpose of the second aunt and the third aunt are also very simple, they are nothing more than nieces from her natal family and want to give him as a concubine.

It's all from my own family, it's better than giving it to an outsider as a daughter-in-law for nothing.

In short, he wanted to pull him in all directions.

After listening, Yunfei's face was pale, and the second and third uncles and aunts of the Bai family were not sure what he was thinking.

"Yongming, tell me, do you agree to this matter or not?" Third Uncle Bai asked with a serious face.

"You two uncles, you should remember that we have separated, right?

Grandpa and grandma are gone, logically speaking, we are now three families, so it's not my turn to raise my younger brothers, right?

To put it bluntly, even if the two uncles have passed away and the eldest brother is the father, the second and fourth brothers should be the eldest brothers of the two younger brothers respectively.

I'm a cousin in the next room, is it true that I can't make it? "

If it had to be related, it was probably because there were only orphans left in their family, but that was too harsh.

"As for what the two uncles said about helping me study, then we really have to talk about it.

I probably know your income. Second Uncle, you have a wife and children with two bedrooms. How much poll tax and food do you need? I really don’t know?
And third uncle, you should also know about your own family, right?
Grandma not only supported my family, but also subsidized you.

That's right, I admit that I spent more on studying, but when the family was separated, I didn't dispute any money or property.

The things ceded out have already exceeded my spending on studying in the past few years. "

After speaking, Yunfei looked up at the blue-brick house and said: "My tuition expenses over the years are not as expensive as the two houses of my two uncles.

Not to mention there are so many fields.

As for the portion shared by my family, it is what my father deserves as the eldest son of his grandparents!
Uncles, don’t forget that our family is also born of grandparents, and we are also entitled to spend their money. We don’t owe you anything. "

Similarly, he couldn't figure it out, the two uncles' families were not too poor, so why did they come to ask for money?

However, maybe there is not much cash in hand, at least not enough for the children to study.

If you have to offer, it is not impossible, as long as you can give up some fields.

Depending on the situation, this is reluctant.

Yun Fei got up and said politely: "As for the nieces of the second aunt and the third aunt, my nephew also thinks that they shouldn't let the fat water flow to others.

Then let the younger brothers marry, so that you are all one family, and you won't treat them badly.

The nephew already has three beloved wives in his family and has no plans to take another concubine.

My nephew will not eat rice today, and when the sweet-scented osmanthus is married, I will invite everyone to come over for a wedding wine. "

No matter how annoyed they were, Yunfei didn't take this matter to heart after he said it anyway.

After all, no one can force him if he doesn't want to.

As for reading.

Although he was unwilling to support his cousins, he also had the idea of ​​building a school.

In ancient times, if you want to have a good reputation in the clan, building a school, building an ancestral hall, and building roads are the three things that will work the fastest.

So he was going to do all three.

After all, making money by yourself is something that the whole village can see, and there will always be people who are jealous and hate the rich.

Give up small money for peace.

There must be many more people who know how to be grateful than those villains.

At that time, if someone makes some small moves, without him coming forward, there will naturally be grateful clansmen who will come forward to defend him.

Thinking of this, he already had an idea, but the most urgent thing at the moment is to solve Bai Guihua's marriage first.


Half a month later, on May [-]th, the Bai family held a wedding.

The sedan chair starts from the old house in the village and goes all the way to the house in the town.

It is the house next to the White House.

There is only such a younger sister, so it is natural to let her marry in a prosperous way, even if it is a door-to-door son-in-law.

Yunfei didn't do that insulting thing either.There is no switching between men and women to let the man get on the sedan chair.

Moreover, Fengguanxiapei, carrying a big sedan chair eight times is the highest honor for a woman in this era, and Bai Osmanthus is not even aware of how happy she is.

The marriage between the two is serious, a man marrying a woman gives the man enough face.

The dowry is also adequate.

The old house held a big banquet, and invited the whole family, as well as some people who often came to work from other villages.

Yunfei at Mu's house also sent a cook for the wedding banquet to bring the ingredients to make arrangements. After all, it is a big day, and there must be what should be there.

However, if the Mu family refused to do it, he would not force it. After all, the family still had this son in their hearts and agreed to do it.

Yunfei and Zhang Dujuan greeted the clansmen in the old house.

Du Qingliu and Zhao Baozhu were helping out in the town. After Mu Sheng went back to pick up his relatives, he would naturally greet the guests there.

The wedding reception went well.

Under everyone's envious and jealous eyes, Bai Osmanthus became Mrs. Mu.

When I have nothing to do after marriage, I often go back to the White Mansion to accompany my sisters-in-law.

Because Zhao Baozhu and Zhang Dujuan are about to give birth.

This time, both of them were taken care of carefully, nothing happened, and they were pregnant safely to full term.

Aunt Quan also touched their bellies to confirm that the fetal position was correct.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the baby to be born.

Late night on May 28th.

The first person to mobilize was Zhao Baozhu, who gave birth to a baby girl at dawn.

The next day, a servant waited at the gate of the town, stopped Yuanshi and told her the good news.

This is Yunfei's eldest daughter, at the moment he is holding a little baby, sitting in Zhao Baozhu's room.

The posture of holding the child made Zhao Baozhu a little surprised, "Sir, why are you so good at holding the child?"

You know, she doesn't dare to hug herself, she is small and soft, for fear of hurting the child.

Yunfei, who has hugged many children, smiled, "I asked Aunt Quan specifically, I practiced with a pillow before."

"Xianggong..." These words moved Zhao Baozhu to tears.

Tears are rolling in the eye sockets but can’t fall, hold back, I don’t feel like crying in confinement~~

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