After Bai Chunyu got married, as Yuan Baohua said, after staying in Xuzhou for half a year, he bought a few manors here and found an excuse to move here.

He prefers to stay in Bai's house, and the couple coaxed the three mothers into joy.

Even the plan of traveling in mountains and rivers has been interrupted.

When Bai Chaolu brought the young man in black to kneel in front of them, Yunfei was already mentally prepared.

The son in black was named Sun Dongyang, and his father was a bodyguard in the capital, but he died for the bodyguard when he was on a mission.

Four years ago, when his mother was seriously ill, he gave her the money he got from playing the ring to treat her.

At that time, because of a coincidence, Bai Chaolu happened to be at the Astragalus Pharmacy, and the doctor said it was difficult.

Thinking of the filial piety of this man who was desperately trying to cure his mother on stage, she helped her.

He gave him one of the medicines prepared by his father at home.

I heard that grandma's health improved later, and she survived for a few days before leaving.

Then Sun Dongyang, who had nothing to worry about, also became a bodyguard.

On a trip to carry darts, it was such a coincidence that he met the two sisters who were traveling again.

He was also rescued by Bai Chaolu.

Afterwards, he followed her and became a loyal bodyguard to repay her life-saving grace.

The reason why Bai Chaolu chose him was also very simple, she didn't need to marry for the family, so she just wanted to find someone who was obedient.

Sun Dongyang could die for her.

The kind that doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, as long as she asks, she can do it, and she has to work hard to complete it.

If someone else had this stubbornness, she would only appreciate it.

When his stubbornness was for her, she really couldn't refuse the heartbeat of being loved alone.

Sun Dongyang naturally admired her, otherwise he would not choose to repay her by her side. As early as the first time they met, he did not dare to look directly at this kind-hearted girl.

It's just that he knows he doesn't deserve it.

Being able to marry the eldest lady is like a pie in the sky. After the two returned to the capital to worship their ancestors, the wedding banquet was held in the town.

The two older sisters are already married, so now Bai Qingyan stands out even more.

Yunfei didn't force him, let him look for it slowly, it doesn't matter.

Then he took the three wives and went out to play.

It was not until two years later, when he was 21, that he received the long-awaited letter from home.

The above only tells about one thing, that is, the son has met the destined person.

The girl's surname is Hua, and her name is Hua Wangyu.

The second daughter of Lieutenant General Jingcheng Hua is still very young, six years younger than Bai Qingyan.

But if he was older, he wouldn't be able to wait for Bai Qingyan to marry.

The little girl has the kind of jumping-off temperament, which can bring a lot of joy to the dull-tempered Bai Qingyan, and their parents can feel relieved.

After marriage, the two also lived in the town, and there was no objection from the capital.

There are many children in the big family, and it is possible for the daughter to marry far away, and it is possible that she will never go back for the rest of her life.

But Bai Qingyan has to send medicine to Beijing every year, so Hua Wangyu can go home and stay for a month or two every year.

After they got married, Yunfei and Du Qingliu did not leave either.

Because both Bai Chunyu and Bai Chaolu are pregnant.

Both of them have no elders around them, Deng Xiaoniang and Yuan Shi are also old, and they only go out for a stroll in the square on weekdays, no matter how much they want, they have more than enough energy.

So they have to stay and take care of their daughter, teach her some knowledge about pregnancy and diet and so on.

Yunfei was completely free, the pharmacy was taken care of by his son and daughter-in-law, and his daughter was taken care of by three wives.

He raised another dog, and as the dog family grew, it gradually developed to eight dogs.

Separate a yard for the dogs to have fun.

Grandchildren and grandchildren were born one after another, but they didn't have too many, and they were afraid that they would not be able to take care of them.

Bai Chaolu has a son and a daughter, Bai Chunyu has two sons and a daughter, and Bai Qingyan has a son and a daughter.

It is too dangerous to give birth to a child. After they have both children, they will drink Bizitang.

If it wasn't for Bai Chunyu's two consecutive births that were both sons, and she really wanted a sweet little padded jacket, she wouldn't have continued to have a third birth.

In ancient times, when a woman gave birth, she really entered the gate of hell with one leg.

Fortunately, the ending was good and she got her wish.

When the children needed to go to school, it was Bai Qingyan and Yunfei who switched teachers. They did not choose to relocate because of some famous teachers in the capital.

The family has been living in this small town.

Today's small town is no longer as dilapidated as it used to be.

The old people and things of the older generation are passing away, and many familiar faces are no longer alive.

Everyone is also relieved.

The dilapidated city gate has long been brand new, the streets are paved with bluestone slabs, and public toilets can be seen everywhere in the corners.

People on the street look at their clothes and look, and their lives are not bad.

The variety of agricultural products is also rich.

The seeds of the Bai family are all promoted for free, and they are considered to be for the construction of their hometown.

Later, a philanthropic hall was opened to take in orphans, widows and beggars.

Rent out fields for them to cultivate, clean up the street or run errands, and everyone will look for them first.

Wash clothes, send firewood and so on.

In Ningguo, the Bai family's benevolent reputation has long been known to every household.

The old patriarch Bai Yongming and his three wives were deeply affectionate, and they never took concubines again in their life, and the four of them made an appointment to go together when they died.

After death, they were buried together in the ancestral grave in Baijia Village.

After his death, his only son, the current Patriarch of the Bai family, donated all the prescriptions and medical annotations of the Bai family to the imperial court.

From then on, like his sister and husband's family, he only felt at ease as a local squire.

Focus on planting and take care of the manor.

However, people in the ten miles and eight townships are not unemployed, and they can still work in the pharmacy.

As before, nothing has changed, and the woman has not been fired.

After all, they are all old workers, and they are familiar with the way, and it is better to teach them than to replace them.

In the future, whether the pharmacy will become an industry for power and profit in the court, Bai Qingyan can't care so much.

Daddy is right, no matter when, family happiness is the most important thing.

After the old emperor and his father's generation left, the world of Ningguo had to change. Whether it was good or bad, he didn't want to get involved.


[During mission settlement, extract drug research experience...

Quest sentiment has been cleared.

Mission objective: Bai Chaolu, Bai Chunyu, and Bai Qingyan have an average happiness level of 99%.

Mission Completion Level: Excellent.

Settlement points: 99*3.

Cumulative points: 1281.

Mall: opened.

Mission Rewards: To be determined.

Package: bionic companion robot, 1 square meters of space (two lands have been fused, common spring water has been fused.), plane camera*1, wish*[-].

Skills: Huaquan embroidered legs intermediate level, yin and yang eye level level, spell spell level level level, eaves and wall walking level level level, level weapon refining technique level level, level medical skill level. 】

The reason why the reward column is pending is because the system gave a multiple-choice question.

One: System Doll (One plane can be possessed by the system once, and it can be used for three years at a time.)
Two: Advanced Huaquan Embroidered Leg Skill Book*1.

At this time 001 didn't say a word, probably to avoid suspicion and not interfere with her decision.

A gentle smile suddenly appeared on that delicate little face, and the slender fingertips clicked without hesitation.

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