Chapter 528 Deep Sea Mermaid Ji 1
After clicking down, three more options pop up, which are the appearance options of the doll.

The initial free is a ball, a metal ball!No eyes or nose.

Next to it there are two charging options.

A [-]-point hamster.

A pastoral puppy with three hundred points.

They are all very cute, Yunfei has no choice and leaves the choice to the system.

"001 Which one do you like?"

001, who was still immersed in the huge surprise, obviously hadn't reacted yet.

It has heard of this kind of thing, but it is rare to get it. It is not enough to have points, but it needs to trigger this reward.

Generally, those who can be triggered are career-minded hosts. Only when there is an urgent need for points can each mission be completed perfectly.

They won't waste a reward for a toy.

However, there are also some hosts who have a deep affection for the system and don't care about gains and losses.

Actually speaking, the relationship between it and the host is really not deep, but it has been very harmonious all along.

Unexpectedly, she actually wanted to give this reward to it.

At this moment, when it hears letting it choose, it subconsciously wants to choose the cheapest one.

[Host, a metal ball is fine. 】

"Ah? Not good, you don't even have a mouth, can you eat delicious food? Let me tell you, there are a lot of delicious food in the world."

[The hamster?This point, let me pay the host by myself, let you spend money, and waste a reward for me. 】

As a mindless system, it has no emotions, but it has theory.

The host treats it well, and it cannot accept it with peace of mind. It must be grateful and reciprocated.

Yunfei didn't care about these things, "You don't need to pay, since I have a wish, the points are completely used for shopping.

Have been together for so long, don't you know me?Utilitarianism is not serious.

It's only three hundred points, I can afford it, and I suddenly miss the national dog in my hometown, how about changing it for you? "

001 knows that this is actually an excuse, it must be because it is the most expensive, and the host thinks it is the best.

Really, such a good host, it cried to death!
Yunfei is also very happy, each plane can have a dog, and it is still fluffy that can communicate, which is great.


After finishing the chores, she didn't go to the task immediately.

In the system space, there is an extra set of lazy sofas, a small coffee table, and a tablet for her to rest on.

This is 001's small treasury. It said it wanted to buy a game console for her, but it is poor now, and it will save up for it.

Yunfei couldn't help but feel a sense of inexplicable feeling of having another cub.

After flipping through the camera on the plane, separate the pictures on the upper plane into an atlas, and close it after making a note to Bai Yongming of Ningguo.

[Okay, Tongzi will send me down. 】



As soon as he became conscious, Yunfei felt pain from his wrist, as if he had been bitten.

After he subconsciously broke free, he opened his eyes and saw a feeling of Journey to the West Dragon Palace rushing over his face.

The difference is a little more luxurious.

There was a beautiful woman lying on the ground, below her waist was a blue fish tail, the scales on it were shining brightly, very dazzling.

The beauty's face is also beautiful, Yunfei has seen many beauties, this one in front of him makes him a little dazzled.

It was a colorless surprise, and there was a feeling of wanting to be crazy for her.

From the other party's fishtail, even if he has not received the plot, he can guess her identity.

Mermaid, the mermaid in the fairy tale world.

Maybe it's also the merman in mythology.

The hair is light blue, with a forehead chain made of shell starfish and some colorful beads.

The chest is bulging, and the scales can barely cover the spring.

The exposed part of the skin was white and tender.

There are pearl bracelets on both wrists.

Around the neck... but wearing a huge chain.

The eyes are also clear blue, the nose is high, the lips are red, and the face is small.

The two ears are light blue fan-shaped, a bit like elf ears, dotted with pearls, probably earrings.

With the flow of sea water, the ears are also slightly rippling, and streamers are flickering.

Under the critical attack of Meiyan, Yunfei couldn't recover in astonishment.

If it was the first life, she probably couldn't control herself anymore, and rushed to call the female goose beautiful!
"Carlos, kill me."

The voice of the goddess is also very nice~~

It's crisp and sweet, and when you say such sad words, there is a clear feeling of humming softly.

Seeing that he didn't respond and was in a daze, Tina couldn't help frowning.

She closed her eyes in pain, "Isn't it enough that you have imprisoned me for so long?"

I saw her fish tail swaying slightly, her whole body swam, and the sound of chains sounded in the water.

There was a huge jade bed in the center of the palace. Tina dragged the chain, lay down on it, closed her eyes, and kept silent.

Only then did Yunfei come back to his senses.

He was not only bewitched by the beauty, but looking at her eyes, he felt dizzy and had difficulty staying awake.

After he finally relaxed, he hurriedly left the palace.

At the beginning, because he was not familiar with the feeling of the tail as a leg, he bumped it a few times. Fortunately, as long as he didn't move his tail, it was equivalent to braking.

A stumbling mermaid, not to mention how weird it is.

That's right, his body is also a mermaid, but it's not blue, it's golden.

The tail is also beautiful, shiny golden, and has eight-pack abs.

The muscle lines on the arms are also very powerful.

The fly in the ointment is that there is a circle of tooth marks on it, which is constantly oozing blood and being diluted by water.

Following his body's instincts, he entered the next palace.

The layout is very similar to the palace next door, but it is more luxurious and the colors are more pearly, not as cold as the next door.

Lying in the huge shell bed, he began to receive the plot.


The original body is a royal mermaid, powerful, but has a bad temper, which is equivalent to a villain fish.

After all, he actually imprisoned Tina, the mermaid princess from the North Sea next door, for 15 years until she died!
The sea area of ​​this plane is very large, divided into four sides, east, west, north and south.

Carlos is a mermaid from the royal family in the east, and Zai Zai's mother is Tina, a mermaid from the North Sea.

Tina's beauty is famous in the whole sea area, and she is the goddess of thousands of male mermaids.

And her singing voice, which has two attributes of healing and bewilderment.

The original is an aggressive mermaid, good at manipulating water.

The East China Sea Mermaid King has five male cubs and only one female cub.

Carlos, who has a bad temper, is not very pleasing to the mermaid king and queen.

Adult fish usually leave their parents and find a cave to live in by themselves, and they don’t see each other for nothing.

So when he became an adult, he simply left the East China Sea and started wandering around.

Until by chance, I met Tina, the princess of the North Sea, and fell in love at first sight.

At first, thinking about his golden fishtail bloodline and his strong strength, he should be able to win the favor of beauties.

As a result, they hit a wall one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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