Chapter 529 Deep Sea Mermaid Ji 2
Carlos, who can't love him, has a somewhat extreme personality.

He actually lured Tina out, then knocked her unconscious and took her to this deep sea to imprison her.

Knowing that Tina had always yearned for the human world, he tricked her into sneaking out of the palace by himself with the excuse of taking her there secretly.

Before that, he had already left this sea area in front of the North Sea mermaid guards.

No one knew that he had come back by another passage and taken their princess with him.

After Tina disappeared, the entire North Sea went crazy, and the Mermaid King of the North Sea was furious and blocked the North Sea.

But even after digging three feet, they couldn't find her.

The female mermaid who played better with Tina on weekdays knew that she always wanted to visit the human world.

So I wonder if she sneaked out, will she be captured by humans?
Thinking of the fishing nets and passing fishing boats that often appear at sea, human beings have never given up looking for traces of mermaids.

The North Sea Mermaid King also believed it.

He sent his third son and his tribe to look for it.

Unexpectedly, the mermaids returned home with serious injuries.

In the first year, they did not give up, but after a long time, they lost too much.

After all, the mermaid king has to think about his own people, so he can no longer send mermaids to peep in the human world.

The only thing he can do with his little daughter is to spread the news of looking for her all over the world, and ask all sea creatures to help inquire.

If there is news, the Beihai royal family will pay heavily.


In the deep sea where Carlos imprisoned Tina, generally no marine life would dare to come, because there is a black mermaid locked in the depths here.

He was a mermaid thousands of years ago. Because the tail of the black fish was unknown, he was ordered to be killed at birth.

It's just that his mother couldn't bear it, so she secretly sent him to the human world, and fed him the witch potion that changed his legs.

I heard that his life in the human world was not good, and the couple who adopted him did not love him.

The lover also betrayed him, and broke the witchcraft that kept his legs.

Scarred and scarred, he fled back to the sea, but was hunted down by the mermaid tribe again!

All kinds of experiences turned him into a black man, and he killed many mermaids and sea clansmen. Finally, he was bound with chains by the South China Sea royal family and thrown into this dark deep sea.

The mermaid wanted to kill him, but the wizard wouldn't let him.

He said that the mermaid can't die, if it dies, the mermaid race will probably perish.

Although I don't know why, all the wizards said so, and the mermaids couldn't help but believe it.

They both hated him and were afraid of him, so they chose to trap him and put him here.

In the past, there were mermaids or sea tribes who came here to bully the black fish, but even if they were chained, they could still kill them.

Over time, no creature dared to approach it again.

The original body's palace wasn't too close, staying in a place where it wouldn't disturb the mermaid.

As long as they don't provoke them, the black fish is basically sleeping and doesn't like to move.

So the two sides got along like this for three years.

Until everyone has decided that Tina has encountered an accident.

And the original body would occasionally go back to the East China Sea. After all, if they disappeared together, wouldn't it be obvious that something was tricky?

Tina also went from pleading at the beginning, to indifference later, to numbness now, she is now bent on death.

Even after giving birth to a fish egg, there is still no joy of being a mother.

I was imprisoned by a fish I didn't like for three full years. During this period, regardless of her wishes, I forced her to have fun again and again, and even got pregnant with a fish cub.

She couldn't leave the palace, let alone get out of Carlos' sight, and she couldn't even do without this child.

Of course she didn't like the child.

The egg then hatched and was a pink female mermaid.

The appearance is very cute and cute.

But it is a very poor very poor mermaid.

A child hated by his mother and ignored by his father.

Carlos loves Tina, and Tina hates him, and also his child, the ugly fish.

What she hates, he doesn't like either.

So the newly hatched ugly fish, yes that cute pink mermaid, was named the ugly fish.

You can tell how disgusting it is just by the name.

When the ugly fish was born, no one took care of her. It was she who ate the eggshells when she was hungry. Later, she learned to swim by herself and ate seaweed to survive.

She didn't dare to be too far away from the palace, she was afraid of the outside world and longed for it.

Eat some grass and drink some water nearby every day. If you are lucky, you can eat some creatures in the sea, which is equivalent to eating meat.

After dark, he quietly swam back to the palace and lay down in any corner to rest.

Occasional peeps into her parents' lives, anticipating that they'll suddenly love her.

It's just a pity that she only has a horrible mother and a cold father.

When her mother became mad, she would beat her father, smash things, and break off her own scales with bare hands, bleeding painfully.

And the father who has never expressed any expression and doesn't care about anything will only change his face when his mother is injured.


as time flows.

Soon the little mermaid grew up to be ten years old, when she was secretly looking at her mother outside the door again.

The beautiful mermaid who hated her so much beckoned her in.

The little mermaid was very excited.

After approaching nervously, she heard her say: "I gave birth to you, in order to repay me, can you kill me?"

She knew what it meant to kill, because her mother would often yell about killing her father.

It means bleeding and pain.

"Go and steal your father's dagger and insert it into mine?" Tina asked, pointing to her left chest.

The little mermaid didn't agree or refuse, because Carlos came back, and he threw her out of the palace angrily.

"Come to your mother again, even if you are my child, I will kill you, understand?"

The little mermaid said she didn't understand.

The mother asked her to kill her, but the father said that if he got closer, he would kill himself.

Why do you have to kill and kill?

Do they have to kill each other?
The little mermaid didn't steal Carlos' dagger, but when she was 12 she picked up a sword studded with gems, which she loved.

She thought that her mother might also like shiny things, and she wanted to share them with her.

It happened that her father went out again recently, and she felt that her mother might be staying in the palace by herself, feeling a little bored.

So she went to Tina with the sword, happily shared her happiness with her, and generously expressed that she would give the beloved thing to her mother.

At that moment, maybe the little mermaid was ignorant of her innocent heart, which moved Tina a little.

She accepted the gift and asked the little mermaid to leave here and go to the North Sea to bring her a message.

The little mermaid is very attached to her mother's rare tenderness, she agrees without hesitation, and expresses that she will complete the entrustment as soon as possible.

Apparently, after tricking her away, Tina took her own life with that sword.

After being imprisoned for so many years, she couldn't even find a broken shell, so she couldn't even die.

There is nothing sharp in the whole palace. can leave him.

(End of this chapter)

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