Although it sounds unbelievable, Yunfei still wants to quibble.

He insisted that he really did not go there, nor had he had any contact with humans. The things were found from a ship that fell to the bottom of the sea.

I also found many waterproof books, and after reading them, I have an understanding of human beings.

Everything was a coincidence, and there was a bit of logic inexplicably, Queen Bella didn't know whether she should believe it or not.

With Yunfei's death denied, she could only sigh and say: "Oh, I hope what you said is true.

The queen mother doesn't want you to make mistakes again and again, but I still want to remind you that you can't go to the human world. Once you make such a mistake, even my father and king will not be able to protect you. "

With Yunfei's reassurance, she was at ease.


After staying for half a month, the whole East China Sea knew about it, and they had another young Highness in East China Sea.

The little Highness is lively and cute, and is very friendly to every mermaid. Even the guards can get her greetings, so everyone likes her very much.

Every day, two mermaids, one golden and one pink, will happily swim in the East China Sea, making the mermaids who are working can't help but smile knowingly.

It's good to be energetic, their happiness can infect them.

The little mermaids and female mermaids in every household will follow and swim with them.

The team is magnificent.

As for Yunfei, after struggling for a long time, he finally convinced Bokar Mermaid King and agreed to let him go to the human world.

It's just that you can't act alone, you have to bring a few mermaids with you.

Originally, Bokar firmly disagreed, but it may be because the recent actions in the human world have been a bit big.

It made him start to shake too.

Thousands of years ago, mermaids were active in the human world, so some human records have their existence.

Since the emergence of mermaids, they were persecuted, slaughtered, and imprisoned, and all mermaids were called back to the sea.

For so many years, the mermaids have obeyed their clan precepts and lived in the deep sea without contact with humans.

Once a mermaid in contact with humans is found, those who admit their mistakes will be imprisoned, and they will not be released until they repent.

And those who did not repent were executed.

They also don't want to kill their own people, but for the sake of the whole group, there is no other way.

I can only hope that the heads of the clansmen are clearer.

As for the mermaid who discovered them, they naturally silenced them at all costs.

Mermaids have always had elders walking in the human world, hiding in it, occasionally sending messages back to the sea, and solving some human enemies by the way.

They are afraid but it doesn't mean they will sit still and wait for death. They have been vigilant all these years.

But human beings search the sea area on a large scale every now and then, and pour some strange things into the sea. Bokar knows that they will not give up.

Even though he had found nothing for so many years, he still never gave up looking for traces of the mermaid.

Sooner or later, there will be a day when they need to confront humans. They want to live a good life, but humans are unwilling to let them go.

"Carlos, you explain that we have nothing to do with each other, why would they rather hurt us than hurt us?"

Bokar is really confused, there are also fights between mermaids, it's nothing more than a territorial issue.

But, if it's the kind of practice that hurts the enemy a thousand and hurts himself eight hundred, they won't do it.

What's more, they and humans don't have any territorial disputes yet.

The ocean is so big, and the mermaids have never destroyed their fishing boats.

On the contrary, they always pour some bad things into the sea and destroy their homes.

Yunfei could only say, "Maybe it's because people's appetites are bigger. We mermaids stop eating when they're full, and they still want it when they can't hold it."

"This time, you must be careful in everything. It doesn't matter if things don't get done. You must not let humans discover your identity."

"Father, don't worry, I will be more cautious. Mengmeng will ask you and the queen mother to take care of me for a while."

Speaking of his granddaughter, Bokar couldn't help showing a smile on his face, "Your mother and I like her very much, she is her mother..."

He thought that Carlos would be very busy in the future, and it would be bad if he was not accompanied by his parents for a long time.

So I suggested: "If you can, you should talk to her mother and see if she has time to see Mengmeng. Mengmeng misses her mother very much."

"Okay, I will."

After leaving the palace, Yunfei swam directly to the coral group, where Jenny and Mengmeng usually like to play hide-and-seek most.

Sure enough, when we first arrived, we saw many mermaids.

The mermaids of ordinary blood greeted him one after another, "His Royal Highness Carlos, are you here to see His Royal Highness Mengmeng?"

"His Royal Highness Carlos is even more powerful."

"Hello, His Majesty Carlos."

"Hi everyone, um, I'm here to call Mengmeng home for dinner, let's play later."

"Okay, I just want to go to the deep sea to find treasures."

"I'm going, I'm going too."

"Those three Highnesses, let's go first."

Yunfei nodded, and then hugged Mengmeng Hai in his arms. Jenny thought about it and followed the group of friends.

"Brother, I went to play too, you go home."

"be careful."

After seeing the guards following him, Yunfei felt relieved.

Hai Mengmeng looked envious, "Father, I really want to go too."

"Want to go? Dad will take you there tonight. They dare not take you there for fear of losing you."

After all, they are a group of little mermaids who love to play, and they may not care about bringing babies when they play.


Although the seabed at night is not as gorgeous as the human world, it is still lively.

The mermaid's work and rest are very casual, sleep when tired, and play when awake, so it does not distinguish between day and night.

Yunfei hugged Mengmeng in one hand, and headed for the deep sea with a lantern made of a big luminous stone in the other.

He knew where the merfolk were talking about finding the treasure.

It is an area with a high incidence of shipwreck accidents, because the location of the reef on the sea has a psychedelic effect.

After many ships enter, they often lose their way.

Moreover, there is a tiger shark hovering in this area all year round, waiting for the opportunity.

But that was all many years ago, that place has been marked, and the current human ships will basically never approach this area again.

So now this place has become a place for mermaids to explore, and the tiger shark doesn't know where it went.

Although it is night at this moment, there are still many mermaids carrying lanterns or carrying a luminous stone to search here.

Next to it, there are schools of glowing fish, etc., running around.


Some mermaids who recently met Mengmeng saw Mengmeng, and they hurried over to call her, "Your Highness Mengmeng, let's play together?"

After getting Yunfei's consent, Hai Mengmeng happily walked away.

There is no scary thing like a skeleton in the sunken dilapidated ship, only traces of the long river of time.

The messy things on it can also show how flustered the people were at that time.

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