This piece of shipwreck has been raided many times by mermaids, but nothing can be found.

Even the photos of humans were taken away by curious mermaids, so it is conceivable that there is nothing left except the boat.

But the mermaids were still curious and played games here.

Yunfei didn't participate, just watched them play quietly with a smile on the sidelines, and only took Haimengmeng home when she was tired.

After spending a few days with her, he was about to leave.

Before leaving, he comforted her for a long time and said that he would often go home to see her.

Hai Mengmeng could also understand, but she just reminded her reluctantly, "Father and uncles must come back safely, don't worry about Mengmeng, Mengmeng is accompanied by her grandparents, aunts, and others."

"Father promises that he will come back safely. Let's go, you and aunt go to the palace."

After a hug, Yunfei handed the child to Jenny, "Sister, please take care of her during this time."

"Don't worry, brother."

After saying goodbye, Yunfei set off with two strong male mermaids and a female mermaid.

Except for the Mermaid King Bokar, no one knew what they were going to do.


The elders of their mermaid clan have their bases in the human world, and they have the right to use several small islands in the sea.

After all, mermaids are actually very rich. After so many years of lurking, mermaids have also sneaked into high-level positions in a certain country.

Some mermaids were scattered out, and they didn't even know what role they were playing.

Knowing that humans have satellites to monitor such things, the mermaids always go directly to the island from the bottom of the sea.

Then use the phone in the villa on the island to contact the elders who are outside, arrange their identities, and at the same time arrange for mermaids to replace them.

After all, a house won't grow people. Someone needs to come in before someone can get out.

The house is nominally owned by a kid from a rich family, and every once in a while, a group of beauties will be brought over to have fun.

Three days later, a large cruise ship docked on the shore.

Yunfei and the other three changed into expensive clothes and walked out of the room on the cruise ship.

Seeing them come out, a girl came over immediately, "The three young masters finally came out? Our sisters are very curious."

Nor were they surprised that there was a woman among them.

"Then, I wonder if the beauty is satisfied with our looks?"

The three beauties with different styles looked at the watches on their wrists, the styles and logos of the clothes and pants, and naturally smiled enthusiastically.

These beauties are cruise ship treasures, that is, they specialize in accompanying guests on cruises.

So don't like this rich and handsome guest too much!

If you can get to the top, maybe you will become a wealthy family in one fell swoop.

The transformed Yunfei is not black-haired and black-eyed, it may be because of the golden fishtail that he is blonde-haired and blue-eyed.

The hair color of the other three mermaids is also the same as that of the fish tail.

One with red hair, one with brown hair and one with green hair.

The eyes are uniformly blue.

At this time, a blond man in swimming trunks came over with his arms around the beautiful woman, and greeted him, "Let's go to the island to have a carnival."

Yunfei felt the call of the same royal blood, and the person in front of him should be the elder Kevin who was contacted.

Regardless of his young and handsome appearance, he has actually lived for more than 500 years, so he is still young.

"Brother Kevin."

The four shouted politely, if they were not outside, they should respectfully salute the elder.

"Don't be so cautious, take any beauty you like, take it away and have a good chat."

Kevin had a smirk on his face, his sunglasses blocked his eyes, he hugged the beauty in one hand, and got off the boat with a red wine glass in the other.

Since they are here to integrate into the human world, they must act out the necessary dramas on the spot.

Yunfei drifted with the crowd, and naturally embraced a pretty nervous looking beauty.

Seeing that their highnesses were all hugging, one of the male mermaids could only hug and restrain his shyness.

Woohoo, fortunately he is still a single fish, otherwise this hug would have to be abandoned by the female.

And the other naturally hugged the female mermaid next to him. They were originally a couple.

Under the leadership of Elder Kevin, they quickly adapted to human life and diet, and learned a lot of common sense.

Of course, Yunfei pretended not to understand.

After playing for five days, the cruise ship returned, and they were going to the United States.

Kevin has been doing well in the United States for these years, and the identity he helped them with is also from the United States.


The buildings on the street, people's clothes, and all the facilities, let Yunfei confirm that the current development of this plane is about the same as that of the 21st century.

Under Kevin's arrangement, he and the other three mermaids all entered a university to attend classes.

This university is a gilded university in the United States. In addition to foreigners, there are also some gilded students from other countries.

The main thing is a casual class.

In order to learn those lessons, the mermaids that Yunfei chose to accompany him were carefully selected. They have relatively high IQ and very good memory, so they were chosen.

Especially the female mermaid, she has the ability of photographic memory.

And her partner, although smart, is not as good as her, but has good strength. He was chosen to protect her personally.

When they were in school, they didn't dare to fool around.

Attend classes during the day, write down those who don’t understand, and Yunfei will make up lessons for them at night.

During the holidays, a tutor was hired, and the four mermaids learned together.

The point of contention between Yunfei and the Mermaid King is that they shouldn't refuse to touch them just because they are afraid, as this will never change!

Shutting down the curiosity of the mermaids with intimidation won't always work.

They should learn, accept, and improve.

Even if they don't use human things, they have to understand and decipher them so that they won't be afraid.

It's too passive to be complacent.

Obviously they can control the sea, and they can fight against human beings, so it makes no sense for them to pinch their necks with sewage.

So he proposed to come out to study, he wanted to learn human things, and bring these things back to the sea.

If the seabed is as lively as the land, there will be no mermaids yearning for the human world.

Also, they must have weapons, power, and the ability to fight against humans.

A country can fight them to the death because of greed. Will all countries be blinded by greed?
When the ocean threatens countries all over the world, countries that want to survive will naturally come out to prevent the United States from dying.

The premise that they don't object must be that they don't know that the ocean has such a great ability!
If you knew in advance that everyone would die together in the end, would you still act without any scruples?
They won't, the more greedy people are, the more afraid they will die early.

In the plot, the whole world does not interfere with the actions of the United States. One is that everyone does not know about it, and the other is that they think that the treasure has no power to fight back.

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