Yunfei was playing hide-and-seek with Hai Mengmeng with his eyes blindfolded, but when he opened his eyes, he saw a pure black mermaid, and he was subconsciously startled.

Although it is a very high-end black color, and the mermaid looks good, but it suddenly appeared, it really looks like that kind of terrifying creature in the sea...

Looking at Yunfei, I thought, can this mermaid look less black with some big gold chains on its neck, wrists, and waist?

Seeing the silly neighbor in a daze, Kettley was not angry. He always knew that the neighbor was cute and silly.

"Where is the mermaid who fell in love with humans?"

Yunfei: (_)?
"It's the female mermaid contained in that strange thing you gave, not only performing in the human world, but also falling in love with humans, and taking other mermaids out."

"The tail is still colorful, could it be the royal family of Xihai?" Kettley guessed.

"If it's the royal family, it's even more damning. Tell me where she is. Since you can't do it, let me go."

Yunfei explained: "That is a TV series in the human world, and the mermaid is a human disguise."

"Pretending?" Because across the screen, Kettley really didn't make a distinction.

Mainly, he didn't know that humans could pretend to be mermaids so realistically, so he didn't think about that.

Now that I think about it, there seems to be something wrong.

But at least I learned that there is no such idiot in the mermaid tribe for the time being, "I thought that the mermaid tribe is so naive that their brains have degenerated."

They would actually allow mermaids to fall in love with human beings, yelling, love is free, and race is not an obstacle between them.

What is not race?

If a mermaid wants to die, then she can die, but if she hurts any other group, then she is a sinner.

People of this race should be killed before they are exposed.

If exposed, then kill the sacrificial battle flag.

This is the reason why he came out of the deep sea ahead of time. He doesn't deal with the mermaids, but it doesn't mean he doesn't love the mermaids.

The scene where his mother sent him ashore with tears was always the last ray of warmth in his heart.

Moreover, the generation of mermaids who hurt him had been killed by him a long time ago, and the reason why the latter ones were not killed was because although they resisted him, they didn't want to kill him before.

They wanted to kill him because he killed the mermaid. Since the enemies were all dead, he meant to let them be locked up for a few years to calm down.

It's just that he has a withdrawn personality and found that the deep seabed is actually good, so he didn't go out at all.


Knowing that it was all fake, but he had already come out, so he simply lived in Yunfei's palace to make do.

When Hai Mengmeng came back, he saw his eyes filled with surprise, "Brother, have you been rescued?"

Yunfei:? ? ?
If I remember correctly, this guy is actually from the generation of his ancestors, right?

This elder brother was called a mermaid several generations younger by others.

The most important thing is that he agreed, and he actually agreed!
"meet again."

"Brother, how did you get out? Did Dad help?"

Kettley glanced at Yunfei with disdain and said, "Brother came out as soon as he wanted to. That chain can't trap me."

"Great, it just so happened that Mengmeng prepared lunch, brother, will you have lunch at our house?"

"Your father, let you prepare lunch?"

It was written brightly in those eyes, I didn't expect that you are such a useless neighbor, and you want a three-year-old mermaid to find food for you!

Yunfei understood what he wanted to express without him having to speak.

Before he could quibble, Kaitley had already led Hai Mengmeng into the palace.

The three of them were having lunch, and everyone grabbed fresh seafood and put it into their mouths to eat, because the tableware was not environmentally friendly.

Things like knives and forks will float away along the sea water if they are not careful, and then they may be stuck in the body of some unlucky guy.

So mermaids don't use tableware.

Suddenly, Yunfei stopped gnawing the seaweed, and his ears moved.

Kettler said indifferently: "It seems that you have a guest here, why don't you go out and greet them?"

"Guest? Who is it?"

"Children, don't be so curious, worry about not growing up, eat more meat."

Yunfei put down the food in his hand, swam out of the palace by himself, and saw an unexpected mermaid.


His shock made Tina very uncomfortable, and she explained awkwardly: "I, lost my way."

It sounded outrageous, but Yunfei believed it.

After all, she was just a mermaid who had never been out of the Beihai Palace and was trafficked as soon as she came out. It was normal for her to get lost.

So he pointed her in the direction and told her to go straight there.

"Mengmeng is here too, I'm sorry, I probably can't take you back in person, you can go straight there and you will meet the mermaid soon, and then let them escort you, is that okay?"

He doesn't feel at ease if he doesn't take Mengmeng with him, and he doesn't feel at ease if he lets them get in touch with too much.

For a baby who is only three years old, mental health is still very important.

"En." Tina replied, then swam in that direction.

It's just... the next day, she appeared in front of the palace again in embarrassment.

After Kaitley said hello, she took Hai Mengmeng to explore the seabed, leaving only Yunfei to swim in front of her.

"Why are you back? Did you go the wrong way?"

Tina nodded shyly, "I swam for a long time, and then I came back to the neighborhood."


Because she has never been out of the house in the plot, so Yunfei really doesn't know that she has the problem of road idiot!

Fortunately, he was the one who sent her home at the beginning, otherwise he might not have gone anywhere halfway.

But now it's still inconvenient for him to send her home unless he brings Hai Mengmeng with him.

So he suggested: "Why don't you stay here for a while, and Mengmeng and I will take you back together?"

I thought she might be very resistant, but I didn't expect to agree after just being silent for a while.

"Then go in and have a rest. You must be tired after swimming all night. You can choose the room you want."

"Thank you."

Tina looked at the familiar room, but she still skipped it. It contained too many bad memories.

She picked a room at the end of the palace, which contained nothing.

So Yunfei was busy getting her a big shell bed, cleaned it, and dug out the shapes of tables and chairs from jade.

Conch sofa, shell door curtain, wind chime decorations and so on.

Finally, the room was tidied up to look like a girl's room, and he left satisfied.

Looking at the prepared food on the table, Tina felt a little sad.

In fact, Carlos is a good mermaid. If he hadn't treated her so badly at the beginning, maybe they would be different...

The mermaid she had a crush on back then already had a partner after she went back, and he only respected him as he would the princess.

And she didn't have that special feeling for him, so for the past three years, she was still alone.

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