Hai Mengmeng felt Tina's presence when she came back. After all, the blood sense can't be fooled.

"Father, we have a very dear family member again."

"Yes, there are guests, but she is a little tired now, so Mengmeng don't disturb her rest."

"it is good."

Ketley next to her was noncommittal, and took the little mermaid to deal with the ingredients for lunch.

After resting, Tina faced Hai Mengmeng again, feeling nervous for a while.

When she heard her calling sister, she didn't respond to the address, but chose to change the subject.

Hai Mengmeng handed her a handful of candies and said, "Sister, please eat candies. These candies are brought back from the human world by Dad. They are very sweet."

The packaging is naturally waterproofed, after all, in the sea, many things will break if they touch the water.

No wonder there are always mermaids yearning for the outside world.

Tina took the candy. To be honest, even as a princess, she has never eaten this, only heard about it.

Because no mermaid would think of going back to the sea after a mission, and even brought a handful of candies...

What they think about is all kinds of intelligence, not eating, drinking and having fun.

As for Yunfei...

Ahem, after living a refined life for a long time, I always subconsciously pay attention to these things that can bring emotional value to people.

"Sister, is it sweet?"

"Sweet." Tina smiled subconsciously.

"Sister, yours is peach-flavored. Mengmeng likes grape flavor. What flavor does sister like?"

"I have never tasted other flavors..."

Hai Mengmeng generously picked out a few more from the small satchel on her body, making sure to have every flavor.

"Then sister, you will know after you taste it."

"Give me so much, do you have any more for yourself? I am a mermaid, so I don't need to eat food from little mermaids."

Grab food with the little mermaid, or give birth to the little mermaid, no thick-skinned mermaid can do it.

What's more, she has a thin skin.

Hai Mengmeng didn't care, and insisted on giving it to her, "Sister, Mengmeng likes you, you are Mengmeng's very dear fish, so Mengmeng wants to share delicious food with you."

Very dear fish...

At that moment, Tina couldn't bear it anymore, tears came out as her eyes became hot.

The little pearls kept falling into the sea, and Hai Mengmeng hurried to retrieve them.

Dad said that these things are very useful and should not be wasted...

After picking up everything, Tina had stopped crying, and Mengmeng asked at this moment, "Sister, why are you crying?"

"It's nothing, I just remembered my very dear fish."

"Okay, sister, we went to play. Brother Kettley knows a lot of fun places. He is very powerful and can protect us."

Tina obediently let her lead her to swim into the deep sea.

Yunfei didn't follow, he knew that Mengmeng had been hanging out with the black fish recently, and he even picked up a lot of things from the bottom of the sea to go home.

He calmly began to process the ingredients, then put them into the conch, and waited for them to come back to eat.


When Tina reached the deep sea, she was taken aback when she saw the black mermaid. She remembered that there was only one black mermaid in the sea!

God, danger!
She stood in front of Hai Mengmeng without hesitation, "Mengmeng, run, go back and find your father!"

After shouting, she immediately began to sing, her eyes looked very mysterious in the sea, revealing a dark light with temptation.

"Oh, a little psychedelic?"

Kettley expressed disdain and was not affected at all, "Xiaomengmeng, let's go, go back early, or your father will be nagging again."

Hai Mengmeng, who was not in the state, quickly responded, and comforted Tina: "Sister, brother, he is a good fish, don't be afraid, he just looks fierce, but he is actually very gentle."

"Yeah, I look so fierce, I'll take you to feed the sharks."

"Brother scares the fish again, the sharks dare not eat us, they are afraid of the mermaids chasing and killing them."

"Try it alone and see if they dare to eat you."

A large mermaid and a small mermaid bickered and swam forward, and Tina also understood that this was the elder brother Mengmeng was talking about.


It turns out that there are other black mermaids in the sea?She was a little confused.

It seems that this mermaid is really a fish with a fierce mouth and a soft heart, because he will protect Mengmeng from being scratched by things, and protect her very carefully.

Such a considerate mermaid should not be that big bad fish in the deep sea!
After all, everyone said that the mermaid in the deep sea eats mermaids...

The three mermaids played on the bottom of the sea for a whole day before returning, and Yunfei also came to join them on the way.

Responsible for carrying things behind.

Good-looking stones, shellfish, or occasionally one or two pieces of garbage from the human world, they will pick them up.

The aloof Kettley was only responsible for standing guard on the sidelines, and Yunfei was the one who ran errands.

Many, many things have sunk on the bottom of the sea. Although no human has ever set foot in this sea area, there are also a lot of garbage floating over from other sea areas.

In order to protect their homes, many mermaids will regularly search for garbage, pack them up, and transport them to the island for burial.

For humans, the ocean is a place to dispose of garbage, but for mermaids, it's just dumping garbage into their homes.

So it would be collected and sent to a remote island for burial.

"Okay, let's go back." Yunfei felt a little tired, and didn't want to be with other mermaids, so he could sleep anywhere.

"Father, Mengmeng feels that the recent sea water seems a bit difficult to breathe."

Tina felt the same way.

Mermaids of the royal blood have higher requirements for water quality, so they have clearly felt the abnormality of the sea water recently.

Yunfei knew that the small island country was secretly draining the sewage, and he was powerless.

The sea is too vast, and it is really difficult to control not to be poured into some weird things.

"Just wait a little longer, we will move after Dad finishes his work in the human world."

They are going to move to Longguo, only the people there will restrain the people from harming the sea.

But not yet.

Kettley already knew about Dong Hai's plan, and he didn't quite agree with it from the bottom of his heart. He thought it would be great to just submerge the human world. By then, the whole world would be a vast ocean, and he could go wherever he wanted.

But this silly neighbor disagreed. He said that there are many dangerous things in the human world.

Once this kind of thing is leaked, the creatures on the entire planet will not be able to survive, and it is the worst way to perish together.

Well, with his knowledge of the human world these days, he admitted that the neighbor might have a point.

If there is a choice, then the difference will come to an end, but if humans go to war first, he doesn't care so much.

The mermaids were stupid a thousand years ago, but they will be even more stupid a thousand years later...

Each of the younger generations raised ignorant of world affairs, and all of them were silly and happy every day.

Thinking of this, Kettley rubbed his brows with a headache. He was so embarrassed that he would never have known, and the deep sea was more suitable for him.

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