Soon, a month passed, and Tina also stayed with them for a month.

When Yunfei proposed to send her back to Beihai, she asked, "Can I take Mengmeng back?"

"When you bring her back, do you not let her go back to Donghai in the future, or do you want to come back after playing for a while?"

Tina lowered her head, unable to see the expression on her face, she only said softly: "She is very cute, as a mother, I have the right to let her live with me.

After all, you have to stay in the human world now, you are so busy, she also needs company.

Of course, when you miss her, you can pick her up at any time, but when you are not around, let her stay by my side. "

Every time Hai Mengmeng misses her mother, it makes her feel touched. Maybe the cubs she gave birth to are different after all.

She will always feel sorry for this cub inexplicably.

Yunfei agreed, "Since you have made up your mind, when are you going to tell her that you are her mother?"

"I'm a little scared. I'm afraid she will be sad and disappointed with me. Can you go with me?"


I've been playing for a month, so of course it's not bad for a few days.


When Hai Mengmeng heard the news, her face was full of shock and confusion.

Sister is mother?
"Then why doesn't mom recognize me?"

Although she was young, she still felt something was wrong. They had met so many times, why didn't they tell her?
And she kept calling the other party's sister...

Thinking of this, she seemed to understand something, looked at Tina sadly, and asked with a choked voice: "Mother, do you not like Mengmeng? So you are not very busy, and you don't want to...recognize Mengmeng."

Although it was not appropriate to do so, Yunfei still coughed lightly and picked up the fallen pearls.

It's not because pearls are valuable, but because this is the second time my daughter has cried since she was a child.

The first time was because I got lost, the place was very dark, and I was scared to cry.

He also retrieved the pearls that fell that time, and planned to treasure them up, and then make a bracelet for her to wear, or for him to wear.

Tina was flustered, but didn't know how to explain it.

It's not right to say that there is no dislike, because she really didn't like it, and she didn't even want to hatch the eggs.

But she likes it now, if she said that she really didn't like it, wouldn't it hurt her heart?

It is also true that he did not recognize Zai Zai, although it was because he hated Carlos and didn't know how to face her.

Seeing that Tina didn't explain, Hai Mengmeng was really sad. She kept thinking in her heart that her mother might have some difficulties.

After all, didn't she come here to play with me for a month?
"Mengmeng knows, if Mengmeng is disobedient, Mengmeng is leaving."

The little mermaid broke down and cried louder, then turned around and swam desperately in a random direction.

It was as if after escaping from this place, he didn't have to face the fact that his mother, who had been looking forward to it for so long, actually hated him.

Tina wanted to chase after her, but was stopped by Yunfei, "Don't go there, she may not be able to bear this blow now.

Just let me go, she is very good, after I explain to her, I will understand you. "

"Then you go quickly." Tina also choked up, tears kept falling.

Yunfei couldn't hold back, and reminded, "Remember to pick up the pearls."

After finishing speaking, he chased Hai Mengmeng away, leaving behind Tina, who didn't know whether to continue crying or to go for the pearls first, to be stunned for a while, and then frantically looking for tears...

When Yunfei found Hai Mengmeng, he found that there was already a mermaid beside her. He was relieved and slowed down at the same time.

"Kately, didn't you say go back to the deep sea?"

The mermaids are too afraid of the black fish, so it is not suitable for Keitele to follow them back to the East China Sea.

He also understood this truth himself, and he didn't follow them when they set off, saying that he was going back to the deep sea to sleep.

"Heh, fortunately I'm here, the guy who only has eyes for females actually let the cubs run wild in the sea.

If you don’t know how to raise them, let the little guy follow me back to the deep sea. Sleeping is more interesting than following you. "

"Ahem, this is a misunderstanding, let me talk to her."

After Kettley rolled his eyes, he actually did that kind of act of fishing for pearls...

So the boss will do this kind of thing?Suddenly grounded.

Yunfei told Hai Mengmeng the whole process of the original body forcing Tina. Although she is small, she is not stupid.

She doesn't know what love and sympathy are, but she knows that if a mermaid tricks her into leaving her father, and then locks her up and bullies her for many years, then that mermaid must be very bad.

So at the moment she is very conflicted, she wants to refute that her father is not a bad mermaid, but what his father did to his mother is indeed a bad mermaid...

Kaitley, who accidentally eavesdropped, laughed at Yunfei and said, "A mermaid of royal blood actually persecutes females. It's really promising."

Yunfei: ... I know you look down on me, but please bring me to look down upon Yuan, please?

"So it's not that your mother doesn't like you, it's Dad she doesn't like, and you are Dad's cub, she doesn't know whether she should like you or not.

Although you are you and father is father, but you were forced by her father to give birth to her, she felt very painful in her heart.

But after getting along with you, she likes you, and her love for you overcomes the pain she has experienced herself.

So now she wants to make up for you and be a good mother. Mengmeng doesn't want her mother to be sad, does she?
If Mengmeng is really sad and unwilling to accept her mother's words, it doesn't matter. Mom and Dad respect your choice and won't force you. "

After all, what owed Tina was the original body, not Hai Mengmeng. If she really resisted, Yunfei would not force her to accept it.

But he knew that she would not, such a kind child, such a child who yearns for maternal love, no matter in her previous life or this life, she hoped to be recognized by her mother.

She wasn't angry that Tina didn't recognize her several times, as long as she gave any reason, she would believe it.

She was just sad, sad that she was indeed a child who was not loved by her mother.

It's not true that she has been very busy all the time, it's just a reason for her father to comfort her. The real reason is that her mother doesn't want to see her.

Now that she heard the cause and effect, she would be happy.

Because no matter what the reason was, in fact, she just wanted a reason, even if it was an excuse.

Sure enough, Hai Mengmeng has stopped crying, knowing her father Mo Ruo, "So mother likes Mengmeng very much now?"

"Well, I like it very much. She wants to take care of you and take you to Beihai to meet your grandparents."

"Then father became a bad mermaid, does mother forgive you now?"

"Probably not, after all, some damage is irreparable."

"Mengmeng is also a bad mermaid, making mother unhappy..."

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