Chapter 542 Deep Sea Mermaid Ji 15
After the mother and daughter opened up and apologized to each other, they were finally able to open their hearts and accept each other.

Yunfei also explained the ins and outs to the Mermaid King and his wife in the East China Sea, and then escorted them to the North Sea.

After confirming that the king and queen of Beihai can accept Hai Mengmeng and love her very much, they leave the sea and return to the island villa.

It's just that there is an extra mermaid beside her...

"Kately, where did you get the potion?"

Kettley said very naturally: "I took it from the North Sea Palace."

Yunfei: ... ... Is that to take?Isn't it stealing?
A bottle of potion was missing, which indeed aroused unreasonable speculation among the mermaids in the North Sea. They were afraid that some mermaids would go ashore privately, and immediately blocked the sea area.

Mermaids were sent to guard every intersection to prevent the mermaids from going ashore.


There was no way, since Keitelai had already followed, Yunfei could only suggest to Elder Kevin to send a mermaid to replace him.

And identity or something.

Fortunately, this is the country of the United States. As long as you have money, you can do many things on the dark web, even getting some hot weapons is not difficult.

If it's in Longguo, it won't work, and the false identity checks are very strict.

After successfully returning to the United States, and the house he lived in, Kettler had become dependent on him.

"Your kitchen is still fully equipped? Why, mermaids also eat cooked food, aren't you afraid of being scalded to death?"

Kettley's impression of human food is still in his teenage years, the hard barbecued meat, smelly and burns his mouth.

However, after Yunfei finished the seafood ice basin, squeezed the lemon juice on it, and then served it with the dipping sauce, he tasted it and was speechless.

And he also urged to make another pot, because even one pot was not enough for his teeth.

Yunfei is also very helpless, even if he is a big eater, another fish with a big eater came.

It seems that there will be more application for living expenses in the future. I hope that Elder Kevin will not look at him gloomyly.

That's right, they are a group of mermaids living in the human world, with no job or income, because all their time is spent studying, so they have no money.

Pearls are valuable, but they are afraid to sell them in large quantities, which is easy to attract attention.

Elder Kevin has been in the human world for many years and has his own property, that is to say, he is a local tyrant.

So responsible for their expenses, how much money it costs, just apply to him and transfer over.

Although mermaids don't like these human wealth, Elder Kevin likes to do business and collect money.

He doesn't spend much money, but he loves the presence of making money.

And giving them money is tantamount to losing money, and he needs to double his earnings from other places to make up for the shortcomings.

So every time, I stare at them, a group of juniors who only know how to spend money, with that gloomy look of not knowing how to make money.

It can only be said that fortunately their elders have not yet reached the point of madness, anyway, they will not sell mermaid tears.

After eating, Yunfei still has to worry about buying clothes and daily necessities for this ancestor, and then handing over to him how to use them.

I also bought a mobile phone to facilitate their contact.

Although there is no signal at the bottom of the sea, mobile phones are more convenient in the human world. I told him to call himself if he got lost when going out.

"Ancestor, remember, don't call for a tsunami if you have conflicts with others, it won't happen, really won't happen.

You can call me, or call the police, and be careful not to expose fish tails, fish scales, or fish eyeballs..."

"A nagging mermaid like you, it's no wonder that Princess Beihai doesn't like it. I can't do it in my place, my ears are callused."

Isn't that because your old man's temper is too casual, like a ticking time bomb?
Yunfei was speechless, really, a thousand-year-old mermaid is more worrying than a three-year-old Mengmeng.

After all, Mengmeng is obedient, and he is full of rebelliousness.


Sure enough, he was soon bombarded with all kinds of midnight phone calls.

"Hey, good neighbor, come pick me up from Bar Street."

"Hey, good neighbor, come to the police station to find me, huh? It's a small matter, it's just a fight. The other side can't afford to lose. I called out more than a dozen people, and I did it myself."


"Hey, read the message, beep beep." This time it seemed a little rushed, and the other party hung up before finishing speaking.

Yunfei wiped his face, the blue and black under his eyes showed his serious lack of sleep recently.

I don't know if his legendary lonely and evil ancestors got lost.

I feel that the fish beside me seems to be a rebellious cub, withdrawn, seldom talkative, and indifferent. These labels are like a joke.

If it weren't for the fear that the news that the mermaid had left the bottom of the sea would cause panic, the mermaids would start chasing Ketley again, turning him into a black man, and they would all die together on a flooded planet...

He probably wouldn't willingly become an old lady.

Yunfei resignedly flicked his phone to read the message he sent.

Thousand-year-old ancestor: 〖Neighbor, I found someone pretending to be a mermaid, and the worst thing is that they insulted the mermaid!

Uncle can bear it, fish can't bear it, I'm catching up, you hurry up to meet me, I'm afraid I can't help but drown them. 〗

Well, pretty self-aware of myself.

At the moment by the seaside, Kettler could hardly hold back his anger.

I saw a few girls dressed as mermaids, lying in the shallow water by the sea, wantonly playing reproduction games with a few men.

There are quite a few men beside them, shooting with machine lights, making obscenities, making the fish nauseous.

They are mermaids, once they get married, it will be a lifetime, so they will not be like them!
Kettler looked at the dark sea in the night, and heard the laughter of the group of people playing mermaids, and couldn't help but want to raise his hand.

If he doesn't flood the city, just drown these people in the head office, right?

After all, today's human cities are really interesting. No wonder the young fish want to go ashore and have a look.

There were already some small waves washing against the shore in the sea, so when I found another wave coming, I didn't even think about avoiding it.

Still obsessively finishing the shooting, the scenes on the scene made people blush and heart beat faster.

It turned out that this wave was not that small wave, but a giant wave...

After the wave was photographed, everyone was involved and the equipment was washed away.

But soon, the waves calmed down, and the swimmer swam back to the shore, and found that there were still companions who had not returned, so he rushed to rescue them.

Even those who did not have time to save were washed up by the next wave.

Everyone was wet and sat on the bank throwing up, and the better ones were calling for an ambulance.

Overall, while they lost that equipment, there were no casualties.

The law-abiding citizen Yu Keitelai snorted coldly, "Hmph, it's cheap for you, and I met me in a thousand years."

Feeling the vibration of the mobile phone in his pocket, he knew it was his good neighbor, so he got up and left.

 Calvin, type it out and delete it, type it again after deleting it, let’s start today, I love you (︿)
(End of this chapter)

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