Life went on like this.

Because Yunfei was busy with classes every day and had to build a laboratory, it took a long time, and after Ketley felt a little bored, he started traveling around the world.

However, he is not unreasonable, knowing that his territory is a place with water.

He doesn't go for things like rainforest adventures, mountain climbing, or iceberg exploration.

He is more interested in video game arcades, script killing, and escape rooms.

I don't like to look at the scenery of the human world, but I just like all kinds of interesting things.

Every once in a while, he would return to the country of America, perfunctory Yunfei for a few days, eat with him, go back to the island, and then take the opportunity to go back to the sea to have fun.

And he will definitely bring gifts for Hai Mengmeng, he collected all kinds of fun things.

Yunfei prepared a bunch of them. After all, there are many mermaids to take care of, such as Tina and the mermaids in the Beihai Palace.

They helped him take care of his daughter, so it was impossible for him to show nothing.


Maybe it's because the plot has been changed, and Beihai is also very safe. Tina knows that she doesn't know the way, so she usually won't leave Beihai.

So Yunfei was very worried about the safety of the two of them. When he was working, he couldn't help showing a warm smile when he thought of his daughter swimming in the sea.

But he forgot that there are such things as accidents.

It is true that Tina will not go out of the North Sea easily, even if she goes out, there will be mermaids by her side.

When Hai Mengmeng mentioned that she wanted to go back to Donghai to visit her grandparents, aunts and uncles, she naturally agreed.

Then find a mermaid guard to escort them there.

Originally, Queen Beihai wanted any of her brothers to escort her, but she refused.

Only the second and third brothers are still staying in Beihai, but the second brother is responsible for patrolling the North Sea area, and the third brother has been researching magic potions recently, so they are both very busy.

It's not the first time she has taken the road to the East China Sea. Other mermaids often go to other sea areas to play alone, aren't they all right?

Only in times of war, going to other sea areas may encounter danger.

Donghai and Beihai are considered to be married now, and the royal blood on both sides is united, so the two seas get along very friendly now.

The mermaid king and queen of the North Sea thought it right, so they ordered a few mermaid guards to escort them to the East China Sea.

"Are you really not waiting for Carlos to come back and send you there?"

Tina shook her head, "No, it doesn't take long for Carlos to go back to the sea every time. Anyway, it's so close, I just go back with Mengmeng."

"Alright, Donghai also sent several messages saying that I miss you and Mengmeng."

Queen Noah didn't expect that when she wanted to match her daughter with Carlos, her daughter was very resistant, so she didn't mention it again.

As a result, a few years later, the daughter was not only with Carlos, but also gave birth to a cub.

Just asking about the three years when she disappeared, Tina still didn't want to say anything more.

She didn't ask any more, now that her daughter is fine and has a lovely granddaughter, that's enough.

"Go, stay a little longer and come back. If you need anything, send a letter back."

"Don't worry, mother."

"Goodbye, grandma."


Tina led Hai Mengmeng, and the two mermaids, one blue and one pink, swam forward intertwined.

They were escorted by three robust male mermaids, so logically speaking, there would be no accidents.

But the accident did happen.

On the way, Mengmeng suddenly wanted to urinate, and the mermaids were also in a hurry, so Tina took her to find a hidden sand nest.

To avoid suspicion, the three male mermaids did not follow.

All of a sudden, the creatures on the bottom of the sea retreated one after another, and it was obvious that a big guy was coming!
Naturally, Tina also noticed it, and hurriedly pulled Hai Mengmeng to avoid it. She didn't care about the direction, and casually dodged a certain distance to the side.

And the male mermaids who were waiting for them ran into this big guy.

An injured shark was acting a little crazy at the moment, running wildly and without reason.

After the three mermaids subdued the shark, they called out to Tina and Hai Mengmeng, but found no response.

Immediately panicked, and made a sharp cry, as if it could penetrate the bottom of the sea.

At this time, Tina was wandering around with Hai Mengmeng.

"Mom, are we going the wrong way?"

"Maybe the direction is reversed. We didn't go far. It's impossible not to see you, Uncle Yake, for so long. Let's swim in another direction."

There is nothing wrong with the mother and daughter, except for the same poor sense of direction.

Otherwise, in the plot, Hai Mengmeng would not swim in a straight direction, but swim to the seaside of the human world.

Because they were not sure, they swam for a certain distance each way, then began to hesitate again, and then returned to the original way to swim in another direction.

Of course, this return to the original path, who knows whether it is the original path or not.

The further they swam, the higher the sea floor became, but they didn't notice it.

Finally, in the vast sea, the mother and daughter looked at each other.

Except for ordinary fish, there is not a single mermaid to be seen around here. It is obvious that they not only went the wrong way, but also went far away.

"Mom, we really went the wrong way, what should we do?" Even if we wanted to ask for directions, there were no mermaids around here.

Tina pursed her lips and apologized to her with some annoyance, "It's my mother's fault, she ran around knowing she didn't know her way."

"It's Mengmeng who didn't hold back. If I had known Mengmeng, I would have held back."

"Everyone says that the sun comes out from the east, why don't you wait for mom here, and mom goes to the sea to see which direction the sun is in."

Hai Mengmeng shook her head and quit, she tightened her hand and said, "No, Mengmeng will go too."

As a mermaid like her and her mother who can't tell the direction, she is afraid that her mother will not find her when she comes back from watching the sun.

Don't say it, it's really possible.

But Tina didn't dare to take Hai Mengmeng to the surface of the sea.

What if there is danger?
I heard that humans on the sea have various methods of fishing. If they could not go to the bottom of the sea, they would have been caught and eaten long ago.

Therefore, she didn't dare to take Hai Mengmeng to take risks.

Tina was defeated, "Forget it, don't read, anyway, let's swim straight, next to the bottom of the sea, it doesn't matter which sea area we go to, and then ask the mermaid to take us back to the East China Sea."

Over the years, because of the threat of human beings, even if they do not make friends with each other, they will not start a war.

If they go to the West Sea or the South China Sea, with her fish tail, there should be a mermaid to take them home.

Mengmeng thought about it, and felt that what her mother said was right, as long as she was still in the sea, how could she not be a mermaid?

Go straight and you'll be there for sure.

"Mom is so smart." The little mermaid boasted cheerfully.

The mother and daughter continued to swim hand in hand again. If Yunfei was here, they would probably sigh, the fate is so similar...

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