Chapter 558
Huang Xiaoyan was indeed a little happy tonight, not because she saved five oceans per month, but because she learned from Xiaoshankou that her son's recent situation was good.

That's why she looked elated all night.

This person, only when he is relaxed can he appear alive.

"Oh, why did Master Wu come so late tonight?"

"Haha, what's the matter? Swallow misses Fifth Lord me?"

"Isn't that right? Since nightfall, I've been wondering why everyone has arrived one after another. You haven't come yet, so I thought I wouldn't be here to have fun tonight." Huang Xiaoyan smiled happily.

The middle-aged uncle named Wu Ye became more and more happy after being teased.

Being remembered by a young and beautiful dancing girl greatly satisfied his masculine psychology.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, the fifth master is very useful, and he spends a lot when he is happy, and he also gave Huang Xiaoyan a lot of tips.

In this place in Shanghai, for rich people like them, money is really just a number, so they are very generous when spending money on women.

On a luxurious night, the pas de deux on the dance floor is full of ambiguity.

The rickshaws on the street, in order to earn some money, waited for customers all night, until dawn couldn't bear it anymore, so they had no choice but to go back and change people.

Yunfei didn't go to the pier tonight because he didn't want to waste time.

Even though he is as strong as an ox, he doesn't like to do useless work. A night of hard work is enough to exchange for a day's expenses.

So he didn't go, because he had already thought about what he could do at this time.


The next day, he took Zhang Qingsong to a carpenter in the alley and asked him to order a cart.

Then I went to the market, bought some tools, and went home.

The father and son settled their own breakfast first, and then began to clean several wooden barrels and some tableware they bought.

That's right, Yunfei is going to sell fast food near the pier.

Even if the coolies don't buy it, the crew and the like must still have food.

Especially when the time is tight and the ships just dock for a while.

After the cart was ready, Yun Feitian got up before dawn and got ready.

The dishes to be prepared had been cleaned and cut before going to bed last night, so now he just had to fry them.

The rice is also cooked and warmed in the pot before going to bed.

He put the hot rice into a wooden bucket spoon by spoon, and then wrapped the outside with a cloth, trying to keep it as warm as possible.

And the movement in the house, even if it was played lightly, still woke up Zhang Qingsong.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and got up, and began to help put the dried bowls and chopsticks into the wooden basin and fold them carefully.

While stirring the vegetables, Yunfei smiled and said, "You wake up in the middle of the night, aren't you afraid that you won't grow taller?"

"Don't bluff me, Gouwa and the others said that if the parents are not tall, the baby born will not be tall. Everyone said that if you are so tall, I will definitely not be short."

A child who is only five years old already looks like he is not easy to deceive.

"That's not necessarily true, you don't have enough to eat and don't sleep well, you don't grow up when you are young, but you won't grow up when you grow up.

Children grow up at night, if you don't sleep, they won't grow up.

Hurry back to bed and go to bed. Dad will leave you a bowl of rice to warm in the pot. You can eat it yourself when you wake up. I may not come back until later. "

Zhang Qingsong shook his head, "We are the only ones in this room, if I don't help you with the work, who will help you?

If I don't help you, later on you will think that I'm freeloading, and I should be thinking about betraying my parents again. "

Speechless Yunfei...

In this day and age, do five-year-olds think so much?

"Only this time, don't get up at night tomorrow, I don't want a dwarf son.

If you want to work, just help your father wash the vegetables before going to bed every day, and just choose the leaves of the vegetables. Don't slander your father for selling children all day long. I'm not a beast. "

Zhang Qingsong buried his head in arranging the bowls and chopsticks, and muttered in a low voice, "People don't sell their livestock."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything, I just thought that Daddy treated you very well."

Hearing the muttering, Yunfei didn't expose it, so he responded with a smile, "Well, I also think I'm pretty good."

The father and son were chatting gossip while doing their work swiftly.

The sky was still pitch black, after Yunfei fixed his things, he pushed the cart to the pier.

It was already dimly lit by then.

At the intersection, there are some stalls selling cakes, buns and the like.

It is allowed to set up a stall here, but you need to pay a protection fee.

After he handed it in honestly, he scooped two-thirds of the rice with a bowl, then poured half of the braised pork and half of the green vegetables on top, and started to sell it.

"Big bowl of rice, vegetables and meat, five copper dollars per bowl, six copper dollars for soup!"

Before preparing to do this business, he had already inquired about the price, a bowl of meat noodles was four copper dollars, that is, the kind with a large piece of meat on the noodles.

Don't look at the way his rice seems to be covered with a lot of meat, in fact it looks like a lot because of the diced meat.

Coupled with the sauce and green vegetables, there is a feeling of being full of many dishes.

In fact, it is the rice bowl of later generations.

In a group of stalls selling breakfast, he was particularly conspicuous as a rice seller.

However, it really attracted a lot of people.

The main reason is that the quantity is large, and the dishes are delicious and affordable.

Although breakfast can also fill you up, but if you get hungry quickly and want to eat very full, you have to buy an extra serving, and the price will naturally be high.

Like broth noodles, an adult man is only half full after eating, and he can add steamed buns, steamed buns and the like.

Hard work is done on the wharf, and not many households are willing to eat rice.

It's even simpler for those on the boat, they basically bring dry food, and they can reward themselves after the goods are delivered.

Therefore, many people gathered around this time.

Coolies with families are willing to buy very little, while bachelors think it is a good deal.

Five copper coins are enough to eat, and at night, it is enough to eat a pancake by myself, and there is no need to eat at noon.

And moving the goods overnight, how can you not be hungry?
The soup is winter melon meat foam soup, which is very sweet and also very popular.

"Boss, five bowls of rice, five bowls of soup."

"Okay, sit down and wait a moment."

The space is limited, Yunfei did not prepare a table, but hung a lot of small wooden benches on both sides of the cart.

Now everyone is sitting on wooden benches, holding big bowls, eating with a snort. For soup, they are placed on the lids of clean wooden barrels turned over one by one.

Three buckets of rice, one bucket of vegetables, one bucket of soup, and one bucket of boiling water were sold out quickly.

Just as he guessed, many docked ships and the people working on them prefer to eat.

They're like fast and full.

If you buy cakes, you need at least two cakes to fill your stomach, and they are still dry.

When he came, it was around five o'clock in the morning, and he could pack up and go back after eight o'clock.

If you have a dry mouth after eating, if you want to drink it with cold water, you can put it in a bowl, but the quantity is small, so it was agreed in advance that it is first come, first served.

Because of this, it makes people feel that it is really too cost-effective.

Many coolies carrying bags asked him to come early tomorrow to bring more food.

Yunfei responded kindly one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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