On this day, Yunfei was still pushing his cart to set up a stall, but he ran into that group of people whom he hadn't seen for a month.

Seeing Brother Yong's group, he subconsciously looked at the wooden barrel, the food in it was basically sold out.

Secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but luckily it was almost sold out, it is shameful to waste food.

Yunfei put down the things in his hand, and slowly rolled up his sleeves, so as not to hinder his performance later.

Soon, the group of people came over kicking and beating.

The leader's inch-headed burly man didn't make a sound, and his horse boy came out first and clamored to lead the battle.

"Qiangzi? We heard that you were setting up a stall recently, but we didn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true.

how?Look down on our group of brothers who collect protection fees?He recovered from his injuries until he disappeared, and he didn't say a word to his brothers. "

Yunfei replied calmly: "The injury was too serious, I was timid, and suddenly I was afraid of death, so I wanted to live a stable life.

Brother Yong has so many people, it doesn't matter if I have one more, and it doesn't matter if I am missing. "

This is true, that is to say, after hearing that he has made money recently, Brother Yong just remembered that there is such a young man who came here to find some money to spend on the advice of the people below.

But this can't be said clearly, so it's the pony boy who came forward to yin and yang him, "Heh, Qiangzi, what you said means to complain that Brother Yong didn't miss you?"

"Who doesn't know that brother Yong is loyal, no matter how many brothers there are, he still cares about every brother.

No, I heard that you are setting up a stall here at the pier, and some of our brothers came to support you. "

"Why are you standing there in a daze? You don't have any vision, why don't you hurry up and pack food for Brother Yong? The meat is too much, we brothers haven't eaten yet."

The guests who were still eating had already finished eating, put down their bowls and ran away when this group of people came.

Now the people around are secretly watching the excitement.

I wondered in my heart whether the boss could not continue with his business today and provoked such a group of vicious people.

That brother Yong, after the younger brothers diligently wiped the small wooden stool, sat down on a shelf, as if he was waiting for Yunfei to take the initiative to pay his respects.


got rejected.

"I'm sorry, brothers, you're a bit late, the food is almost sold out, and these leftovers are not good for Brother Yong to eat."


"Damn it, call you brother, I'm showing you face, right?"

The bowls and chopsticks were smashed to the ground and shattered all over the place.

Yunfei smiled, not reaching his eyes.

"So, you are here to make trouble today, why are you talking about brotherhood?"

Seeing their faces being torn apart, this group of people is not going to take money in a friendly manner anymore.

They kicked over all the small wooden benches on the ground, and all of them surrounded him with fierce faces.

As soon as Brother Yong gave an order, he was pushed to the ground and beaten up.

Brother Yong, who had been silent all this time, said leisurely: "Qiangzi, you've been with me for so long, and I don't want to make things difficult for you, ten dollars, let's just forget about your embarrassment today."

Yun Fei, who was extremely angry and laughed back, paid ten yuan. He has only been working in this stall for a few days, and he has never earned that much.

The profit of each bowl of rice is only one copper dollar, but he is secretly cashing out the things in the space, and many things are costless, so he earns more.

According to the current price, the cost is four copper dollars.

But for things like vegetables, rice, oil and sweet potatoes, you can buy a little from the market and mix them in the space so that you can earn more.

If you are honest, it is really a hard-earned business.

Although even that is better than carrying a bag.

It is estimated that imitation stalls will appear on the pier in a short time.

But Yunfei is not worried, the cost is the same, the selling price is the same, so the taste is the same. In this year, it is good to have oil and salt, so I am not willing to put anything else.

Even if he kept secrets, he still didn't make enough ten dollars in such a short period of time.

Therefore, the appetite of this group of people is too great.

"Oh, what if I say no?"

"Damn it, don't eat the toast and eat fine wine, Brother Yong asked the brothers to greet him!"

Brother Yong waved his hand to stop him, and only hooked his lips with a sneer and said with a sneer: "I remember, you seem to have a son? Your wife is a dancer in the ballroom, right? This son is your only root. You should think about it carefully."

"I have a son, but I remember, don't you also have a wife and daughter? Aren't you afraid that retribution will come to them?"

Speaking of his wife and daughter, Brother Yong's face obviously smelled a lot.

"Since our brother still doesn't understand his situation, let the brothers teach him how to behave in the devil city."

They didn't come empty-handed, either with long knives or long sticks around their waists.

Yunfei grabbed a wooden stick coming towards him with one hand, and kicked away the person who rushed from behind with one foot, and jumped up with his strength.

There are many people on the opposite side, and there are weapons, but he is still able to handle it with ease.

Brother Yong didn't make a move, but stared at him fiercely.

After all, these days, being able to be a big brother is not necessarily because he can fight, even if he can fight, he doesn't like to get hurt in the end.

"Hmph, I didn't expect to hide a hand, and I'm still a practicing family."

Before collecting protection money, they were beaten to death by others, but now seven or eight people will besiege them, and they will be overthrown in a few strokes.

After the beating, he knocked down the knives in the hands of those people and picked them up one by one.
Brother Yong's face was ugly, but he had no intention of going forward.

If he was knocked down in front of his younger brothers, then what power would he have as a big brother in the future.

So for a while, he didn't dare to make a move himself.

After Yunfei picked up the knives, seeing those people still lying on the ground with painful expressions, he was a little surprised and said, "Huh? Are you still planning to leave?"


The terrible Yong brother with a gloomy face squeezed out a sentence between his teeth, "I hope you can always be so arrogant."

Then he went first.

Those who fell on the ground, whether it was in real pain or fake pain, quickly got up and left.

The boss is gone, what face do they have to stay here.

Just as he was walking, he also said harsh words, asking Yunfei to wait for them.

Wait for them to return to the gang to shake people.

Yunfei put the knives on the cart, and then quickly packed up some other good things and went home.

In case that group of people can't do anything about him, go to the alley to arrest Zhang Qingsong and threaten him.

The two groups in the discussion center have left, and the people watching the theater on the pier have also dispersed, and another busy day has begun.

Returning home in a hurry, Yunfei heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the small wooden door in good condition.

Unloaded the things, then carried Zhang Qingsong to the cart, locked the door and pushed him out.

The child also asked, "Are we going to run for our lives?"

... The child's thinking direction is always a bit strange.

"No, let's go and sell these knives. Dad offended Brother Yong and the others, so I can't let you stay at home by yourself recently."

"Oh, the knife is what they used to pay for your bowl and wooden stool?"

While unloading, he noticed that the bowl and wooden stool were gone.

He knows exactly what their family has.

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