Chapter 562
After Yunfei settled the child, he called a rickshaw, took him to a place farther away, and pawned a set of jewelry.

Although he has enough money to spend, if there is a sudden large consumption, he really can't get it out.

There is an old pawn shop here, which has been in Modu for many years. It is a bit deserted now, but its reputation is not bad.

A bit off, but not too dark.

Carrying a bag of ocean, he took a rickshaw and returned to the vicinity of Hutong Street.

In the eyes of those watching, he swaggered back to sleep in the hut.

He has already spent money to inquire about it. Brother Yong and his gang will compete with other gangs for territory at night, so they plan to settle it tonight.

Anyway, with the things he usually does, a hundred deaths are enough, and there is no burden in his heart.


Ma Zai, who was in charge of tracking, immediately went to report when he saw Yunfei coming back.

Thinking about something to do at night, it is already afternoon, Brother Yong didn't go over to find someone immediately, but said lightly: "Let him live one more night."

He was so humiliated at the pier that day, he definitely couldn't let this person live again.

But tonight, they have more important things to do. Whether they can show their faces in front of the superiors depends on tonight.

So big things have to be put in the back row.

"Let's go, brothers, big brother will take you to have a good meal, but today is special, you can't get drunk, let's not get drunk at the celebration banquet tomorrow!"

"Thank you Brother Yong."

"Thank you bro."

A group of people ate and drank in the restaurant, and paid the bill honestly when they were done, because this was a restaurant under the name of their gang.

Soon, night fell.

The shops on the street are closed, pedestrians return home, and the city is quiet.

Only the pier and the red light district are still bustling.

At this time, in the busy vegetable market during the day, two groups of people were meeting.

After a moment of heated dialogue between the two sides, they began to move their hands.

Those long machetes were waving, as if the people standing opposite were not people, but pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep.

There are about 200 people on both sides, and Brother Yong and his dozen horse boys are just a small group of people.

In order to get the attention of his superiors, he worked very hard, dancing with his sword, with the momentum of whoever blocks and kills.

For the time being, no one has used a gun, probably because they are afraid that the sound will attract people from the patrol room.

Although it has been checked, it can't be too obvious. If there are obvious gunshots, but the patrol room doesn't send people to check, it would be too outrageous.

So their fighting is still very measured.

Yunfei was at the corner of the room, quietly watching them both suffer.

In his hand, he was cleaning a pistol of the latest modern model. This is the stock in his space. There is no such style of gun in the current Shanghai, but it doesn't matter, no one will know that it is his.

He wore a black veil over his face and changed into a suit.

The hair was also glued to the middle part, and with the cover of the night, no one could think of the incompetent man in the alley who dreamed every day.

The muzzle of the swarthy muzzle is somewhat reflective in the moonlight.

He saw the right moment and took advantage of the chaos to shoot.


Boom, boom, boom—

After several gunshots, in the chaos, several people fell down.

"Fuck, who the hell fired the shot?"

"Damn, these bastards, they didn't use guns after they agreed, and they didn't keep their promises."

"Brothers, don't be polite to them, shoot!"

This side thought it was the gun fired by the other side, and the other side thought it was the gun fired by the other side, so they all drew their guns and started fighting.

It was originally a close-quarters melee, but now many people fell to the ground before they had time to react.

Not everyone is eligible to own a gun.

In the magic capital of this era, these are precious resources, and those who do not know how to get them can't get them.

So only sporadic people have it.

The commotion was so loud that the people in the patrol room had no choice but to pretend that they didn't know that someone was fighting. They could only quickly line up to patrol according to the rules and procedures.

Residents in the vicinity closed their doors and windows one by one, hiding in bed, not daring to come out to watch the excitement.

After Yunfei killed a few, he had already taken advantage of the night to leave.

Instead of looking for Zhang Qingsong, he returned to the hut and fell asleep.


The next day, newspapers on the street published what happened last night.

The turf war between the two big gangs is written vividly, and boring people are also discussing it.

Yunfei also bought a copy.

In addition to talking about what happened last night, there are also some turmoil in the north, as well as newspaper divorces, literati poetry collections, and so on.

Very interesting, you can learn a lot of interesting things about this era.

Even the news that Miss Bai Meigui from the Paramount Ballroom planned to become a concubine of a certain official was written up.

On the accompanying picture, there is also a black and white photo of Miss White Rose.

A beautiful face can be seen vaguely.

After gossiping, he thoughtfully put the newspaper back in the space and kept it well. Maybe the plane he went to someday is the descendant of this plane.

Back then, it wasn't a newspaper, it was history.

After buying some breakfast, he walked unsteadily into the alley behind the dance hall.

When he knocked on the door of Xiao Shan's house, he also noticed the strong man guarding him next to him. It seemed that Huang Xiaoyan had also come over after get off work.

Sure enough, the four people in the courtyard were laughing happily, and they didn't know what they were talking about just now, but when he appeared, the atmosphere became a little subtle.

Yunfei didn't care, and smiled and took the breakfast into the kitchen, "I guess you haven't eaten yet, so I bought some more and brought in."

There are pancakes, deep-fried dough sticks, steamed buns, tea eggs, and every taste is considered.

The one who gave me the most face was Zhang Qingsong, who hurried over to share the breakfast.

There were three eggs, one for each person. The buns were given to Shan Niang, the fritters were given to Huang Xiaoyan, and the pancakes were given to Xiao Shan.

He doesn't want it himself, one egg is enough.

Not wasting food is a virtue shared by most people in this era.

Even if these things came from people who hate them, they didn't waste them and ate them cherishedly.

Huang Xiaoyan also gave Zhang Qingsong a piece of fried dough sticks.

Yunfei went to the stove to burn a handful of firewood, boiled water for them to dry, and did not disturb their chat.

Shan Niang wanted to come in to help, but was stopped by Zhang Qingsong, "Grandma, you sit down, don't worry about my father, he is hardworking and loves to work, if you don't let him boil the water, he will feel uncomfortable."

Huang Xiaoyan, Xiao Shan: ...

If they hadn't known Zhang Shiqiang for many years, they would have believed him.

"Really, don't you believe it, my father can't sleep well at night, he has to get up and cook, so he can sleep well during the day."

Well, that's because he's going to sell food at the pier, but it's not important, as long as the meaning is right, Zhang Qingsong thought in his heart.

He knew that he was going to leave with his father later, so he just wanted to be with them again.

Dad kept getting out of the way, not wanting to make mother feel uncomfortable, how could he not climb along the pole.

(End of this chapter)

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