Chapter 563
Soon, Brother Hai, who was guarding outside, came to urge her again, and made it clear that if she had to come out for such a long time tomorrow, he would not agree again.

He made it easy for her, and she had to be considerate of his difficulties.

Every day like this, he can't keep up with the explanation.

Huang Xiaoyan said bitterly: "Thank you, Brother Hai, I won't be here tomorrow."

Because today, the child will be taken back to the Hutong Street again, and the next time we meet, I don't know when it will be.

Maybe it's when the kids grow up.

After she left, Yunfei also took Zhang Qingsong to bid farewell to Xiaoshan's mother and son, and gave them two oceans, which they didn't want.

But he put it on the table in the kitchen.

Of course, the food expenses for two days are not that much, it's just a thank you gift, the life of their mother and son is a bit tight.

On the way back, Zhang Qingsong asked Brother Yong if the matter had been resolved.

Yunfei nodded, "Solved."

He didn't say the reason, he could find a lucky reason that coincided with Brother Yong's unlucky death, but he didn't want to.

People who live in this age cannot count on such things as luck and God's favor.

The result is that what he has won is the truth, but the method is a bit bloody, and he doesn't want to scare the young children by saying it.

When he is older, I still have to tell him the truth about this matter, so I won't make up nonsense to deceive him.

Zhang Qingsong saw that he didn't want to tell the story, so he didn't ask further.

"Father, can you bring me to see my mother again in the future? She is so distressing."

"Pfft, you five-year-old doll, do you know what distressing is?"

Zhang Qingsong was not convinced, "I know for sure, just seeing her smile like that makes me feel uncomfortable.

She cried, and I wanted to cry too. "

"Well, you know you know."

"You haven't said you can."

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with that. Let's take a detour to the entrance of the ballroom to the pier. Just in time for her to get off work, can I still send her a meal?"

Yunfei smiled happily, who wouldn't like this kind of conscientious child.

After getting the consent, the little child breathed a sigh of relief.

"Father, I will help you work more in the future, let's earn more money and take mother home to live.

You have been single for so many years by yourself, and it is good to have a daughter-in-law by your side, and you can add a younger brother or sister to me. "

"Who did you learn these words from?"

It is funny and heart-warming for children to learn the words of adults.

"I learned from Aunt Qian. She said that men want their wives and children to be hot on the bed, and this daughter-in-law is better than the original match."

"Okay, my son has already arranged everything for me. Can I, as a father, not listen? What if you don't show filial piety in the future, what can I do?" Yun Fei joked.

Zhang Qingsong said seriously: "Father, don't worry, when you and your mother grow old, I will give you half and half of every bite I have, and I won't eat it myself."

"Okay, dad is waiting for my son's filial piety, but the most important thing for you now is to grow up well."

The school has to be searched. Although it may be a little behind to go now, if you don't go now, you have to wait for the next semester.

Then he can only go there when he is six years old. When he is busy with business, he can't take him into consideration.

Instead of being locked up at home every day, or following him to a place where people and snakes are mixed together like the pier, it is better to go to school.

If you don’t understand, you can come back and teach him again. If it’s not possible, you can repeat the course for another year to learn the knowledge left behind after the semester started.

Now the school has started for more than two months, so it is a bit late to be true.

Before Yunfei was going to wait until he was six years old, because it was more than a month late, it was not right to think about it.

But this school is not something that can be taken if you want to, everything is still undecided.


After Brother Yong died, the gang above him replaced new people and came to this area to collect protection money.

It is simply forcing the poor and poor people to death, but there is no way, the behemoth cannot be easily shaken.

Yunfei started to set up a food stall again, the difference is that he would bring two extra aluminum lunch boxes through the dance hall every day.

Then give Huang Xiaoyan and Xiao Shan a portion of the hot lunch box for breakfast.

At that time of day, they are all off work.

The two refused at the beginning, and later, if they got off work early, they would wait.

Cannibalism is soft-spoken, and even Xiao Shan began to agree with his reformation.

"Brother-in-law, it's raining today, shall I set up a stall for you?"

Yes, it has been raining since midnight today, and there is already some water on the road.

They thought that Yunfei would not leave the stall today, but they did not expect to come anyway.

On the cart, a canopy was made, and he was also wearing a black raincoat, and the broken hair on his forehead was wet.

Wearing rubber shoes on the feet, the toes are a little white.

Yunfei smiled and rejected his kindness, "It's been a hard night, you guys go back and rest quickly, I can do it by myself."

"It's raining so hard, brother-in-law, why don't you take a rest for a day, it's so uncomfortable to be frozen."

Huang Xiaoyan's eyes were also very complicated, she took out a bag of money from her bag and handed it to him, and said softly: "This is all I have on me, take the green pine flower with you, and I'll give it to you when the wages are paid next month." Send some."

"Why do you give me money? I keep it close to my body, and I can buy whatever I want."

It was raining heavily, and it was difficult for Yunfei to pay, otherwise he would have to give her some.

Huang Xiaoyan refused to take it back, and still wanted to give it to him, "I eat and drink in the dance hall, so I don't need to spend anything, so I will spend it with you and my son first.

Next time it rains again, don't go out of the stall, Qingsong should worry about freezing and getting sick. "

Now Yunfei understood, it turned out that he insisted on going out in the rain because he was short of money.

He explained: "We have enough money to spend, but the people at the pier are all regular customers. With such heavy rain today, it is estimated that many vendors will not open their stalls.

I want to send them a hot meal. After all, I don't use a stove here, and it doesn't matter if it rains. "

And recently there have been stalls imitating him, so naturally we can't relax too much.

This is equivalent to delivering meals to old customers in the rain to maintain their relationship.

Yunfei took out the two umbrellas specially prepared in the car, "Go back and rest, it's raining fast, I guess you didn't bring umbrellas, so I brought them for you."

There is also a package together, "The cloak I bought two days ago is a bit rustic, but it keeps warm and fits well. Be careful when it's cold."

The main reason is that he has no money, otherwise he would have bought that kind of fur coat.

Huang Xiaoyan didn't dislike it either, she took it and opened it, it's actually not cheap, it's just a little cheap.

She smiled, put on the cloak, and left with the box lunch under her umbrella.

"Brother-in-law, if you don't need to help, I will go back first. I am a little worried about my mother when it rains."

"Go, go, I don't need to help."

"Okay, I'll return your umbrella tomorrow."

After watching the two leave, Yunfei continued to push the cart to the pier.

Thinking about Yuanshen threatening Huang Xiaoyan to give money by beating her son, it would be funny. In fact, she was very soft-hearted, and after a few bad words, she probably paid for it.

After all, she is a silly woman who is reluctant to bear the hardships of her former man and her own son.

(End of this chapter)

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