This evening in the Hutong Street, everyone was immersed in a strong aroma of food, and their stomachs growled.

And the culprit was the man they looked down upon the most.

Today his daughter-in-law, who is a dancer, came back, and many people couldn't help but peek and point.

However, the parties concerned just ignored the gossip of those people.

Huang Xiaoyan didn't come back wearing heavy makeup and wearing a cheongsam, but changed into ordinary buttoned clothes, which were very low-key.

The hair is up, and the face is clean, maybe a little lip balm is applied to show the complexion.

It's been a long time since I came back here, and she still looked at a loss, she persuaded Yunfei not to be too busy, "There are so many dishes, can we finish eating?"

Zhang Qingsong, who washed the vegetables, was the first to quit, "Mother, don't try to persuade him, you've worked so hard for so many years, now that you're back, don't you deserve a good table of dishes?"

"Mother, I just think it's too much, it's a waste."

"Then you may not know, my dad can eat the whole table."

Yunfei also smiled and said: "Yes, I am so hungry that I not only eat the table, but I also eat a child."

Huang Xiaoyan couldn't hold back, she covered her lips and giggled.

"Hurry up and wash the vegetables, I can cook right away."

"I know, I know, if it weren't for short hands, I would have washed it several times."

"Qingsong, let mother come."

Zhang Qingsong refused, "Mom, you sit at ease, I'm used to helping my father, we cooperate with each other tacitly, so we can go faster."

"Heh." A sneer represented her father's silent rebuttal.

Yunfei stopped teasing his son and concentrated on cooking.

Chicken bought from a neighbor's house, fish and shrimp, vegetables, pork and other things bought in the market.

There was a big table full of food, and a bottle of red wine was even stolen.

For the first time in three years, a family of three had a good reunion dinner.

Picking up food for each other, serving food, and pouring wine, just like He Meimei's family, the smiles on the faces of the three of them never fell.

When it comes time to sleep, there is no need to make trouble, Huang Xiaoyan sleeps by herself, Yunfei and Zhang Qingsong also sleep alone.

As early as when he made money, he bought the house next to the hut half a year ago.

It is easier to buy and sell houses now, but it will be difficult to buy a house in this area later.

The owner of the house next to him was also in urgent need of money, otherwise he would not have sold it. It was just that their family was going abroad, so they chose to cash out.

After buying it, Yunfei rebuilt the house with two floors.

Very low-key two-storey, the walls are blue bricks covered with white ash.

The first floor is used as the kitchen, living room and dining room, and the three small rooms on the second floor are just big enough for their family.

The corridor on the first floor has been used as a toilet and a bathroom. Even if you buy the side, the location is not very big.

It's only the size of two original huts, but this condition is already very good.

At any rate, it was my own house, and it was two floors smaller, and it had everything I needed. In the original hut, there was only a urine bucket for urine, and I poured out if I saved enough.

Those who are more particular about the large size will go to the public toilet, and those who are not particular about it will still be pulled in the bucket.

Therefore, many people's homes have a smell of excrement.

It's really not easy to have a toilet.

Anyway, Yunfei and Zhang Qingsong are quite satisfied, they were the group of people who ran to the public toilet holding back before.


Huang Xiaoyan thought she might suffer from insomnia, but unexpectedly it was dawn.

There is the sound of birds outside the window, and on the dressing table by the window, there is a vase with fresh flowers in it, which still exudes a delicate fragrance.

The quilts are all the colors she likes, and there is a clear fragrance of drying in the sun.

The interior of the room is very elegantly furnished. Although the appearance of the small building is very simple, the interior is covered with floor tiles.

In this day and age, there are still very few people who are willing to stick floor tiles, so she doesn't feel uncomfortable living here at all.

everything is fine.

After going downstairs, she found that only Yunfei was there, she was a little embarrassed, "I went to bed late, did Qingsong go to school?"

"Well, I went to school. It's only after seven o'clock. It's still early. If you're sleepy, you can go back to sleep. There's nothing to do at home. I'll warm up your breakfast."

Huang Xiaoyan didn't know what to do, so she went into the toilet to wash up.

Toothbrushes, towels, slippers and other supplies have not been opened, and she knows that they are for her.

Even though they didn't know if they would agree to come back, they still prepared their things and waited for her to come home.

yes, go home.

Many sisters in the ballroom did not agree with her decision to come back, saying that this man, if he can abandon you once, he can abandon you the second time.

Don't tell her to be stupid, only money is the only thing close to her.

But she still chose to leave, she didn't want to be a dancer for the rest of her life, she missed her son, and also wanted to try to trust the person who brought her meals every day.

If she chooses wrong, she admits it too.

At that time, she will not be sold to the ballroom, she will do it voluntarily, it will be different after all.

If she missed this time, she would want to leave again, but she didn't know how difficult it would be.

After washing, she tied her hair casually and went out to the kitchen and asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Hello, Aunt Yan."

"Hello, Aunt Yan."

Brother and sister Ding Wang got up to say hello to her. Yesterday they heard that Qingsong's mother was back, and they wanted to come and have a look, but they were afraid that they would be accused of cheating, so they refrained from coming.

During this year, they also often followed Yunfei to deliver meals to Huang Xiaoyan, everyone was familiar with it.

"Xiao Wang and Lan Lan are here so early?"

"Well, come to work."

"Don't be in a hurry to help, let's have breakfast first." Yunfei just took out the three breakfasts in the pot.

"We'll go to the stall later. If you want to go, go and have fun. If you don't want to, just stay at home for a rest. The sun is so bright outside, so you don't have to go."

"It's okay, let me help."

Although she brought back a lot of money, she still didn't want to lie down at home and eat and drink.

Always try to integrate into the current life of this family.


Yunfei didn't stop him either. As for the gossip, as long as they don't care, those people will be bored after a few days.


Sure enough, along the way, there were many people pointing and pointing, but none of them paid any attention to those people.

Yunfei was afraid that Huang Xiaoyan would feel uncomfortable, so he comforted him: "These words are inevitable at any time, so don't take it to heart.

If you feel uncomfortable, we can sell this place, and you can move. No matter what you think, Qingsong and I support you. "

Huang Xiaoyan smiled faintly, "I'm fine, I've heard it a lot these past few years, so I don't care."

The job of dancers is discriminated against, and they have long understood.

Gossip is nothing, there are more excessive.

For example, she once wanted to buy a bag of pears, but was driven away by the grandmother who sold the pears.

Grandma said that she does not accept dirty money and does not sell it to her.

That time she went back and cried bitterly, because she wanted to pack up her emotions and face tomorrow.

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