The clothes Huang Xiaoyan is wearing today are also suitable for working.

When she arrived at the pier, she showed no pampering attitude at all. She collected money, bowls, soup, etc., as long as there were places that were too busy, she would help.

Yunfei had set up a stall here for a long time, and got along well with the customers, so no one said anything unpleasant.

There will definitely be a few sneak peeks, after all, his rumored daughter-in-law is appearing in front of people for the first time.

After returning home at noon, the brothers and sisters were still in charge of cleaning and drying things, and then brought lunch home for dinner.

Now they basically come back for lunch, because they just had breakfast at noon and are too full.

The Ding family has the salary and wages brought back by the brothers and sisters, and their life is much better now.

Occasionally, he would give Yunfei a handful of vegetables, or a chicken.

The place is too small, they just used the flower beds to grow some vegetables, and the chickens were locked up to raise three eggs.

So, don't look at just such a little thing, it's really not easy to get it, which also shows the sincerity of the Ding family.

Knowing that Yunfei buys newspapers every day, Ding Wang's third brother will send him a copy every day.

At first he refused to take the money, but after being persuaded, he still took it. Yunfei couldn't find it, so he simply paid a monthly subscription.

Get the latest newspapers without leaving your home.

There is nothing to do in the afternoon, usually a lunch break, the house is quite clean, Huang Xiaoyan has nothing to clean up.

She simply asked if the father and son had any torn clothes, and she helped to mend them.

Yunfei took her to the utility room on the first floor, pointed to the sewing machine and said: "Usually when the clothes are broken, I use this to mend them.

If you need it, you can use it. You can use the fabrics in the house as you like. Those designs and colors are all prepared for you.

Will it be used?If not, tell me what you like, and I will make it for you. By the way, I made the clothes in the closet in your room upstairs. "

"You did it?"


Huang Xiaoyan was really shocked, she thought she had bought them all, and she liked every set very much.

There are cheongsams, improved Tang suits, everyday clothes, western clothes, and long skirts.

In comparison, the clothes she brought back by herself really smelled too dusty, and she didn't even hang them up.

What I wear to work today is taken from the cabinet.

An improved cheongsam jacket with buttons, matched with a skirt, with a dark blue background and a pattern of white plum blossoms.

The fabric is also very comfortable, and it is low-key and elegant for daily wear.

For the first time, she had some doubts. Can people really change so much?
But it wasn't that the prodigal son turned back, and there was no other explanation. After all, she was sure that no one would pretend to be him. This was Zhang Shiqiang himself.

She had been in the ballroom for so long, and she had heard something about people pretending to be that person after they died.

But that was the person who was lost when he was a child, and the person who returned has been replaced, so it is normal for others not to recognize him.

After all, no one knows what the lost child will be like when he grows up.

And Zhang Shiqiang, who has lived with him for many years, even knows where there is a mole.

So she was sure that the person was still the same person, but his temper had changed.

In the past, just standing there, there was a sense of humility and humility, but now the back is straight, the eyes are calm, and the conversation is elegant.

Beside him, there is an inexplicable sense of security.


In the evening, Zhang Qingsong experienced the feeling of being taken home by his parents for the first time.

He was calm on the surface, but his heart began to burn hot.

The corner of the mouth raised slightly and introduced to the students: "This is my mother."

"Auntie looks really good-looking."

"Qingsong, you look just like Auntie."

"Hello Auntie."

"Hello, come to visit our house when you are free." Huang Xiaoyan also responded enthusiastically.

"This weekend, I asked them to come and play this weekend."

Hearing what her son said, Huang Xiaoyan laughed quickly and said, "That's really great. Welcome all the children to come to our house to play on weekends. Auntie will prepare delicious food for you."

After chatting with the parents of those children for a while, they went home.

Yunfei was riding a bicycle, Huang Xiaoyan was sitting on the back seat, and Zhang Qingsong was sitting on the bicycle pole.

He didn't ask why he didn't ask his classmates to go home to play before, but now he does, because even after he enlightens, maybe the child still doesn't want to be pointed at by others.

In this day and age, single-parent families are discriminated against. The mother is a dancer and the father is a coolie.

The prejudice of the times cannot be changed by any chicken soup.

Zhang Qingsong can not be afraid of rumors, but if possible, it will be easier to avoid them.

"Wait until the weekend, dad will give you the whole cake, and then I'll have something else delicious."

"Cake? That's a thing for foreigners, dad, will you do it too?"

"That's right, when it comes to cooking and eating, your father can't do anything."

This Zhang Qingsong agrees, his father can make things like shrimp and crabs look good.

Out of curiosity, his father also took him to a foreigner's restaurant to eat some foreigner's food.

After he came back, his father could make more food than those in the store, and he could also make clothes. There was nothing his father could not copy that he had seen.

"Father, didn't you say that you have never read a book? How come there are so many."

"Your father is smart, you'll know it when you meet him. You're so smart, you probably followed me."

Zhang Qingsong rolled his eyes at him, "Nonsense, you used to be so stupid, you were used as a thug, you didn't get paid, and you did all kinds of stupid things without conscience, is that also called smart?"

It may be that the memory is too deep. The child's five-year-old memory is clearly remembered.

From time to time, I would take it out to spur him not to be as stupid as before, maybe he was also afraid that Dad would suddenly change back.

So I always mentioned it, and after seeing Yunfei's completely different attitude, I gained a sense of security.

"People only grow memory after suffering. Your father suffered from it early, so he changed it early. No, the future will be good."

Huang Xiaoyan sat on the back seat of the bicycle and did not participate in the conversation between the father and son.

Just looking at the passing scenery along the way, he pursed his lips peacefully.

There is a fiery red cloud in the sky in the distance, the sun is already setting, and the road is full of passersby rushing home before dark.

This was the day she had imagined, a husband who was enough to support a family, a sensible son, and a well-off economy.

Unexpectedly, after going round and round, her dream finally came true.

You don't have to play tricks every time, laugh when you meet people, and humbly do what you like.

Now she doesn't expect any love that will accompany her until she grows old, she just lives an ordinary life.

She knew that it was impossible for her and Qingsong's father to return to the past.

She had a grudge in her heart, and she couldn't forgive him for selling herself into the fire pit.

He probably couldn't accept being a dancer anymore, and his wife was already unclean, but he just wanted to reorganize the family for the sake of the children.

She knew very well.

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