Chapter 574
The next day, none of them went out, but there were newspapers delivered at the threshold.

The aunt's son likes to read newspapers, so they have an order at home, and even in this situation, they are still delivered every day.

This also greatly facilitated Yunfei's understanding of the outside situation.

The newspapers are full of shocking news, which village has been raided, and all the police officers in the current police station are currently gathering together to guard the entrances and exits of the major city centers.

But to no avail, cities still fell.

The pictures in the newspaper are even more uncomfortable, corpses, all kinds of corpses.

Yunfei didn't see the name of the hometown of the original body in those places where the enemy fell.

The atmosphere suddenly became very heavy.

The aunt and Huang Xiaoyan didn't know many words, and the newspaper was read by Yun Fei. After listening to it, the aunt was already wiping away tears.

"Why didn't this group of heavenly killers be taken away by the heavens? They came to our place to harm people."

Huang Xiaoyan also cursed angrily, "This group of beasts are living a happy life, and they only care about the rice in other people's pots."

Cursed and cursed, and cursed and cursed, those damned people are still having a carnival.

Although they were anxious, they still needed to recuperate from their injuries. They stayed in the tailor's shop for three days. When the aunt's son came to pick her up, Yunfei and the others left.

The shop can't keep going. In the current situation, we don't know what will happen tomorrow.

It's better to go back to my hometown to avoid the limelight.

Aunt has someone to pick her up, so Yunfei and the others can leave with peace of mind.

This is just a street near the train station. To go to the city, you still have to walk for a while.

The three of them could only walk slowly. Usually, there were many donkey carts, rickshaws, and bullock carts near the train station.

Since it was bombed that day, no one dared to come to the nearby area again.

Chunshi has been controlled by the little devil, the shop has not been looted yet, but other places have been looted.

This morning's newspaper, only to see their cruel behavior in the past few days.

Unable to go to the urban area, Yunfei led Huang Xiaoyan and Zhang Qingsong around the path.

Unexpectedly, when passing by a river, I still encountered three big soldiers doing evil, and a woman on the ground kept begging for mercy.

Without saying a word, he went up and stabbed a few times, and kicked away the guns they threw on the ground.

No guns were used, because they were afraid that they had accomplices nearby and the sound of gunfire would attract people.

With three people, he can handle it easily, with thirty people, he can escape, and with three hundred people, he will fight to the death.

After killing those three people, the woman on the ground did not move, but lay silently crying.

Looking at the scattered things next to it, they probably didn't come to do the laundry, but they probably passed by here to meet these three animals.

Clothes were all torn.

Huang Xiaoyan took a piece of clothing from the bundle and covered her with it, comforting her.

Yunfei took Zhang Qingsong away consciously and waited for her not far away.

After a while, the girl got up and walked into the river. After washing her body, she changed into the clothes Huang Xiaoyan gave her.

After thanking her, she left with dead silence in her eyes.

"Mother, will this big sister seek death?"

"Mother doesn't know, I hope she can live a good life."

Women in this period have not yet changed their minds, and if they lose their virginity, there is a high probability that they will seek death.

Although Huang Xiaoyan had tried to comfort her just now, she couldn't control what the girl thought.

"These damn beasts." Her heart was full of sadness, and she would be better off being a dancing girl than committing herself to these pirates.

"Mother, don't be afraid, dad and I will protect you."

Fortunately, Yunfei has been teaching Zhang Qingsong to practice martial arts. Although there is no such thing as internal strength or magical skills in this world, ordinary boxing skills can still be learned.

Anything is better than being unarmed.

"Let's go, it's still far from home."

Now the world is still chaotic, even if you have an idea in your heart, you still can't implement it.

Along the way, they didn't go to the place where the crowd was piled up, but walked around the road.

Occasionally, I can meet people, and I can also stay overnight. When I approach the house, I also meet acquaintances.

"Is it Qiangzi?" A middle-aged man who was about the same age as the original body asked hesitantly.

Yunfei searched the messy memory of the original body, a little embarrassed, did not recognize the person.

On the contrary, Huang Xiaoyan looked at it for a while, and said pleasantly: "Is it the second baby brother of the eighth uncle's family?"

"Yes, I look a bit like you and your husband from a distance. I haven't seen you for too many years. You have changed a lot."

"Erwa brother has also changed a lot."

Zhang Erwa smiled honestly, "When you left, I was still a stunned young man, but now I am a big man, it must be different."

After laughing, he sighed again: "Why are you back at this time? Your parents couldn't expect you to come back every Spring Festival before.

In this situation, you should not return. "

"Brother Erwa, we all understand the truth, but how can we just watch the disaster in our hometown and not come back to take a look." Huang Xiaoyan choked up.

Since returning to their hometown, Yunfei and his son have clearly felt the change in her mood.

There is more and more a sense of relaxation at home, and the accent has begun to change back to the local accent.

Getting along with people is no longer the kind of polite and social feeling, but a natural feeling like a fish in water.

Zhang Erwa can understand their thoughts, "Yes, if I work outside, I have to go home.

Come back, get in the car quickly, let's go home. "

He was driving a donkey cart to deliver a letter, and just on his way back, he saw the three of them seductive, so he took a few extra glances.

Unexpectedly, the more he looked, the more he looked like his childhood playmate in the village, so he stopped to ask a few words.

After taking a ride, they returned home at night to the home they originally arrived at tomorrow.


The house is still the same as it used to be.

Dilapidated and narrow mud-tiled house, a small yard surrounded by fences, when it was dark, I could only vaguely see the jujube tree still standing in the yard.

"It's getting late, so I'll go home first, and I'll chat with you another day."

"Hey, okay, thank you Erwa brother, you go slowly."

There were no lights on in the house, probably the old couple had already fallen asleep.

People in the countryside go to bed early, and go back to the house to lie down after dark, which can save some kerosene lamps.

Huang Xiaoyan was both excited and nervous, and Zhang Qingsong was also a little nervous. It was the first time he came back to see his grandparents, and he didn't know if they would like him.

Yunfei didn't think so much anymore, he knocked on the door and shouted: "Father, I'm Qiangzi, I'm coming home."

"Mom and Dad..."

He yelled three times in a row, and stopped when he heard the movement in the room.

The windows were lit with warm lights, the light was a little faint and yellow.

The movement behind the wooden door is getting louder and louder. The old man likes to use all kinds of things to stand behind the door, so he is moving away at the moment.

Mother Zhang bent her waist, held a kerosene lamp in one hand, and came out to wait for the wind with the other hand.

After looking around, he cried, "You little bastard, you still know how to come back? My old lady thought you died outside."

(End of this chapter)

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