Chapter 575
When the son who had been away from home for ten years came home, the old couple was very excited. In the middle of the night, they lit a fire to cook a few bowls of noodles and cut a small piece of bacon.

Yunfei stopped or not, but he cooked the noodles himself.

In the middle of the night, how can the tired old man greet them.

Zhang Tieniu hunched over and chatted with his grandson in the house. There were many grandchildren in his family, but he felt that the son of the fourth family was the most upright.

There are many children in the family, and all five fingers are long and short, let alone six children.

They naturally prefer the eldest son to accompany them all the year round and farm at home.

When Yuan Shen was born, the old couple was busy working every day, and the children behind were basically brought up by the first three children.

It's not surprising that the feelings are weaker.

But the child is his own after all, and the blood is blended together, how can he really not care.

So when the original body asked for travel expenses to go to Shanghai, even though they were embarrassed, they still sold the pigs raised by the family.

After the three of them ate, Zhang's mother didn't hold back from mentioning this matter, complaining: "You son, it's the sin I committed in my previous life.

You said you haven't come home for ten years, what are you doing when you come back at this juncture?
Both your father and I are old bones, how many people are missing to be buried with us? "

"Pfft, cough~" Grandma said so directly, but Zhang Qingsong was shocked.

Why doesn't it resemble the image of a woman described by his father who has suffered all her life and was mutilated by the feudal society?
"Old man, go get something."

Zhang Tieniu smiled and took out an iron box from his pocket and handed it to her, "I brought it a long time ago, I guessed you would use it."

The old couple have known each other's nature for a lifetime.

Mother Zhang handed the iron box to Yunfei, "This is the money you sent home over the years, we are useless.

You take it and leave here. I heard that the train station is gone. You can change places to take the train and go back to Shanghai.

The big city is safe, and I let your brothers go first. Everyone said, our land can't be kept. "

The money was sent after Yunfei arrived, every year, and a letter from home.

The old couple and their family cannot read, but they can ask the villagers to help them read, so he has always reported that he is safe.

Now the money was back in his hands.

"We don't need anything. The money has never been touched. It was just that your father was sick and used some, and your brothers also pooled some money."

Yunfei handed the box back, "It's for you guys, what are you doing here, and I'm not allowed to honor my parents?"

"If it's on weekdays, I really don't want to return it to you, and keep it for food, and it would be nice to have a decent funeral then.

My son gave it to me, why don’t I dare to use it, isn’t this the way it is now, you don’t have travel expenses?

It is said that poor families are rich, and they don’t know how they can go back to Shanghai, so don’t lose your wife and children. "

"Boss, are they all gone?"

The old lady wiped her tears and said: "Let's go, I went to the south, and followed the villagers.

You brothers, those who can be contacted, we have contacted them. Your sisters, whether they can walk depends on the meaning of their in-laws.

Rest your feet tonight, and leave tomorrow morning. If you can't go back to Shanghai, go to the south, you can go anywhere, just don't stay here. "

"Mother." Huang Xiaoyan couldn't help crying.

"Swallow is a good person, you live a good life, and give Song Wazi a companion, we are old, and we have lived enough."

Zhang Tieniu couldn't help but began to wipe away his tears. He and his wife were fine. After all, at such an age, he had experienced everything. If he died, he would die.

But the grandchildren of their family are all still young, and this life has just begun, and they will go through the war and leave their homes.

"Fourth, work hard to raise your baby, don't just think about the pie in the sky like before."

Yun Fei responded one by one, chatted for a while, and after seeing that the two old men were a little tired, they went to rest.

There are two rooms on the left and right in the house, each with a big kang.

The original brothers and sisters grew up in this small room.


On the second day, before dawn, Huang Xiaoyan heard the movement in the house, and hurriedly got up to go out.

Zhang's mother bent over and was lighting a fire in the stove, while Zhang's father was helping to bring in the firewood.

Without caring about washing up first, she hurried forward to help carry the firewood, "Father, please rest and let me come."

"No, no, you go back to the house and sleep for a while, and I will fix it with your mother."

How could Huang Xiaoyan lie down with peace of mind, thanks to the care of the old couple in the first two years of her marriage with Zhang Shiqiang.

Strictly speaking, she is actually equivalent to a child bride.

The mother died and found a stepmother. After the stepmother came home, she gave birth to three more children. She and her brothers and sisters were very embarrassed.

Boys are rarely sent out.

I had no choice but to send her. The stepmother collected some food and sent her to Zhang's family when she was in her teens.

When he grew up, he was married to Zhang Shiqiang, who was close to his age. Although he still had to work in the Zhang family in those few years.

But at least the treatment is the same as that of the Zhang family's children. The reason why she was brought back with so many children is also because Zhang's mother and her mother grew up together when they were young.

The bond between the two is very deep, and Huang Xiaoyan's mother even helped the Zhang family when they were in trouble.

Two years after marriage, she didn't get pregnant, and there were a lot of gossip in the village, but her mother-in-law never felt sorry for her.

On the contrary, she has a lot of care and comfort, which makes her sister-in-laws often speak sourly to her.

So she really felt that the old couple were her parents and her last relatives in this world.

With a stepmother, there is a stepfather. Her brothers and sisters did not live well in the Huang family. They went out to the south when they were young, and they have not been in touch for many years.

They never sent a letter back, and everyone said that they might have become rich abroad and would not come back again.

Are you sad?It must be sad.

But at the same time, I am also happy for them. As long as they are doing well, what does it matter if they remember her as a real sister?

It's better than begging for a living under the stepmother.

Yunfei was in the house, and came out after giving himself the medicine.

Among the three, only his injury has not fully healed, and the injuries on the mother and son are no longer in the way.

He consciously went to the firewood pile to chop firewood, and Huang Xiaoyan helped make breakfast.

Mother Zhang probably thought that they would leave after eating this meal, so she was very willing to take the food.

I baked a lot of pancakes, boiled eggs, cooked a pot of millet porridge, and cut some bacon to cook.

The pancakes were for them to take with them as dry food, and she was still pancakes after serving breakfast.

"After breakfast, you pack up your things quickly and head to the south first. In short, you can't stay in this place, and the little devils will probably call here in a few days.

Mother specifically went to ask this morning, Erwa and the others are leaving too, you follow them out first. "

"Mother, we won't leave." Huang Xiaoyan was very sad. She didn't expect to see her for the last time when she came back.

(End of this chapter)

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