Chapter 578
They have stayed in one place for a long time, and the little devils are not fools, knowing that someone in the vicinity is ambushing them.

So the assembled team has to rummage through these mountains.

Yunfei and the others received the news in advance and left with a large army to the neighboring province.

There is no means of transportation, all migration is on foot.

But the advantage is that there are many people, the carts can be pushed in turns, and young children can also be held in turns.

Huang Xiaoyan has now completely become a medical staff in the team, and is very skilled in bandaging wounds and applying medicines.

There are five doctors in the team, two are elderly doctors of traditional Chinese medicine, two are doctors who have returned from overseas, and one is a young Chinese medicine apprentice.

As for the nurses, there are only three, but several doctors have women who are willing to learn from the training team.

There are still few people who bring their families with them, and the largest number of people in the team are men.

Most of the women are rescued, and there are also some who come to defect, but very few.

There are 3000 of them in total.

Compared with some large troops, this number is really not many, and there are hundreds of them who are women, children and old people in charge of logistics.

Many young girls choose to fight side by side with everyone, so they are also training at ordinary times.

Physical fitness, shooting, close combat and so on.

Everyone cut their hair short, and no one with long hair in the team could see it.


"There was gunfire at the foot of the mountain. I'll go and find out myself first. You guys wait where you are."

Everyone listened to the order and kept still, Yunfei left by himself.

They are now wearing very light yellow-green suits, which are convenient for hiding in the mountains. At this time, they are lying in the grass, and no one can find them if they don't pay attention.

Since it was still training time, no one said anything.

This training is to exercise perseverance. After the ambush is completed, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to move.

Yunfei didn't hide his lightness skill, and after leaping down a certain distance, he took out his binoculars and looked down the mountain.

I saw thick smoke billowing from a village in the distance, and occasionally a few gunshots could be heard.

Needless to say, everyone knows that it must be the little devil doing evil again.

After confirming the location and distance, he turned around and ordered his troops to rush over with them.

The little devil who was standing guard at the entrance of the village was quietly knocked down by them, and a group of people entered the village silently.

Finally, I saw human smoke on the grain drying field in the village.

It turned out that the thick smoke was used to burn the living. At this moment, the group of little devils seemed to be asking the villagers something.

There were many dead bodies on the ground.

Now they are pulling a pregnant woman and asking the villagers, "Let me ask again, where is the woman rescued by your village?

If not, then I will give birth to this lady, cut open her belly, and take out the baby. "

No one spoke, and the woman's family members could only lower their heads and weep forbearance. As for her husband, he had already fallen into a pool of blood, his body decapitated.

"Okay, we admire you Chinese people with backbone."

The little devil who spoke sarcastically, then raised the long bayonet in his hand, with a strange excitement on his face, and walked towards the woman's belly.

bang bang bang-

After three gunshots, his expression was frozen at that moment, and then he fell down slowly.

The villagers were a little restless, but no one dared to scream. The woman's family took the opportunity to pull her back.

The little devils have no time to take care of them anymore.

"Someone sneak attack, shoot quickly!"

dong dong dong.

The front row has already set up shields to block all these bullets.

What's funny is that most of the things in Yunfei's hands were confiscated by killing the little devils.

Otherwise, how could their equipment be so perfect.

So they recognized that those shields belonged to their country, and the little devils wanted to vomit blood. The leading officer asked coldly, "I don't know who you are? Tell me your name."

"It's your grandfather!"

"Bah, bah, what are you talking about, we are grandsons of this beast, is he worthy?"

"Slip of the tongue." The young man quickly admitted his mistake.

As they were hiding behind the shields and shooting, many people fell down on the little devil's side, but they were also trying to surround them from behind.

But they were all killed, and Yunfei led people to suppress the rear, unless he threw a grenade directly, no one could break through the line of defense.

But in this case, if the grenade is thrown, it will be a result of both dying.

After all, no one can escape.

"Hmph, take a hostage." The officer of the little devils snorted coldly.

The little devils were also accustomed to using this kind of despicable shorthand, picking out a few hostages who could arouse the most sympathy from the crowd, and then laying the knife across their necks.

There were two pregnant women, two children and a young girl.

"Are you sure you won't let your people stop? Your delicate compatriots are in our hands."

Yunfei knew that these words were addressed to him, so he had no choice but to signal to stop the attack.

Their main purpose, of course, is to save the villagers. If they didn't want to save the poor woman when they came, they wouldn't act so hastily. Now they are indeed a little passive.

Seeing that the fierce offensive on the opposite side had been suspended, Matsuki-kun showed a satisfied smile.

Many of the hostages they took before were not afraid of death, and committed suicide in order to prevent themselves from becoming capital to threaten others.

So now they are taking hostages, only these weak groups, who don't even have the ability to commit suicide.

"Now, I want you to lay down your weapons!"

Yunfei didn't move, put down his weapon, everyone must die, he is not a fool.

He's looking for a moment...

"Heh, it seems that Your Excellency doesn't care about your compatriots that much, so let me give you a big gift first."

"Let's take this child for surgery, tsk tsk, look at how cute this little boy is, and how beautiful his eyes are, why don't you dig it out and appreciate it."

After speaking, he showed a perverted smile and motioned for his subordinates to do something.


"Heh." Mr. Song Mu waved his hand to make his subordinates pause, and smiled triumphantly: "Why, have you figured it out yet? Then put down your weapons and let Mr. Ben see your sincerity."

"it is good."

Yunfei made two gestures, but the little devils couldn't understand them.

The people under him slowly put the guns and shields in their hands on the ground.

However, no one could see clearly what Yunfei had done, but an afterimage had already captured Mr. Songmu close by and grabbed his neck tightly.

"Guwu?" Matsuki-kun said with difficulty.

"Yo, Taijun is quite knowledgeable."

How can there be no knowledge?Since they invaded the country, there have always been some capable people and strange men on the battlefield to disrupt the situation.

This group of people has a strange ability, they can jump up with the help of their toes.

With a thin and short body, it can explode with the power to kick people several meters away!

They studied it in the empire, and arrested people for questioning, only to learn that these strange movements are called Kung Fu.

It is said that the peak of kung fu was in their ancient times, so those who are particularly powerful are also called ancient martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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