Chapter 579
"I didn't expect to meet one of you strange people in such a remote place. Kung Fu really deserves its reputation."

You can hold someone hostage in the blink of an eye, or when you are being pointed at by many guns, it is simply impossible to guard against.

The people brought by Yunfei have picked up their weapons and shields again.

Neither side dared to act rashly.

"My Majesty, why don't we each take a step back, how about I exchange this group of villagers with you?"

Matsuki-kun can you say no?Of course not.

Zhang Erwa and the others hurried over with their guns, lifted the villagers on the ground, and escorted them away from the rear.

Yunfei also held pine wood and stood still.

But the little devils didn't dare to act rashly. After all, the life of a prince is much more important than the lives of those villagers.

Yunfei didn't show a smile until he was sure that everyone had left a certain distance.

When the little devils realized something was wrong, it was too late to stop it. The pine wood was wiped on the neck, and the blood from the main artery gushed out.

Of course Yunfei doesn't have a penchant for massacres, but he just doesn't have time to make up the knife, so he just needs to ensure a one-hit kill.

After succeeding, he didn't bother to fight, and quickly left to chase his companions.

The little devils in a mess couldn't even spare their hands to chase him, but urgently called their military doctor to save him.

After all, Matsuki-kun at this meeting is still alive.


Zhang Erwa and the others took the villagers back to the mountain by detour, and went to a cave on the way, and carried out a comatose girl.

The girl is very handsome, but there are many wounds on her body.

When I brought them back to the camp, I quickly sent them to the tents of several doctors, and then ordered people to pack up and prepare to retreat at any time.

Yunfei came back soon, and Zhang Erwa hurried over to report the rescue.

"Well, what do the villagers say? Are you hiding on the mountain for a while? I killed the officer of that little devil just now, and they won't let it go. They will probably search the mountain soon."

After all, if the soldiers below don't want to be held accountable too harshly, they can only make up for their mistakes and catch the murderer anyway.

So as long as they get the order, they will probably search the mountains comprehensively.

Yunfei analyzed it with a group of panic-stricken villagers, and then asked them what their plan was.

No one would complain that they were about to be displaced, because if it wasn't for these heroes who rescued them, the village would have been slaughtered by now.

The villagers were faintly headed by one of the old men in long robes, who had been protecting him intentionally or unintentionally before.

At this moment, he walked out from the crowd, bowed respectfully and said: "Heroes, thank you for saving us, and we will each leave for refuge afterwards.

But that unconscious girl, please take care of her, she should have some important information in her hand.

Otherwise, the little devils will not go to great lengths to chase and kill her, so I implore everyone to protect her. "

"Don't worry, old man, we will arrange her whereabouts after this girl wakes up."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Then the villagers dispersed and left, and a few young men stayed behind. They said they wanted to defend their home and country with them.

Zhang Dajun, who was in charge of recruiting troops, told them carefully about the difficulties in the team and the situations they might encounter.

After confirming that none of them flinched, they were allowed to join.

Now is the time when there is a shortage of people, as long as they have a clear background and a good character, they are fearless of life and death.They are all welcome.

Just selected a temporary camp, because of this sudden change, changed again.

They walked for more than a hundred kilometers before stopping again.

During this period, the unconscious girl also woke up.

She didn't say why she was chased and killed by the little devils, and everyone didn't press her to ask. They wanted her to recuperate before leaving.

But she seems to be in a hurry to leave...

And asked if it was possible to hire two people to accompany her to Kyoto to find someone.

In order to show her sincerity, she took out several strings of palace-style jewelry from her baggage as a reward.

This is the property that the old man in the village helped her keep. Before leaving, someone put it in her arms.

Along the way, no one touched her things, so she didn't know that she was carrying such treasures.

However, in today's world, these yellow and white things and lives are worthless.

The most valuable is food and grass equipment.

Therefore, Lu Chen, Yunfei, and Zhang Dajun were not tempted.

Lu Chen said with a cold face: "Girl, you should be aware of your troubles, and if I go with you, there is a risk of death.

If that's all it is, sorry, it's not worth my brothers' lives. "

The girl bit her lip, but had no choice but to reveal her identity.

"My name is Deng Jiayi, I used to be a Huadan, and I was bought back by a little devil three years ago.

He treated me well, before his country invaded us.

We are like ordinary couples, he communicates with me in broken language, and occasionally teaches me a little bit of his country's language.

Life can't be considered peaceful and beautiful, but it can be considered stable.

But he often hides in the study and can't come out for a day or two, so it aroused my curiosity. "

"Later, while he was not at home, I sneaked in to have a look. It turned out that there was a secret passage in his study."

Hearing this, everyone understood what she had just skipped.

After all, they were forced to be together. Even if the man treated her well, she was never tempted, so she went to explore his secret.

"They were doing experiments, and I stole something, so I was hunted down all the time, but that man seems to have some status in the small island country.

He didn't allow that group of people to kill me, and that group of people didn't dare to attack too much, so I used disguises to avoid it time and time again. "

She is a Huadan trained by the troupe since she was a child, and she is naturally proficient in changing makeup.

Act like what you want.

After finishing speaking, Deng Jiayi prayed: "I don't regret my death, but the things, please, heroes, send them to General Yu of Suzhou Province for me."

This admiral was the only officer she had ever met and someone she could trust.

A man who can even bend over a beggar woman must be a good man.

"Miss Deng, you rest first, we need to discuss this matter before we give you an answer."

The three returned to their tents and asked for their opinions.

The first is a question of authenticity.

Zhang Dajun took the lead and said: "This girl has a straightforward personality. If it is fake, then it can only be said that she acted really well."

Lu Chen agreed, but he was used to thinking about both good and bad sides of everything, so he was still deliberating.

In the end, it was Yunfei who took over the matter, "How about this, Lu Chen, take a look at that document first, to distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

If it is confirmed that it is genuine experimental data, then let me escort it to Suzhou Province, maybe Suzhou Province, but mainly to someone who is trustworthy and has sufficient background. "

"Okay, Brother Qiang will let you handle this matter, and all of us can feel at ease when you handle things."

(End of this chapter)

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