Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 582 Running with the baby in the weird game 1

Sure enough, Yunfei only persisted for a few years while dragging his battered body.

At 56 years old, he thinks he is already very old.

After all, it is a kind of luck to be able to survive to this day in a hail of bullets.

At the beginning, I heard that there were ancient martial arts families in every district who came out to help in the war of resistance, but after the end, they disappeared again.

Yunfei is too busy and has never had a chance to meet one, which is a pity.

When he felt the time limit, he asked Huang Xiaoyan to push him and went to the cemetery with a basket of small bouquets.

Say goodbye to every comrade-in-arms who once stood side by side, and send a bouquet of flowers.

It's a pity that his soul doesn't take the underworld, so there is no way to reunite with them below.

After his death, even though Zhang Qingsong had a strong heart, he was still depressed for a long time, even though he was hurting in his heart, he still endured and kept busy.

I just took a lot of time to accompany Huang Xiaoyan.

Huang Xiaoyan's lifespan is much longer, she is also sad, and after Yunfei's death, she suddenly has a lot of free time, often in a daze, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, it came out later.

Under the healing of the years, it is not forgotten, but hidden.

She planted a garden full of flowers, raised a cat, and occasionally inquired about her son's marriage.

Even the turbulence of the later era was not affected, and it remained graceful for a lifetime.

As for Zhang Qingsong, he has no time to fall in love at all, and has devoted his whole life to the country.

In his free time, he is not doing good deeds, or eating and shopping with his mother. He is really grateful to God for giving him a pair of enlightened parents.

Many comrades-in-arms, let alone not looking for girlfriends, even asked them to stay before going out on missions, just in case of accidents.

And their family never pressured him in this regard.

It's not that he doesn't want to find a partner, but that his family and country are not strong, how can he retreat with peace of mind.

When he was old, after retiring, he stayed with his mother for a few years, and after sending her away, Zhang Qingsong donated most of their family's property.

Because of Yunfei's reminder, he didn't take out the things in that difficult year.

It was not until later that things were donated to the country.

It was a treasure from the era of their motherland, and it was a collection they kept during the war.

He was unmarried all his life, but adopted three children, all of whom were orphans of comrades-in-arms.

There was nothing for them to quarrel about property, for he only gave each of them a part of the money and a house.

Any more is up to you.

Donated everything else, including building bridges and paving roads, building schools, etc. in many areas.

The three children were also upbeat. They always knew that they were not children of their adoptive father. They were already lucky to be raised by him carefully, so they never expected anything extravagantly.

Later, their interviews were reported, and some authors even wrote a book based on their family.


[During mission settlement, draw war experience...

Quest sentiment has been cleared.

Mission goal: Zhang Qingsong's happiness level is 95%.

Mission Completion Level: Excellent.

Settlement points: 95.

Cumulative points: 1175.

Mall: opened.

Task reward: expand the space by [-] square meters.

Package: bionic companion robot, 1 square meters of space (two lands have been fused, common spring water has been fused), plane camera*1, wish*1, system puppy body*[-].

Skills: Huaquan embroidered legs intermediate level, yin and yang eye level level, spell spell level level level, eaves and wall walking level level level, level weapon refining technique level level, level medical skill level. 】

Yunfei is used to sitting around when she comes back. This time, there are a little more snacks on her coffee table, which the system exchanged for her points.

"Thank you Yun Zero."

[The host is welcome, if you invite me to eat, I will treat you too. 】


Crunching, one person gnawed on potato chips in the system space.

001 also shared the novels and TV series downloaded from his tablet with Yunfei.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't see it, Yun Ling's taste is quite unique."

For some reason, it sounded like a compliment, but 001 somehow felt that the tone was a bit off.

It must be thinking too much, its host should not be yin and yang to it.

And Yunfei looked at its inventory, a little speechless.

[If you love him, donate your heart to him. 】

【After being blind, he mistook her for me. 】

[Dig wild vegetables for Lu Yi in those years. 】

[The domineering president has five treasures for one child. 】

What kind of goofy, embarrassing movies are all available on 001's tablet. She indulged a bit and chased a drama with it.

As they watched, they scolded angrily.

Don't go to the next plane until after reading it.

The system space suddenly became empty. At this time in the past, 001, who was so happy to fly, suddenly realized what loneliness is...

It turns out that happiness really needs to be shared in order to be doubled.


When Yunfei woke up, he was used to the fact that he was still a gender with an extra organ.

This time, the situation is quite good.

Looking around, it is a minimalist bedroom with a modern style, and the night light emits warm light, which looks very safe.

The pajamas are made of silk and very comfortable, and the bed is soft and fragrant.

The original body is a man who loves to be clean and self-disciplined. Because he has abdominal muscles, he is not a person who exercises for a long time and cannot maintain them.

And the family background should be very good.

However, there is no trace of the hostess in the house, and there are no baby supplies.

Yunfei closed his eyes to accept the plot with peace of mind.

It turns out that this is a world that is about to undergo great changes, because at three o'clock in the morning tonight, a strange game descended on this world.

Suddenly they are all over the world.

Anyone who is shrouded in the beam of light of the game will be randomly sent into a game to clear the level.

Those who don't pass the level will die, and those who pass the level can get a reward for not playing the game for a week and some props.

The country's response was also quick. At the beginning, many people died of panic.

But later, each city gathered the surviving people, and then exchanged game clearance information, so that more people survived.

They don't know where the game came from, they can only guess that it should be the product of an advanced civilization in an alien galaxy.

The original surname is Yuan, and the first name is Shen.

He is a gold medal lawyer, 32 years old, unmarried and childless, he thinks so.

In fact, his son is two and a half years old this year.

That's right, the bloody plot is coming, run with the ball! ! !

At a class reunion just three years ago, he mistakenly drank a cup of drink that was calculated by the rich second-generation classmate in his class.

Then woke up with nothing but a mess and 200 yuan.

Yuan Shen didn't have the kind of domineering declaration after being prostituted, what kind of woman you want to attract my attention.

He is a lawyer, and the first thing he considers is responsibility, compensation and so on.

But the girl left directly after waking up and left money, and he thought it meant that she didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore.

He respected her choice, so he didn't go looking for anyone. As an adult, he just had a good night.

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