Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 583 Running with the baby in the weird game 2

However, Yuan Shen never expected that the girl who was also tricked into entering the room by accident was actually pregnant behind.

Unexpectedly, she gave birth to the child.

Zhuang Yuanyuan was an abandoned baby, who was thrown in a cornfield one winter, and her adoptive mother took her home.

The adoptive mother was widowed when she was young, so she never remarried, and picked up a child to raise. I don't know how happy she is.

In the future, all my thoughts will be spent on raising my daughter, raising her up hard, and paying for college.

But Zhuang Yuanyuan from a poor family was excluded in school because of her cute baby face.

After all, her face, even in the simplest school uniform, was still so prominent.

She didn't need to dress up at all, just had a cute face, which attracted the attention of many male students, and also aroused a lot of jealousy.

But even after going through many hardships, she still insisted on finishing college, because she had no way out, and her adoptive mother worked so hard to pay for her to come out.

She wants a degree, she wants to make money, and she wants to take care of her adoptive mother and provide for her.

On that day, it was actually their high school reunion. In fact, Zhuang Yuanyuan didn't want to go, but she had to.

Because she is an intern in a company now, and one of the female classmates who bullied her in high school happened to be the niece of her boss.

So, if she doesn't go, the internship job will be lost.

Originally, she was supposed to appear on the bed of one of the rich second-generation classmates who had once pursued her, but unexpectedly she entered the wrong room.

The person who supported her at that time was her former deskmate.

Maybe it was a guilty conscience, after Zhuang Yuanyuan accidentally fell into Yuanshen's room and was pulled in by Yuanshen, she didn't dare to go in and call for someone.

I could only grit my teeth and make the mistake and leave by myself.

Anyway, as long as she insisted that Zhuang Yuanyuan had already been delivered, other matters had nothing to do with her.

The surveillance of such a high-end hotel is not something that students of their level can casually watch.

There are indeed many rich people in their classmates' families, but they are not particularly rich. It can only be said that they are much richer than ordinary students like them.

There is no such rich family as TV.

It's also Zhuang Yuanyuan's unlucky luck. If she chooses a company for internship, she will meet her aunt, so she will be made things difficult.

Afterwards, they fell asleep, and Zhuang Yuanyuan was a little annoyed at being calculated. Seeing that the man on the bed was handsome and strange, she guessed that the group of people had invited them, so she just threw 200 yuan to humiliate him.

Just treat yourself as a reward, and invite a male model to show you.

Unexpectedly, half a month later, she began to vomit jaundiced water frequently, and she still endured it at first.

After all, she was going to live under Aunt Huang Li's subordinates, so it was difficult to ask for leave to go to the hospital. She didn't think it was a big deal, and she didn't want to spend money on going to the hospital.

The salary for the internship is only [-] yuan a month, how can I be willing to go to the hospital.

However, with the emergence of vomiting, she began to experience lethargy, dizziness and other symptoms.

But Zhuang Yuanyuan still didn't think about pregnancy, after all, it was her first and only time that time.

So I didn't expect it to be so easy to get pregnant. I just thought it was because I worked too much overtime and didn't get enough sleep.

After all, when people are extremely sleepy, they will feel nauseous and dizzy.

It's not surprising that her period didn't come, her work and rest are chaotic, and she is malnourished. She eats just to make do with it every day. Sometimes, a pancake is her meal.

But she still values ​​herself, and after more than a month, she finally took the time to check it out.

The doctor sent her straight to a urine test.


Zhuang Yuanyuan felt that she was going crazy, she returned home from the hospital in a trance, and then hurried back to work in the company in the afternoon.

She majored in fashion design, but now she is just a small assistant for practice.

She often does errands to get fabrics, and she also serves tea and water.

Occasionally, I will draw design drawings, but every time I have to show Huang Li, and every time I fail.

Sometimes, she really feels very tired, studying hard, but also has to endure all kinds of difficulties from the workplace.

There are also gossips circulating in the school, she really has a feeling of physical and mental exhaustion.

Because the pregnancy time is calculated from the time of the last menstrual period, the doctor said that she was 12 weeks and 5 days pregnant.

That is, almost three months pregnant...

If it wasn't for this child, she would have forgotten about that calculation.

Of course, a child obtained in this way should not be kept, but she thought of herself, who was a child abandoned by her parents.

Now, is she going to abandon her child too?

If it was still a ball of blood, maybe Zhuang Yuanyuan could still be cruel, but the doctor said that her child is now in human form.

Zhuang Yuanyuan hesitated.

What really made her make up her mind was the frame-up from her boss.

Something went wrong with her blueprints.

However, it was a design drawing that was obviously eliminated, but for some reason, the drawing that replaced Aunt Huang Li was submitted.

Everyone thought she was a scheming intern eager for quick success, but Zhuang Yuanyuan couldn't argue with it.

Can only be dismissed with grievances.

When I went back to school, my classmates pointed at me behind my back because of this incident.

The disheartened Zhuang Yuanyuan completely lost her yearning for everything outside.

She misses her mother, and also misses her hometown.

After that, she went back to her hometown, and under the warmth and healing of her adoptive mother, she regained her strength.

She took a leave of absence from school and gave birth to a lovely daughter.

After the daughter was weaned, she returned to campus and got her college diploma.

Just when she got her graduation certificate and was about to regain her strength and start looking for a job, a weird game came!
The entire Blue Star human race has entered the game.

If the original trend is followed, she and the original body may have a fate in the future, after running with the ball, and bringing the cute little girl back to counterattack.

But a strange game has appeared, and a large number of people die all over the world every day. Let alone fate, it is not certain whether they can meet in the underworld.

Yuanshen didn't know at first that he had a child.

Until he cleared the first level, he was rewarded.

A summon card.

Father and Son Soldiers in Battle: (Use it to summon one of your own descendant's bloodline to your side, which lasts for one week, and the cooldown time is one week.)
The original body haha, useless props, tasteless, click to use with a sneer.

Then...the two-year-old Zhuang Berry wearing a pink tutu appeared in front of her.

The cute little face is somewhat similar to Zhuang Yuanyuan's, with a pair of big sparkling eyes.

With long eyelashes, holding a plush doll in the shape of a strawberry in his hand, he is looking at the suddenly changed scenery around him in a daze.

The one who was more ignorant than her was the original body.

Yuan Shen frowned, thinking to himself: A bad card is still a bad card?Who sent the brat to the wrong place...

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