Chapter 593
After entering the room, Yunfei didn't find anything wrong.

Just in case, he hasn't used the system space since he entered the game, not because he was afraid they would detect the system.

It's just a prop like space, he's not sure if it exists in this ghost game, so it's better not to reveal it for the time being.

After checking the room, he found only a note.

[After ten o'clock in the evening, don't go out of the room again. 】

[Dinner time is the key to surviving at night. 】

Just these two basic rules and nothing else.

Helpless, can only wait until dinner time to see.


At eight o'clock in the evening, as the ancient clock struck, everyone went downstairs one after another, found the chairs corresponding to their room numbers and sat down.

Butler Sam still entered the arena in that way of jumping and spinning.

Its mouth is grinning, and it always makes people feel that it is smiling all the time.

That creepy laugh.

Because its eyes are a pair of gemstones, and there are no such things as eyes, they are wooden.

"It's eight o'clock, and all the guests are here, so let's serve the food first."

The middle part of the table sank suddenly, and when it rose up again, there were already ten covered dishes on it.

After the dishes were served, Sam said with a nasty smile: "But before dinner, I want to play a game with the guests."

"The game is very simple, that is to answer the questions first. Whoever raises his hand to answer the answer first can choose one of the dishes first."

"Guests, do you understand?"

Everyone nodded. In this kind of game, how dare you not listen to the rules of the game carefully.

So everyone understands that it is a small game that is very common in China.

"Okay, the first question is: Iron will rust if you put it outside, but what about gold?"

As soon as the topic came out, four people raised their hands, and the other five people and Yunfei were all watching.

Just the first question, don't worry.

Taking this game as an example, everyone is now in a relaxed mood. It doesn't look like a bloody game, and the survival rate should be very high.

"Haha, congratulations to the guest in room 3 for grabbing the chance to answer. Sam has to remind everyone that if the guest gets the chance to answer and fails to answer or answers wrongly, there will be punishment."

The puppet butler's tone was eager to move, as if he couldn't wait to see them get the wrong answer.

The man in room 3 changed his face, and finally calmed down again.

"The answer is: it will be stolen."

"Congratulations to the guest, the answer is correct!"

"You can choose your own dishes first."

The man in Room 3 breathed a sigh of relief. He remembered this question because his wife had asked it before.

His daughter-in-law was more troublesome, and she would come to test him on any questions she read online, which led to him learning a lot of messy questions.


The ten dishes on the table are all covered with lids. No one can guess what is inside, so you can only choose based on your feeling?

To be on the safe side, the man chose the third course.

Afraid of stepping on the thunder that the number does not match, so choose the same number as the room number.

Sam twisted the puppet's legs and jumped to serve the food with the fork wide open.

"This is the third dish for the guest, please take it slowly.

The restaurant's rule is that food is not allowed to be wasted or taken away, and must be eaten within dinner time.

If you can't finish it, I don't think the guests will want to know the consequences. "

The man in Room 3 nodded calmly, and then lifted the lid off the dish.

When he saw what was inside, his face turned blue.

Stomach started churning.

What I saw on the dish was a plate of white and fat maggots, which were still alive... moving.

"Ouch." The person next to him, who didn't know who vomited softly, then quickly covered his mouth tightly.

As if he couldn't see everyone's ugly looks, Sam said cheerfully: "Then don't bother guest No. 3 for dinner.

The other guests should have been waiting for a long time, so let's start the second question. "

"What are cloth and paper afraid of?"

With the demonstration of the first dish, who would dare to raise their hands.

This answer to the question does not seem like a reward, but why is it like a punishment.

However, they couldn't help but not raise their hands.

Sam stared at them numbly, and said maliciously: "Because the meal time is limited, our game time needs to be controlled.

Since no hands are raised, let me pick a guest to answer the question. "

The wooden hand pointed at someone casually, number 8.

The person living in No. 8 is a middle-aged woman who looks about 40 years old.

The body is relatively fat, with gold ornaments and jade bracelets on the neck and wrists.

It seems that the family economy is good.

At this moment, being pointed at by the puppet butler, she was extremely flustered.

Number 3 was still vomiting and eating live maggots, looking really embarrassed, but she knew she had to answer.

After all, eating bugs is more important than dying.

What are cloth and paper afraid of?
Of course it is fire and scissors, but which should be answered?
"Guest, please answer as soon as possible. You still have 30 seconds to answer. If you exceed the time limit, you will not be able to answer."

Cold sweat began to break out on No. 8's forehead, and he gritted his teeth and replied, "It's fire. Both cloth and paper are afraid of fire."

"Unfortunately, guest No. 8 gave the wrong answer. The answer should be, not (cloth) afraid of [-], only (paper) afraid of [-]."

With regret in her mouth, her eyes were filled with eager salivation, "Next, please invite guest No. 8 to accept her punishment."

The seat at No. 8 suddenly grew hands and feet and a huge mouth. Before the woman could call out, she was swallowed by the big mouth.

Not a trace of blood flowed out, and after eating people, the chair monster turned back into a chair.

This scene stunned everyone.

Didn't you just answer a question wrong?The punishment is to die directly!
Yunfei noticed that after No. 8 was swallowed, the puppet Sam seemed to lick his lips, and there was a trace of blood in his mouth.

When I looked closely, I couldn't see it anymore.

Number 8 is dead, but the game is not over yet.

Sam started asking the third question again.

"One rooster, one hen, guess three words."

This time five people raised their hands.

You have to answer anyway, and at least you have the right to choose if you answer first.

Seeing that the game finally has the meaning of rushing to answer, Sam is very satisfied, "It seems that everyone likes this game very much, and they are very active in answering questions."

"Guest number 10 is the first to raise his hand, let guest number [-] answer this question."

"The answer is: two chickens."

Deng Jian, who lives in Room 10, just graduated from university this year. At this moment, I am very grateful to the brothers in the dormitory.

Like this quiz game, they often play well!
"The answer is correct, please choose your meal."

Deng Jian chose his lucky number 6.

After serving the dishes, he clasped his hands together and prayed for a while before removing the lid.

Luckily, it was a dish of boiled broccoli.

Not only Deng Jian breathed a sigh of relief, but everyone else also breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that there are not only weird bug dishes in the ten dishes, but also normal dishes, which is great.

(End of this chapter)

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