"Question four, two dogs are running a race. Dog A runs fast and dog B runs slowly. When the end is approaching, which dog sweats the most."

This time only three people raised their hands.

Yunfei also raised it.

"Guest No. 1 has a chance to answer."

"The answer is: Dogs don't sweat."

"The answer is correct, please choose the dishes."

"The first set."

Yunfei eats casually, because no matter what kind of dish he gets, he has a way to solve it, so there is no need to get normal dishes.

On the contrary, it’s okay to feel abnormal, and give others a little more chance.

When the dish was served, there was a strong smell of blood.

Yunfei stretched out his hand to uncover it.

Inside is a beating heart...

I have a dirty word in my heart, I don't know if I should say it or not.

He even wondered if this heart was killed and taken on the spot just now, right?

Fortunately, he was already prepared.

"Guests, please dine." After serving the dishes, Sam returned to his original position and continued the following question-and-answer session.

Others were even more frightened when they saw the bloody heart.

It's so disgusting that I can't eat it, and this kind of person can't eat it even more. How perverted is it to be able to eat people's hearts?

Taking advantage of other people's eyes being attracted by the fifth question, Yunfei took out a piece of yellow paper from his trouser pocket with confidence.

Fold it into the shape of a mouth, and after sticking it on his own mouth, the paper talisman immediately becomes invisible.

Then, he used a knife and fork to cut up the heart that was no longer beating, and stuffed it into his mouth calmly.

In the eyes of others, that is his appetite for eating people's hearts.

In fact, Yunfei didn't even touch that thing, the talisman with his mouth invisible was just a conversion talisman.

All the things that entered his mouth were transferred to the storage talisman in his hand, which is equivalent to his mouth at this moment, which is no longer a mouth, but a small invisible space.

But others don't know, the rest of the people in this meeting looked at him with vigilance and a kind of disgust.

There is also fear.

Soon, all ten questions were over.

Because they are all funny topics on the Internet, most people actually understand them more or less.

Except for guest No. 9 who gave the wrong answer and died, everyone else got the answer right.

It was only the first day's dinner, and there were only eight people left alive.

I don't know what will happen later, everyone thought that this is a small game, but it has long been forgotten.

They are likely to have no survivors, which is better than killing games, probably because they don't need to play tricks.

The remaining ones who survived the answer were: No. 2, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, and No. 7.

The dishes obtained are: pig large intestine clear soup, raw mutton, steamed (pig) egg with hibiscus, and spicy hand, sheep blood soup.

Coupled with the number 3 who answered the question correctly, basically everyone swallowed these strange dishes with a grin.

Only Yunfei and No. 10 can eat in peace.

After eating, he felt that the souls of those six people were almost gone.

The puppet butler checked each plate, and only when he was sure that everything was clean did he show a satisfied smile.

"Dinner is over, the rest of the time, guests can arrange their own arrangements, but Sam has to tell you that you are not allowed to go to the basement, and you must return to your room before twelve o'clock."

After speaking, it bounced away.

"Phew, I'm finally leaving." The girl in Room 2 let out a long sigh of relief.

Room 5 was also a girl, wearing a white skirt, white shoes, long black hair, and a childish face.

She covered her mouth, and finally couldn't help it, ran to the trash can and vomited frantically.

Everyone sympathized with this.

Because the ones she picked just now were human hands. Although they were stewed very soft, they were of the same kind. To eat them alive, it all depends on patience.

Room No. 6 is a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, with a curly hair and the attire of a successful person.

Seeing that everyone was still pale and retching, he reminded: "It's already ten o'clock, and we have to go back to the room at twelve o'clock, so there is only one hour left to find clues. It's better for everyone to get back to their senses as soon as possible." .”

"Looking for clues? Why are you looking for clues? Didn't you pass the level after living for seven days? This is not a decryption game."

The man in Room 10 still agreed, "Although it is said that we can live for seven days, but now, let alone live for seven days, we need one dinner. Both of us have to die."

"Also, have you forgotten what this game is called?"

"Castle Royale." No. 3 murmured.

"Yes, why is it called a battle royale? It must be something like this that will happen in the future, right?
How many of us can guarantee that we can live to seven days? "

That's right, I was almost confused by the answers to the questions at night. This game is not a quiz game. Its name is Battle Royale...

Seeing that everyone has come to understand, No. 6 is very satisfied, "Then let's find each other separately."

Others were digging through the sofas, vases, and other things in the living room.

Yunfei was looking for the basement entrance everywhere.

As for games, there must be problems where you are generally prohibited from going.

So he wanted to see if there was a way to get in without disturbing the puppet housekeeper.

First of all, you have to step on the spot.

But others don't know, they feel that he is wandering around with his hands behind his back.

Number 6 frowned, but the woman in Room 7 was dissatisfied and said, "Big brother in Room [-], you can't think you are handsome so you don't have to work, can you? Can you come over and help carry this big vase?"

She doesn't like this kind of sneaky and slippery people the most. There are often such people at work.

Either this is uncomfortable, or that is uncomfortable. I go to the toilet several times a day, and then push the work to my colleagues for help.

So she was annoyed when she saw such foolish people.

After all, she can bear not wanting to make money, but if she does this now, she doesn't want to die, and she can't bear it.

Yunfei didn't explain, and when he came over, he didn't need her to help him, he just raised his hands, and easily picked up the big decorative vase.

The person who was wary of him just now had a new idea in his heart.

This is a ruthless character who can eat the hearts of the living without changing his face. With such strength, he must not be easy to provoke.

That is to say, the stupid woman in room 7 has no brains and dares to piss people off in this kind of game.

In case someone gets angry and cuts her off, it is possible.

Seeing Yunfei's great strength, the eyes of the girl in room 2 flickered.

Tall, handsome and powerful man...

Afterwards, she followed Yunfei all the time, and did some confusing behaviors.

And Yunfei also knew her name, Fu Jia.

Everyone introduced each other. After all, we have to live for so many days, so we can't keep calling people's numbers.

Although Yunfei thinks this is not impossible...

However, some people said their full names, while others only said their first or last names.

For example, the man in Room 3, he said that everyone can call him Quanzi.

No. 4 is surnamed Guan, Mr. Guan.

The girl on number 5 is called Luo Liman.

Room 6 said that he should be the oldest among the crowd, so just call him Brother Bin.

No. 7 Wang Ruiqin.

No. 10 Sun City.

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