The police came and sent the half-dead man and Zhuang Yuanyuan to the hospital.

Then they took notes at the hospital.

Fortunately, Yunfei is not the person in this game, but was summoned.

So he belongs to the black family, the police npc in the game, and he can't find where he is.

As for domestic violence.

The man insisted that it was Zhuang Yuanyuan who seduced him, and then joined forces with his adulterer to beat him seriously.

In cases like this, it is always blamed on family disputes.

After the man repeatedly promised that he would control his temper and would not hit anyone again, the incident passed.

Everyone's attention was on Yunfei who fled in fear of crime after hurting someone.

When only Zhuang Yuanyuan and the man lying on the hospital bed were left in the ward, he showed that sinister expression like a ghost again.

"It's really capable, you dare to bring an adulterer to beat me, just wait for me."

Zhuang Yuanyuan also wanted to swear, what kind of game, and she also wanted to play the role of being domestically abused.

The child is terrified.

She was a little worried about whether she would cast a shadow on the child.

If it affects Berry's mental health, it would be too wronged.

Although it was an accident between her and Yuan Shen, as a father, he is qualified.

Berry is now clinging to her father, her father is not such a domestic violence thing.

"What are you doing there? Why don't you hurry up and buy me food?"

"Damn it, why did I spend so much on medical expenses?"

"You call your hometown and ask them to send you some more money, otherwise you two won't have to eat."

The man was cursing, even though his body was swollen and scabbed with blood, he still looked the best of me.

Seeing that today's mother-in-law did not kneel down to beg him, his expression was a little dissatisfied.

Those mung bean eyes looked at Zhuang Yuanyuan and Zhuang Berry viciously.

Zhuang Yuanyuan ignored him, took advantage of his inconvenience, and left the hospital with Berry in her arms.

As for the address, she already knew it just now.

As soon as she walked out of the hospital, someone grabbed her hand, and when she looked back, it was Yunfei wearing a hat.

She was a little panicked, and quickly checked to see if there were any policemen around.

The family of three walked to a remote alley.

Yunfei asked her, "Why don't you take the elixir? It hurts so much."

"Don't dare to eat it. If the injuries are all healed, will these npcs think something is wrong with me?"

Zhuang Yuanyuan knew that Yunfei was special, after all, she had obtained so many strange talismans.

I also know that he knows some mysterious magic, just as cool as in the novel.

So he gave her some life-saving pills, and she didn't find it strange.

Paper cranes can fly and paper people can move. What else is there to be surprised about?
"It's okay, I heard about this game, and there are also some healing props, such as band-aids, which disappear after being pasted on the wound.

Our elixir, if eaten, is just a cure, much more low-key than them. "

Having said that, of course Zhuang Yuanyuan would not wrong herself again, and quickly took out the pill from the storage amulet to eat.

These spells, as long as they know the spells to use, ordinary people can also use them.

So many talismans, they can all be used.

Yunfei is hugging Zhuang Berry to comfort him at the moment.

"Did you scare Berry today?"

"Hmm..." The little girl started to sob again, her little hands tightly wrapped around his neck.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, the bad guy has already been defeated by Dad, right?"

"This is all fake, did my parents tell Berry that we are now participating in different games.

This time the game is to go to someone else's house and play the role of the young lady of that family, Berry Berry can do it, right? "

Berry, two years and seven months old, looked at him with teary eyes.

That dazed look, of course I don't understand.

There was no other way, the two had no choice but to coax her more, trying to minimize the shadow just now.

Afterwards, Yunfei followed behind them, secretly protecting them and returning to the dilapidated building at the beginning.



Zhuang Yuanyuan stood in front of the dilapidated iron door with Berry in her arms, and then opened it with the key in her pocket.

The things in the house were dilapidated and dilapidated.

But tidy up.

Life at home should be very bad, the TV screen is cracked, and the bowls in the cupboard are cracked.

There are also clothes hanging by the window, holes and mending.

In a house with one bedroom and one living room, the only room is very narrow, and the bed is also made of wooden boards and benches.

There was also a cardboard bed on the floor, for there was an old large pillow and a small pillow on it.

It seems that the mother and daughter they play sleep here.

Zhuang Yuanyuan felt that she couldn't stay in this broken game for a while.

The adoptive mother's family is poor, but they have never treated her badly. She has not been so miserable that she has no place to sleep when she grows up.

In the kitchen, it was even more bleak.

There is no bowl of rice in the rice bucket, and there is no refrigerator or other things. Instead, there are two flower pots in the corner with leeks and cabbage growing on them.

Damn it, can't you?No way?

It turned out that the mother and daughter could not survive by eating boiled vegetable leaves?

I can't even eat it every day...

That man didn't look like he would be a householder at first glance.

So many things happened on the first day of the game, the mother and daughter were also tired, so they ate some storage talismans together, then tore down the cardboard shop and fell asleep in the living room.

In the middle of the night, she suddenly heard the sound of the key turning the doorknob.

There is only one person who is most likely to open the door with a key in this home.

She immediately got up vigilantly, pinching several pieces of talisman paper in her hand.

When something sounded, he quickly took out the stroller, then picked up the sleeping Zhuang Berry and put it in.

Sure enough, she had just settled the child down when she felt the wind blowing from behind, and quickly squatted down.

The man, that is, Chen Xing, was holding an iron pipe and standing viciously behind her.

The weirdest thing was that he was completely healed from such a serious injury during the day!
Zhuang Yuanyuan was extremely nervous, and quickly used a few Vajra Talismans.

She is just an ordinary girl, but she can't beat this kind of strong man with special skills.

Seeing that one blow failed, Chen Xing became angry.

He growled: "Everyone downstairs is saying today, you talked to that man in 502, didn't you?"


Isn't she in the hospital with him today?
Could it be that they replaced what happened to the mother and daughter today?
Sure enough, the next moment her mouth began to speak uncontrollably.

"I didn't. He just praised the cuteness of the little girl. I ignored him."

The tone here should be a bit of pleading in fear, but Zhuang Yuanyuan didn't cooperate, and the words she spoke were dry.

"Cute? Damn girl, she's so cute. Let me tell you, she doesn't look like me at all. Co-authoring is not my kind."

"Tell me, is that dead girl the seed of that stinky man from 502?"

"No, I don't, Yaya is your daughter."

"Bitch, if you still dare to lie to me, I'll beat you to death right now, and then I'll chop up that bastard grandson and feed it to the dogs!"

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