The next moment, the windy iron pipe waved towards Zhuang Yuanyuan.

Fortunately, I was prepared this time, and saw that the iron pipe slammed down, but finally hit the golden mask.

Chen Xing was stunned, probably because he failed to beat his wife for the first time.

But in the next second, he resumed his viciousness, striking frantically.

After a dozen or twenty repeated knocks, the golden mask shattered. He was about to laugh but found that there was another layer.

Gritting his teeth, he looked at Zhuang Berry in the stroller.

With such a big movement, she was awakened long ago.

At this moment, when he met those tyrannical eyes, his small mouth shrunk, and tears fell down.

It's just that she didn't dare to cry.

Chen Xing started to attack the baby carriage, but let alone it was a defensive prop, he couldn't break it at all.

Not to mention the Vajra Talisman that Zhuang Yuanyuan put on it.

Seeing that he couldn't hit the mother and daughter, Chen Xing stopped, and said viciously, "Oh, I'll kill the adulterer first, and then I'll send you two to hell."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Zhuang Yuanyuan hurriedly pushed the baby carriage to follow.

There are no elevators in old buildings, so she can only pick up Zhuang Berry, put the stroller up, and run up the stairs.

Only halfway through the run, I heard screams.

After going up, I saw many people gathered around the door of 502.

Suddenly people shouted in horror, "Oh my God, a murder!" Then they all tried to run away.

Zhuang Yuanyuan also saw several players.

Chen Xing held up a blood-dripping knife and would stab anyone he met.

In the blink of an eye, three of the neighbors who came out to watch the excitement in their pajamas also died.

He started to go towards the player.

The npcs were still yelling in horror, "Quick, call the police."

Because of Chen Xing's viciousness, no one dared to step forward to stop him.

The players also had no intention of cooperating, and used props to resist when they were found. Many of them hid in the escaped NPCs and escaped.

Chen Xing saw Zhuang Yuanyuan again, with bloodthirsty excitement on his face.

"Your adulterer was killed by me. Later, I will chop him into pieces and wash them down the sewer."

Zhuang Yuanyuan......

Mom, there are perverts here!
She turned around and wanted to run, but was suddenly held in place by some force.

She didn't feel anything after that, but she was forcibly pushed down to the ground and received a message reminder at the same time.

[Number of times baby carriages are used -1. 】

In other words, just now, she suffered a fatal blow.

And this force, insisting on holding her down on the ground, is it to make her act like a dead person?

Thinking of this, Zhuang Yuanyuan's face turned pale. If Yuan Shen hadn't given her the stroller, would she really have died just now?

The stroller has two defense modes. After binding, it can block fatal attacks for her even in the package.

But if it is not fatal, it must lie in a stroller to be defensive.

No matter how petite she is, she still weighs 90 kilograms. How can she lie in the stroller, the only way is to let Zhuang Berry lie down.

This was also in consideration, so Yunfei gave her the things without hesitation.

Seeing Zhuang Yuanyuan "dead", Chen Xing was very satisfied, and then began to knock on doors from door to door.

Residents who were accidentally deceived not only died on the spot when they opened the door, but even their sleeping relatives at home were not spared.

This night, several households in this building were bloodbathed.

It was agreed to call the police, but the police failed to wait.


Its daybreak.

The scene actually began to change.

Zhuang Yuanyuan hugged the sleeping Berry and suddenly returned to No. 403.

How is this going?

She walked to the window with the child in her arms, and found that the people downstairs were normal, and everyone seemed to have just returned from grocery shopping.

Many people either just got off work to carry the dishes, or just picked up their children.

And the aunt I saw yesterday appeared downstairs again.

The most frightening thing was that there were many faces, and Zhuang Yuanyuan saw them fall with her own eyes last night.

Now someone is alive...

In order to find out what was going on, she was about to go out and ask someone, but she heard a knock on the door.

Zhuang Yuanyuan immediately became vigilant.

who can that be?

Chen Xing?
No, Chen Xing has the key.

"Yuanyuan, it's me, Yuanshen."

Hearing the familiar voice, she, who was still apprehensive, immediately relaxed.

Berry Berry heard it too, rubbed her eyes, and asked in a daze, "Is it Dad?"

"Well, Dad is here, and Mom is going to open the door for Dad."

Although she heard Yunfei's voice, Zhuang Yuanyuan still did not relax her vigilance.

She used a Vajra Talisman to open the door.

No way, the door of this house has no peepholes.

Fortunately, it was Yunfei standing outside.

"Come in quickly." She hurriedly pulled him in, looked around for a while, and then went back to the room to close the door.

It's like a secret joint.

"Where did you stay last night? I found a very strange thing." Zhuang Yuanyuan told everything that happened last night.

Then he concluded: "I was thinking, is the game refreshing?"

Yunfei asked, "Is it possible, is it a restart?"


"Refreshing is to clean up the killed monsters, and then release the copied monsters.

Restart is to restart at a fixed point every day, and everything will return to the way it was yesterday.

In other words, the time in this game is only one day, and you will live the same day repeatedly. "

The reason why I say this is because Yunfei has already observed it on the way here.

Many things that happened were similar to yesterday.

He ran away after beating someone yesterday, and saw many people and things along the way, so he discovered that they were doing the same thing as yesterday.

The time point also came when he was summoned in yesterday.

The difference is that Zhuang Yuanyuan is not in the park today, and Chen Xing has not come back to beat her.

Yunfei guessed that it might be because she just entered the game yesterday and stayed outside for a long time, someone informed Chen Xing, that's why he rushed back to beat her.

The informer lived in this building.

"Then, Chen Xing will "kill" me again tonight, right?"


"This..." Zhuang Yuanyuan frowned.

Although she doesn't know much about the props in this game, it's definitely not easy to get props like baby carriages that can save lives ten times.

This is lost once every night, what a waste.

What a loss!

"So, the condition for us to clear the game this time is to break the cycle?"

Yunfei also nodded solemnly, "I think the probability is high, so we must find a breakthrough as soon as possible."

This is not a game where you can go out after living for seven days.

If you can't get out all the time, don't you have to cycle all the time?
Zhuang Yuanyuan probably really died after the number of strollers was used up.

"In this way, you go to other players to inquire about the news first, and I will go to the npcs to make a routine.

We have to be on guard and not let those players know that there is still an eleventh player here.

After all, no one knows who they are playing and whether they are hostile to you.

So I want to be your hole card, hiding in the dark to help you. "

"it is good."

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