At this time, everyone is very simple, and it is normal to meet fellow villagers when they go out, and after they get to know each other, they often call them home to drink and eat.

Xu Chuntao has never doubted Sister Hong's husband, after all he is 46.

Old, simple and honest, warm and loyal, he looks like a man who cares about his family.

"Then why did you hide the little girl?"

Miss Hong didn't speak anymore, why?Of course it was too much hate, leaving a child to deal with her.

The flames completely consumed her body.

Holding her dazed child in her arms, Xu Chuntao also disappeared.

[Congratulations to the player for completing the game "Old Things in Old Buildings" and reaching the hidden ending. 】

Everyone was teleported out, and then the rewards began to be settled.

The completion of the hidden ending means that they over-completed the game, and even killed important npcs.

In the future, 504 in this game will no longer be a thinking Hongjie, but just like other npcs without thinking,
In fact, there is no need to kill Sister Hong in this game.

As long as Xu Chuntao finds the child, he will pass the level if he learns the truth.

But the game is over, don't worry about it anymore.

Zhuang Yuanyuan and Berry Berry haven't come out yet, probably because they need to settle the rewards.

As for players like Yunfei, there is no reward.

He looked at the watch on his wrist, found his personal information and looked at it.

Time between next games: 167 hours and 57 minutes.

Sure enough, boosting the game is also counted as entering the game, so there is no need to sign up for an additional time.

Yunfei heaved a sigh of relief, went to the kitchen, fetched water and lit the fire to cook.


It has been three years since the arrival of the weird game.

In the past three years, everyone has become accustomed to the frequency of participating in a game every seven days.

The number of people around the world is decreasing sharply, leaving only one-third of the former population.

As early as three years ago, Yunfei brought his wife and daughter to live in the capital.

Ever since the country discovered that many npcs were actually ghosts, they began to vigorously recruit Buddhists, Taoists and other special talents.

He also lived in a courtyard by relying on a spell.

Both materials and information are tilted towards those who are treated preferentially.

At the People's Square, detailed information and customs clearance conditions for each game are posted.

And it is updated every day.

If a new game comes out, the military will organize people to open up wasteland.

Now there are more and more watch functions, such as trading squares, new games and so on.

The whole world, kind of like a game you've ever played.

Under such circumstances, each country has no intention of engaging in any aggression, and each develops in its own country.

After all, the capital is the capital, and the development is the best.

Schools have been rebuilt.

The trading square of the game is no longer only able to trade props, but also the game interval time.

In other words, as long as someone is willing, that time can be given away.

This is what the teachers in the school charge for tuition.

Yunfei will lead the team into the game basically every other two.

Because leading a team is also a profession.

The number of days between charges depends on the difficulty of the game.

When he gets the time, he will transfer it to Berry and pay the tuition and so on.

And his talisman can also sell interval time.

Therefore, with his current financial situation, it is entirely possible for Zhuang Yuanyuan and her daughter to never enter the game again.

But Zhuang Yuanyuan is not that kind of cowardly person, she dare not entrust her life to him.

She was afraid that after Yunfei left, the mother and daughter would not be able to survive.

So she keeps growing.

When not in the game, I just follow the instructor to learn and exercise, and never dare to relax.

There is a game every seven days, and she will go there if she is basically free.

As long as the time on the watch has not run out, it can be accumulated now after entering the game and then exiting.

Berry is occasionally brought into the game. This world is like this. Only by becoming stronger can you survive.

Neither Yunfei nor Zhuang Yuanyuan dared to relax their education to her.

Both civil and martial arts must be learned well.

Over the years, the country has also gained some understanding of the things that manipulate this game.

They were very suspicious that it was the work of a big shot in the upper world.

The global birth rate is low, but there are many ghosts. The hell is already full of ghosts, and they can only come to the human world.

And in order to prevent chaos in the world, they can only be forced to coexist.

In order to let human beings get used to these ghosts, this game with many rules was set up.

Constraints on both sides, the jungle preys on the strong.


Zhuang Berry, who is already six years old, is still so cute.

She has a round face, big eyes and long hair like her mother. Zhuang Yuanyuan also likes to dress her up, so she wears all kinds of cute tutu skirts every day.

The country has collected those available materials and opened a department store.

Use rice noodles to exchange things or the number of game days in between.

Clothes like these have basically become masterpieces. After all, machines and animals are gone now, so I can only make clothes by hand.

Therefore, the prices of clothes in department stores are extremely high.

There are different little skirts to wear every day, and they already belong to the big family.

Yunfei also collected a lot of things in the space when the world first started to be chaotic, which is equivalent to restocking.

On the last plane, his inventory was basically exhausted, and now it is full again.

When Chuang Berry came home from school, he smelled the smell of baked bread, and involuntarily quickened his pace.

"Dad, what are you doing delicious?"

"It's baking bread."

There is no electricity, so Yunfei built an earth kiln oven and made a lot of delicacies.

"smell good!"

"Little greedy cat, I haven't done you any harm at ordinary times."

"That Berry still wants to eat toast." Zhuang Berry took a deep breath of the aroma before going back to the house to put away her schoolbag.

Zhuang Yuanyuan has entered the game. According to the time, she should be back today, so they waited for her to come out before eating.

Soon, a young woman in sportswear appeared in the room.

When I came out, I saw my daughter and...

"Mom, you're back, are you hurt?"

"No, have you been obedient, are you tired from school?"

"Not tired, there are a lot of children, super fun."

Zhuang Yuanyuan smiled, kissed her little cheek before sitting down.

"I heard about the new game you went to this time?" Yunfei asked after filling her with soup.

"Yes, the ancient oiran is a bit powerful."

"The recent ghosts are getting older and more difficult to deal with."

Zhuang Yuanyuan took it very seriously, "Oh, I don't know when it will be the first time."

For three full years, everyone has had no entertainment at all.

Every day I enter the game to earn my life.

Although many games have been announced now, and the death rate is not high, it is not 100% that no one dies.

Thinking of this, she thought of her poor mother again.

After the meal, I plan to put a stick of incense on her to report her safety.

Berry gnawed on the chicken leg and suddenly laughed.

She asked curiously: "What's the matter? What happy things did you think of, baby?"

"Berry Berry just thinks she is so happy."

That little expression is flattering.

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